Life Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Wed, 02 Aug 2023 19:39:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 9 tips for hand care Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:39:40 +0000 The condition of the hands is an indicator of a person’s age and general health. With the help of plastic surgery, you can “rejuvenate” the skin on the face and get rid of excess fat. …

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The condition of the hands is an indicator of a person’s age and general health. With the help of plastic surgery, you can “rejuvenate” the skin on the face and get rid of excess fat. But even this method of rejuvenation will be useless if there is no proper hand care.

To maintain healthy and beautiful skin on your hands, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Wash your hands. Hand washing is necessary and recommended before and after sleeping, after using the toilet and before eating. Hands should be washed with warm water. Otherwise, the skin loses moisture and fats, becomes dry and rough. It is always advisable to use toilet soap or gel. They contain special moisturizing additives. After washing your hands, wipe them dry. It is strictly forbidden to go outside with wet hands. This can cause redness and peeling of the skin of the hands.
  2. Protect hands from cold. In winter, in severe frosts, it is recommended to wear gloves and mittens made of natural materials. The cold has a harmful effect on the skin, and gloves made of artificial materials do not breathe well, due to which the hands sweat and lose moisture.
  3. Protect your hands from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet rays has a negative effect on the skin of the hands, causing its dehydration and damage. When staying in the sun for a long time, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with the help of creams that contain protective filters, such as Daylong Extreme SPF 50+.
  4. Protect your hands at home. When cleaning the apartment, wear good quality gloves. Detergents contain aggressive substances that have a negative effect on the epidermis, drying it. As a result, the skin becomes rough and dry. Cotton gloves are used for prolonged cleaning. Also, nourishing creams should be applied to the skin, thus combining a skin-pleasing procedure with routine housework.
  5. Get used to applying cream on your hands. Put tubes of creams in places where you stay for a long time – at work, at home, in your car. These measures will allow you to get used to regular care of the skin of your hands and reduce the effects of stress on it.
  6. Take vitamin supplements. To maintain the skin of the hands in good condition, it is necessary to drink enough water and regularly take vitamins – retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) such as Redoxon. They have an antioxidant effect on the skin and prevent the breakdown of collagen fibers.
  7. Take care of elbows. The skin on the elbows is very. It is desirable to clean the elbows with a scrub (or pumice stone). After washing, apply an oily cream. You can add to the cream lemon juice.
  8. Healthy food. The skin on the hands constantly needs nutrients and trace elements. Their source is healthy food. Beautiful and healthy skin is the result of a varied, healthy and balanced diet. Fresh greens, milk, meat, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, bread (cereal products), vegetable dishes and fruits should be present in the diet.
  9. Hand massage. It promotes blood flow, normalizes the condition of muscles and ligaments during and after exercise. Hand exercises will also be useful.

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Methods for Weight Loss Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:06:49 +0000 The most common weight loss method is fasting. This term often has a negative connotation, which is why in scientific works the expression “fasting-dietary treatment” is preferred. Unfortunately, fasting is not widely used, despite numerous …

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The most common weight loss method is fasting. This term often has a negative connotation, which is why in scientific works the expression “fasting-dietary treatment” is preferred. Unfortunately, fasting is not widely used, despite numerous studies across various medical fields. Although the Ministries of Health of various countries have approved long periods of therapeutic fasting under the supervision of a nutritionist or dietitian, fasting is rarely used by people due to fear of complications.

Intermittent Fasting

For individuals with moderate overweight, a single long course of fasting may be sufficient to loss excess weight. However, people with severe obesity may require an intermittent fasting method. This approach involves a short course of fasting (10-15 days), followed by recovery and a “normal life” period of the same duration (30-45 days in total), with the course repeated approximately 10 times.

“Dry” Fasting

The “dry” fasting method can be widely applicable in medical practice and sports. This short-term fasting technique can be implemented in daily conditions. While typical water fast may lead to a weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per day, a “dry” fast can result in a weight loss of up to 3 kg per day.

How to start fasting

Before beginning a fast, it is important to “cleanse” the intestines. Two commonly used methods for colon cleansing are enemas and laxatives such as Glycoprep Powder or Bekunis. Enemas clean the colon, but do not the small intestine. On the other hand, saline laxatives provide a more thorough cleansing from the stomach to the large intestine. Glycoprep Powder is available in powder form and is taken in proportion to body weight. It acts osmotically, preventing reabsorption of digestive juices and promoting relaxation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is essential to drink a lot of water during this process. Bekunis produces a laxative effect, which is achieved through stimulation of the large bowel. The active ingredient in these tablets is made using natural senna glycosides which are derived from the plant Senna. Its mechanism of action involves stimulating colonic motility, which helps to accelerate colonic transit.

During dry fasting, the body takes water from fat cells, which leads to faster fat burning, compared to regular fasting, and muscle tissue does not decrease. Short-term fasting does not typically cause weakness; in fact, it can lead to increased energy and productivity. This response is an evolutionary adaptation, as a hungry person is motivated to seek food promptly. Any initial fatigue disappears by the third day of fasting, replaced by a sense of calmness. Additionally, waterless fasting can stimulate the central nervous system and have antidepressant effects.

For systematic weight loss, dry fasting for 1-3 days per week is sufficient. After regulal fasting, a person can quickly gain weight again, and after a short dry fasting, recovery of adipose tissue is rare. Following a dry fast, a rehabilitation period is recommended.

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5 Steps to Improve Health and Boost Immunity Sun, 09 Jul 2023 05:59:00 +0000 Regrettably, scientists have yet to discover a universal remedy for all illnesses. However, there are beneficial guidelines that, when followed, can help the body recover and become resilient against most diseases. The main thing to …

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Regrettably, scientists have yet to discover a universal remedy for all illnesses. However, there are beneficial guidelines that, when followed, can help the body recover and become resilient against most diseases. The main thing to do is to strengthen the immune system. Let’s consider five tips that will help you be healthy, active and resist various viruses and bacteria.

  1. Unveiling the Secrets of Immunity.

In ancient times, it was believed that individuals with robust immunity were entirely immune to diseases. Centuries later, it became evident that a daily battle occurs within the body between harmful microbes and defender cells. The immune system is a complex system involving the thymus gland, spleen, bone marrow, and various cells. By consistently strengthening the immune system, person can actively maintain health at an optimal level.

  1. Resistance Against Stress.

Extensive research has shown that stress occupies the top spot as the leading cause of weakened immunity. Uncontrolled emotions, in particular, are considered detrimental. Engaging in physical activity can be usefull this situation. Taking a walk in the park, fresh air, or going for a run can be beneficial. Sharing emotions with a trusted friend or expressing them through writing can also help. The key is to avoid isolation, as negative emotions will undoubtedly impact overall health.

  1. Daily Routine.

Humans require adequate rest. While some people can be healthy and productive on eight hours of sleep, others may need at least ten. Constant lack of sleep increases a person’s risk of catching a cold. It is futile to rely on catching up on sleep during the weekends, as it leads to a loss of energy and weakened immunity. Avoid working during nighttime or staying up late to watch television series. Taking regular walks during the day is essential. This does not include quick trips to the grocery store but rather leisurely walks in the park, contemplation the surrounding nature and breathing in the fresh air. During these walks, it’s best to focus on the present moment and not worry about breakfast preparations.

  1. Add Probiotics To Your Diet.

Include foods in your diet that are rich in live bacteria. Yogurts and fermented milk products are excellent choices. These bacteria effectively colonize the intestinal microflora, thus strengthening the immune system. Before purchasing a starter for homemade yogurt, it is important to conduct a probiotic sensitivity test to determine any potential allergies or stomach discomfort. Homemade starter cultures can be consumed half an hour before meals. When buying yogurt from the store, carefully read the label and check the expiration date. Remember, a longer expiration date may indicate a lower-quality product.

  1. Eat Food Rich In Vitamins.

Vitamins, especially vitamin C, are very important for the active functioning of the immune system. If a person has a deficiency of ascorbic acid, in addition to hair loss, poor condition of nails and skin, he will often catch colds. In this case, it is necessary to regularly eat bell peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, and greens and take special drugs, for example, Redox-C or Redoxon.


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Principles of body treatment: blood Fri, 23 Jun 2023 11:40:57 +0000 In this article, let us consider information about blood. Try to imagine that blood supplies cells with nutrients 24 hours a day. It should be noted that blood not only delivers vital elements, but also …

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In this article, let us consider information about blood. Try to imagine that blood supplies cells with nutrients 24 hours a day. It should be noted that blood not only delivers vital elements, but also removes metabolic products from cells. Imagine how blood moves through the vessels and realize how many reactions occur in the body every second.

Amazing facts about blood:

  • a quarter of all cells in our body are red blood cells, but most cells are non-human cells (bacteria).
  • one erythrocyte travels throughout the body in 20 seconds and performs a thousand such cycles per day, transporting oxygen to the cells for several months, and then is destroyed by the body’s immune system.

If you are sick, the treatment of the body largely depends on the health of the blood. Sometimes, in order to cure a person, it is necessary to transfuse him with the blood of a healthy person, a blood substitute, or certain blood components. Research shows that blood transfusion is necessary for certain oncological diseases. Unfortunately, this method of treatment is not always effective, sometimes it has to be combined with medical treatment, for example, Clokeran or Genkeran. These medicines are cytostatics, antitumor drugs. They interact with nucleophilic centers of DNA and RNA (especially guanidine bases), forming strong covalent bonds with them, which disrupts DNA replication and damages RNA. Due to this, these drugs are used to treat lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia.

There is such a thing as “anti-cancer blood”. If a person eats “anti-cancer” products, his body produces such blood every day. Everyone knows that almost everything that people eat is absorbed and enters the body. The composition of the blood reflects what a person drank, smoked, ate and absorbed in the last few months!

If a person smokes a cigarette and drinks a cup of instant coffee in the morning, and on his lunch break goes to McDonald’s, eats a Big Mac and drinks a Coke, then the blood cells produced that day will contain what is in the cigarettes, instant coffee, Big Mac and Coke. And if we figure out what bigmaks, cigarettes, colas and other harmful foods are made of, then we will understand how many “poisons” people half-consciously (because they don’t do it consciously) eat and what kind of blood will circulate in the veins in the next few months.

So what foods should be eaten so that the blood contains “anti-cancer” substances? Such products include fresh juices, healthy food (fish, eggs, greens, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, nuts, cereals, potatoes and pasta) and water. Such foods help a person to be healthy and energetic, and also improve sleep, sex, mood and brain functioning. Healthy blood containing useful substances prevents the development of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and depression. You just need to help the body make such good blood!


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What to do if you often have no appetite? Sat, 29 Apr 2023 14:52:35 +0000 There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce …

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There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce appetite. However, there is a large group of people who have faced the opposite problem – lack of appetite. Long-term lack of appetite is not good for our body, but you can stimulate it in very simple ways. Let’s consider several ways to increase your appetite and maintain your health.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity (and not necessarily very intense) has a positive effect on improving appetite and contributes to the normalization of digestion and metabolism in the human body. Thirty minutes of exercise a day is enough to solve the problem of lack of appetite completely. You can do aerobic exercises, running, swimming, walking – any exercises and sports that stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, saturate the whole body with oxygen. After training, your appetite will improve and you will enjoy eating.


Green vegetables are recommended during the treatment of almost any disease, because they are very useful for health. They contain vitamin C, vitamin K, are rich in fiber, so they are useful for weight loss, but they have many other useful properties. Green vegetables also improve appetite in children. Lettuce, cabbage, chicory, watercress, sorrel contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its activity, increase appetite and, in addition, also contribute to better absorption of many trace elements, in particular zinc. Especially useful are bitter green vegetables, which stimulate an increase in appetite.

Drink more water

Water is vitally important for the entire body. It is not only necessary for certain vital processes and basic functions of the body, but also cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism and thereby regulates abnormal appetite. Therefore, drinking enough water quickly helps to increase appetite. The optimal amount of liquid needed by the body during the day is 8 glasses of still mineral water. Also, it is useful to drink tea during the day and eat soup once a day. In addition, a lot of water is contained in fresh fruits and vegetables – let there be more of these products in your diet.

When normalizing appetite, it is important not to forget that you need to change some eating habits and understand the reasons for the deterioration. It is also better to avoid stress, because the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, second only to the nervous system, is disturbed due to stress. Try to implement these recommendations, but remember that lack of appetite can be one of the symptoms of some diseases, and in this case you will need the help of a specialist. Therefore, consult a doctor, because with some diseases it is absolutely necessary to take medication (for example, with Addison’s disease – Prednisone, with ulcerative colitis – Salazopyrin), and some of them are very dangerous, so they must be treated as soon as possible.

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How not to catch a cold in the spring Sat, 29 Apr 2023 14:46:55 +0000 Especially in the spring, the human body is weak and there is a high possibility of catching a cold. Many people take vitamins or special remedies to prevent colds, but this is not enough to …

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Especially in the spring, the human body is weak and there is a high possibility of catching a cold. Many people take vitamins or special remedies to prevent colds, but this is not enough to save your body from colds, so it is necessary to follow some rules, with which you will strengthen your immunity and protect your body from diseases.

How to protect yourself from flu, colds and other diseases?

First of all, in order not to get colds and flu, you need to follow a healthy diet, as the human body is very weak in the spring and needs, above all, healthy products. It is necessary to include vegetable and animal proteins in the diet (100 g of protein per day is quite enough), as they have a positive effect on blood circulation, contribute to synthesis processes, and in addition increase bone strength. In addition to proteins, fats also have a positive effect on the body. Useful fats are found in butter and vegetable oil. Fruits also play an important role for the body, as they contain a lot of vitamins. Such fruits as apples, tangerines, persimmons, pomegranates, as well as juices from these fruits are very useful. And the most useful are fruits that are grown in your country and that they are not exotic or greenhouse.

It is not recommended to consume such products as chips and various types of fast food in the spring, as they contain harmful substances and do not contain substances useful for our body at all. It is best to give up these products or replace them with, for example, fruits, vegetables, meat broth, dairy products, which have a beneficial effect on our body.

Vitamin complexes will help you get rid of vitamin deficiencies. The composition must contain ascorbic acid, because it best strengthens immunity and reduces the risk of catching a cold. You can buy high-quality vitamin C pills at this link.

In ancient times, for the treatment of flu and colds, people used various folk remedies, among which tinctures made from healing herbs, such as rose hips, lemon balm extract, lemon, as well as onion and garlic, were particularly effective.

In today’s world, doctors and scientists strongly recommend getting vaccinated against the flu, because it helps not only to reduce the risk of getting the flu, but also to prevent other forms of this disease. It has been repeatedly proven that vaccination is the most effective means. People who are vaccinated are satisfied with the result and do not get sick for a long time.

If a person is sick with the flu, it is necessary to take special antiviral drugs, such as Antiflu. It is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza (flu). If you already have the flu it can be taken to reduce the symptoms and decrease recovery time.


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Debunking 4 vitamin myths Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:01:03 +0000 These useful substances are the main element of human nutrition, without which a person cannot be healthy. Of course, vitamins cannot be seen, but their influence on our body cannot be overestimated. They are necessary …

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These useful substances are the main element of human nutrition, without which a person cannot be healthy. Of course, vitamins cannot be seen, but their influence on our body cannot be overestimated. They are necessary for many processes, but primarily for digestion, improving the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and regulating metabolism. Regular consumption of vitamins gives many positive benefits. But some people are still afraid that they can “overeat” vitamins and do not believe that taking supplements is useful. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and debunk the most popular myths about vitamins.

The first myth. A person cannot be completely sure that he has a lack of vitamins.

Despite the fact that each vitamin has a certain effect on each organ, the lack of an element can be recognized by certain signs:

– there is a feeling of drowsiness, irritability, decreased concentration, productivity and memory performance;

– often suffers from acute respiratory viral and bacterial diseases;

– visual impairment;

– dry skin;

– rash, itching and boils;

– bumps and cracks on the lips;

– bleeding gums when brushing teeth.

The second myth. If a person eats a balanced diet, he gets all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Unfortunately, this is a mistake. For example, to get the required amount of vitamin B1, you need to eat 1 kg of red meat per day. But it is impossible to eat so much meat, and you have to eat other foods. In addition, it is possible to say with confidence that only a few people eat a balanced diet. In addition, modern food is far from ideal, and sometimes it contains more harmful than useful elements.

The third myth. All the most important substances are contained in vegetables and fruits.

This is partly true. But eating a couple of apples and carrots cannot solve all problems. Vegetables and fruits actually have a lot of vitamin C and folic acid and that. But there are not so many other vitamins in them. To get such vitamins as K, E and B, you need to consume such food products as meat, liver, oil and eggs, milk and fermented milk products, cereals.

The fourth myth. Supplements are not identical to natural vitamins and are therefore less useful. Vitamins from natural products are better absorbed.

This is a myth. There are supplements that are completely similar to natural products. Moreover, the ratio of vitamins in tablets can be completely balanced and meet the needs of the body, as for example in Chela-Ferr Forte. In addition, it is impossible to cure anemia without this or a similar drug. The process of manufacturing such drugs has long been known and guarantees effectiveness. In addition, ascorbic acid in tablets (for example, Gold-Vit C 1000 Forte) is stored better and longer than in vegetables. Also, after eating fruit, the body needs to extract the useful substances before absorbing them. For people with gastrointestinal diseases, this can be problematic.

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How not to get sick in spring? Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:58:20 +0000 As a rule, many people get sick in the spring. In this article, let’s consider why this happens and how to avoid spring colds. It’s not just about spring vitamin deficiency. After all, many people, …

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As a rule, many people get sick in the spring. In this article, let’s consider why this happens and how to avoid spring colds. It’s not just about spring vitamin deficiency. After all, many people, one way or another, regularly take useful substances necessary for the body in the form of supplements, or eat healthy foods, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Well, such goods are in excess today. So why do people get sick so often in the spring? The reasons for such troubles are often very banal.

Many older people catch a cold in the spring, but in most cases it turns out that they are to blame for this. You have probably noticed that many of your older relatives wear warm clothes even when it is warm or even hot outside. Many people of this age perceive the beginning of spring as winter, and even in sunny and warm weather, older people continue to wear jackets and down jackets. Most do this because they do not notice the changes in the climate that have taken place on earth in recent years. But the weather changes from year to year, and in most countries it is getting warmer.

Advise your grandparents to wear light jackets or similar clothing; nowadays there are quite a few types of warm outerwear for every season. It is important for a person to feel comfortable while spending time in the fresh air. Otherwise, a person may catch a cold, as immunity weakens.

The same applies to children. Of course, the main thing is that the child does not get cold, but do not forget that children are much more active than adults, they move more, and therefore they can sweat and later get sick.

Young people also get sick in the spring. On the contrary, they wear short skirts and light jackets even in cool weather. It also has a negative impact on health. In addition to the common cold, it can provoke chronic cystitis, sinusitis or frontitis. These diseases can have serious complications. Because of this, a person has to spend time not in the fresh air with a cheerful group of friends, but in a hospital bed. Is it worth it?

But you can get sick in the spring for other reasons. If you have not been vaccinated against the flu, you can get sick with this disease in the spring. This is not an ordinary SARS, the flu is very dangerous for older people, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases. To avoid this disease, do not be in crowded places and wear a mask in shops, transport, etc. But if you get the flu, don’t delay and take special antiviral drugs like Amantrel or Antiflu as soon as possible. These drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of influenza (flu). They can be taken to prevent getting the flu, or if you already have the flu it can be taken to reduce the symptoms and decrease recovery time.

Unhealthy food is also the cause of colds. People often drink coffee instead of juice in the morning, and coffee or a sandwich instead of lunch at work. An unbalanced diet negatively affects the liver, pancreas and immune system. This significantly increases the risk of catching a cold.

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How to support liver health? Wed, 15 Mar 2023 16:46:04 +0000 The liver is an important organ, one of whose functions is detoxification. The body can get rid of free radicals and toxic substances on its own, so you don’t need to drink miracle cocktails or …

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The liver is an important organ, one of whose functions is detoxification. The body can get rid of free radicals and toxic substances on its own, so you don’t need to drink miracle cocktails or anything like that. It is necessary to maintain the health of the liver. How to do it?

Have you ever felt a lack of appetite, weakness or nausea? We are sure that there were such cases. Remember, at these moments you could drink? Most likely, yes. This happens because the liver “requires” liquid that helps “wash out” harmful accumulations of toxins.

Fasting also helps liver health in some cases. One of the most common and well-known ways to fast is religious fasting, which is usually based on a normal healthy diet. It is not entirely correct to think that you need to eat nothing at all in order to heal the body. Of course, there are such radical methods. But if you do not eat for more than 2 days, the body and all internal organs are very exhausted; during this period almost all water-soluble vitamins are excreted from the body. And if you take into account the fact that most people usually eat unhealthy food, smoke and regularly drink alcohol, which causes deficiencies of useful substances, such fasting can be very dangerous for health and life.

There are many better methods of healing the liver and the whole body. The main thing is to remember that strict diets or even short-term fasting should be prescribed by a nutritionist. Let’s consider tips that will help the health of the liver and not harm the body.

  1. Drink juices. Orange, lemon, grapefruit, beetroot, carrot juice are very useful for the liver. People with gastritis and stomach ulcers should not drink beetroot and citrus juices. They are also contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus fruits. If there are no such pathologies, then in order to normalize the detoxification processes, you can eat half an orange an hour before going to bed.
  2. The leader in the content of substances that help neutralize toxins is black radish. First, take 10 ml of its juice before meals (at least three times a day). Gradually increase the dosage to 100 ml. It is better to dilute fresh radish juice with a small amount of water before taking it. The contraindication of this method is the same as the previous one; it is not suitable for those who have a stomach ulcer or gastritis.

But if you have fatigue for more than 6 months, you notice yellowing of the skin or sclera, see a doctor urgently. These symptoms may be a sign of infectious liver diseases, such as hepatitis C. In this case, juices and a healthy diet will not help the liver, it is necessary to take special antiviral drugs, such as Hepcinat or Ledifos, because the health of the liver is in danger. Chronic hepatitis C is a serious infection of the liver which occurs following an infection with the hepatitis C virus. Upon reaching the cells of the liver, the virus begins to multiply, which it achieves by means of copying its RNA. This can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

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Healthy Skin Mon, 27 Feb 2023 14:19:57 +0000 Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy skin condition. The skin as a mirror “reflects” the state of a person’s physical health and emotional mood. Adverse environmental influences, sedentary lifestyle, …

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Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy skin condition. The skin as a mirror “reflects” the state of a person’s physical health and emotional mood. Adverse environmental influences, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, bad habits, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, stress at work and in personal life lead to disorders in the body and, accordingly, negative changes in a person’s appearance.

In order for the skin to be healthy, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet. There should be many healthy foods in the diet, including fish (if you are not allergic to it). But it is advisable not to eat sweets and pastries.

To maintain elasticity, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid.

It has been proven that bad habits contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Under the influence of nicotine and tobacco smoke, small skin vessels narrow, blood supply slows down; tissues suffer from hypoxia and lack of nutrients. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. If a person wants to maintain a healthy appearance, he should give up smoking.

Also, you need to get rid of such a harmful factor as stress. Under the influence of stress, anxiety increases, insomnia and unwanted wrinkles appear. It is important for a person to distract himself from his problems and spend time with pleasure (for example, it can be an interesting book, an evening walk, needlework or something else).

Dermatologists recommend protecting the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight. It is known that as a result of tanning, under the influence of UV rays, wrinkles and age spots appear, collagen is destroyed and skin cancer can develop. Therefore, do not use sunlamps or tanning salons. Also, don’t forget to use sunscreen, for example, Actinica. If age spots have appeared on your skin, use Eukroma. This cream is a skin-bleaching agent that is used to lighten areas of darkened skin. It works by decreasing the production and increasing the breakdown of melanosomes (melanin pigment granules) in the skin’s pigment cells (melanocytes). It does this by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, the enzyme needed to make melanin. In most cases, skin lightening should be seen after 4 weeks of treatment.

Many women are unhappy with their bodies if they have warts, moles or age spots. Moles that you don’t like and warts can be removed, the main thing is that it is done by an experienced specialist, a dermatologist. In no case do not try to get rid of moles yourself!

The use of heaters in the winter season leads to drying of the air, which, in turn, leads to excessive dryness of the skin. A moisturizing cream will help to cope with this condition.

To protect the skin from the adverse effects of weather conditions, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin before going outside. And for a walk, wear a scarf or a handkerchief. If your skin is irritated and flaky, you need to use a soothing balm.

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