Generics Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Wed, 02 Aug 2023 19:37:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to be healthy? 4 effective and simple tips Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:37:21 +0000 Tip 1 Normalize your mental state. It’s no secret that a person’s overall health depends on their mental state. Therefore, it is important to think about good things, be optimistic, dream about what you want …

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Tip 1

Normalize your mental state. It’s no secret that a person’s overall health depends on their mental state. Therefore, it is important to think about good things, be optimistic, dream about what you want in your life, communicate with positive people and not focus on troubles.

Mood determines the general state of health of a person, affects his well-being and energy. How you feel, what you think about every day – all this affects your life and health. Therefore, your primary task is to learn to be calm and concentrate on positive things. To achieve this, consult a psychotherapist, read books on psychology and do your favorite activities.

Tip 2

Eat healthy foods. To learn more about healthy eating, read books and medical blogs on this topic. So you will get all the information about how not to get sick, how to cure diseases with the help of a balanced diet, many original and simple recipes, diets that improve health and help to be active and productive.

Also, pay attention to the advice of yogis and Tibetan monks on nutrition. Eastern wisdom is especially relevant in the modern world.

Tip 3

Get rid of bad habits. It is difficult to give up a bad habit if you like it. Most often, bad habits, alcohol and smoking are a quick way to distract yourself and forget about the problem. In childhood, people scream, cry, withdraw into themselves, and in adulthood they use “adult tools”.

It is difficult for a person to get rid of a bad habit because he has not yet learned to act calmly in problematic situations. It seems difficult at first glance. However, do not despair! Remember one saying – “Each step towards a bad habit takes you away from health.”

Until you realize the damage you are doing to your body, you are slowly destroying it. It seems to you now that everything is fine in the body and the bad habit does not affect you in any way. But when the disease develops, you will regret that you did not quit smoking or drinking in time. Be strong, show a good example to your children, friends and acquaintances. Prove to yourself that you are able to cope with any trouble, that your health is important to you, and you are ready to do everything possible to be healthy.

In order to quit smoking, the following things can help:

– drugs Bupron SR or Riomont;

– book “An easy way to quit smoking” by A. Carr.

Also, you can visit a psychotherapist. This is especially important with alcoholism.

Tip 4

Be physically active. You’ve known this advice since childhood, but many have forgotten this wisdom or ignore it. Most people are sometimes too lazy to even go outside or wake up earlier to go for a run. Instead of active recreation, they go on weekends to a new restaurant to try new recipes of popular fast food.

Movement is an important component of any person’s quality of life. Every day you should do warm-up, go for a run, ride a bike or at least take a walk in the park! Physical activity in any form is a guarantee of good health and a good mood for every day.

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4 Immunity Boosting Foods Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:09:12 +0000 A healthy immune system is essential for well-being and longevity and can kill germs that cause colds and more serious illnesses such as flu, covid-19, and bacterial infections (pneumonia, bronchitis) that require antibiotics such as …

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A healthy immune system is essential for well-being and longevity and can kill germs that cause colds and more serious illnesses such as flu, covid-19, and bacterial infections (pneumonia, bronchitis) that require antibiotics such as Alphamox or Azithral. To prevent these infections, it is necessary to support the immune system.

Immunity is one of the body’s systems that ensure the body’s ability to resist infection. Our lifestyle and diet can significantly affect the strength of the immune system. So, how to boost immunity? One of the ways is regular consumption of certain foods. Let’s consider which products will make our immune system stronger.

  1. Grapefruit.

Grapefruit was originally grown only as an ornamental plant. However, in the 19th century, people began to eat the fruits of this plant, and noticed that they have a positive effect on human health. There are four varieties of this fruit: red, pink, white and yellow. Due to the high content of vitamin C, grapefruit helps to strengthen human immunity, but this fruit also helps the body in a state of illness. Grapefruit is a natural antibiotic. Vitamin C significantly affects the structure of the entire musculoskeletal system, promotes wound healing, and this is important in the prevention of viral diseases. When consuming vitamin C, we have to be careful. Too much consumption of this vitamin can cause a laxative effect or the formation of kidney stones.

  1. Garlic.

This highly aromatic plant was known in ancient Egypt, and was used as a medicine for many types of diseases. The Egyptians even treated cholera and hemorrhoids with it. Also, they used garlic as a source of energy and vitality due to the allicin content in the plant. This substance has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. Some studies even confirm that the antimicrobial effect of garlic is 50 times greater than that of penicillin. The positive effects of garlic have also been noted in the fight against cancer. The American National Cancer Institute has included garlic in the list of the most effective preventive agents. In addition, garlic, according to modern research, acts as a disinfectant. With regular consumption of garlic, the digestive tract is protected from the occurrence of cancer cells and maintains the correct bacterial balance.

  1. Mushrooms.

Mushrooms have similar effects as garlic. They contain a substance called lentinan, which promotes the activity of macrophages. This substance has long been used in Chinese medicine. In addition to strengthening the immune system, this substance is also excellent for the prevention of cancer. Lentinan, according to a study by the University of Michigan, can change cells in such a way that they can independently resist the spread of cancer cells.

  1. Yogurt.

Yogurts are very useful for fighting bacterial infections and can cause increased production of gamma interferon, which activates the body’s defense systems.

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4 simple tips for cardiovascular health and longevity Tue, 01 Nov 2022 03:34:25 +0000 In the modern world, people are exposed to many negative factors – stress, poor nutrition, polluted air, a sedentary lifestyle, a large amount of negative information, bad habits, untimely treatment, etc. These factors gradually worsen …

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In the modern world, people are exposed to many negative factors – stress, poor nutrition, polluted air, a sedentary lifestyle, a large amount of negative information, bad habits, untimely treatment, etc. These factors gradually worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, nervous system, and especially the cardiovascular system.

So what can you do to improve the quality of your life, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke?

  1. Get rid of bad habits.

The most common bad habits:

– Consumption of fast food;

– Watching TV for many hours in a row;

– Sedentary lifestyle;

– Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day;

– Smoking;

– Addiction to alcohol.

These habits have a negative impact on your health, contribute to an increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. And you need to gradually replace them with good ones – those that will help you be healthier and happier.

  1. Follow a healthy diet.

If you regularly eat fast food, overeat, consume a lot of flour products and sweets, do not eat enough vegetables and fruits, and often eat before going to bed, then most likely you will become overweight or even obese. As a result, fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries, and this will lead to hypertension, heart pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

To overcome this problem, you need to change your diet. First, it is necessary to gradually reduce the consumption of preservatives and fast food, bakery and confectionery products. At the same time, add more fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens to your diet. Also, various nuts, cereals, legumes, seeds and their sprouts are useful sources of essential nutrients. Also, drink plenty of water.

  1. Be physically active.

Be sure to do daily physical training. Physical exercises improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure and improve mood. You can start with long walks. Instead of using the elevator, go up and down the stairs. Gradually, depending on your physical fitness, you can also jog, swim in the pool, work out in the gym. There is no need to immediately start exhausting yourself with heavy physical activity – physical activity should bring benefits and joy. The best solution may be to work out under the supervision of a personal trainer who will motivate you and control you.

  1. Be sure to take medicine if necessary.

If you have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, then most likely you will need to take certain drugs for the rest of your life. They allow to significantly reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and their complications. There are different types of lipid-lowering drugs. So, for example, Ezemibe (Ezetimibe) is known as a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, and Lipicard works by increasing certain natural substances that break down fats in the blood and speed up the natural processes that remove cholesterol from the body.


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Top 8 health rules that are not easy to follow Tue, 04 Oct 2022 04:10:18 +0000 The World Medical Association highlights eight tips that can help you improve your health very quickly. The only problem is that these tips are not very easy to follow. But if you make your health …

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The World Medical Association highlights eight tips that can help you improve your health very quickly. The only problem is that these tips are not very easy to follow. But if you make your health a priority, realize its importance, you will be able to follow these rules constantly.

  1. Lose the weight if it is excessive.

It is most difficult to follow this rule during the first 4-6 weeks. But remember that excess weight negatively affects the whole body – the health of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and endocrine systems deteriorates. We wrote more about this here. In order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy food and be active. Also, to speed up this process and not lose motivation, take Orligal (Orlistat). It is a weight loss drug used to help people lose weight and prevent weight gain.

  1. Communicate more often with family and friends.

Experts say that the lack of friendly contacts can worsen your health much more than smoking, alcohol or overeating.

  1. Quit smoking.

Smoking can cause hypertension, chronic bronchitis, erectile dysfunction and other ailments, so it is imperative to get rid of this bad habit. Bupron SR will help you with this. It is used as a smoking cessation aid. However, it does not contain nicotine, and is a different form of treatment than nicotine replacement therapy. The primary ingredient in this medication is believed to work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help reduce the craving for cigarettes, and this may make it easier for people to quit smoking.

  1. Use funds sparingly.

This recommendation will help you save both your money and your health. For example, instead of buying gym memberships and bus/metro tickets, you can walk or bike to work and thus save money and improve your well-being.

  1. Reduce stress in your life.

It’s easy to say, but hard to do. However, do not stay at work after the end of the working day, go for walks more often, make your diet more varied, visit massage sessions several times a week, meet with friends more often.

  1. Help others.

By helping other people, you will not only do something good for someone else, but also improve your own well-being.

  1. Learn something new.

Choose exactly what you like, for example, you can learn to sew, embroider, draw, dance, sing, meditate or even master a new profession. It’s never too late to learn something new.

  1. Do not drink alcohol.

Alcohol harms not only the liver, but also many other organs – the nervous system, genitourinary system, etc. If you have an alcohol addiction, consult your doctor and take Acamprol. It is used to help reduce alcohol dependence in alcoholic patients who have decided to quit their addiction. Alcoholism can affect the chemicals in your brain by unbalancing them, and this drug does its job by restoring these chemicals to their former state. It is usually used in combination with counseling or behavioral modification techniques so the patient has the support needed to maximize the benefits of this medication.

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7 rules for adrenal health and prevention of Addison’s disease Mon, 01 Nov 2021 01:33:06 +0000 Drink enough water. Water not only improves metabolism, digestion, regulates body temperature, but also normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Drinking enough water during the day helps to remove harmful substances from the body. …

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  • Drink enough water.

  • Water not only improves metabolism, digestion, regulates body temperature, but also normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Drinking enough water during the day helps to remove harmful substances from the body. It is important to drink small portions, about one and a half liters of clean water a day. Drinking enough fluids helps the whole body to function normally.

    1. Limit pills.

    Drugs in large quantities adversely affect the adrenal glands. Therefore, any medication should be taken with caution. If you have a chronic illness, it is always best to consult a doctor before taking medication. If possible, do not take medication unnecessarily. Saturate your body with vitamins and healthy food to stay healthy. If necessary, consult a doctor and choose the food and vitamins you need for your health.

    1. Eat no more than a teaspoon of salt.

    Salt helps to retain fluid in the body. But it is necessary to maintain water-salt balance, with a lack of salt a person may even faint. The normal dose of salt for a healthy person per day is 4 grams (teaspoon).

    You need to understand that without salt the body is unable to function. Salt is involved in many metabolic processes. It retains water, participates in muscle contraction and hormone secretion.

    This supplement helps to create conditions for the existence of erythrocytes. In the stomach, salt helps to form hydrochloric acid, without which digestion is impossible.

    1. Proper sleep.

    Not only food, water and salt are important for the adrenal glands, but also sleep. After all, chronic insomnia worsens the state of immunity, the organs do not have time to recover, the pressure rises. Adrenal disease increases the risk of venous thrombosis and ischemic stroke. An adult needs to sleep at least seven hours a day.

    1. Regular monitoring of cholesterol levels.

    Cholesterol completely imperceptibly and painlessly damages blood vessels. They gradually lose elasticity, their walls harden, the lumen of the middle and large arteries decreases. High cholesterol can also cause plaque to form, which clogs the adrenal arteries. As a result, the functioning of the adrenal glands may be impaired. If you have high cholesterol, take drugs such as Atorlip, Lipicard.

    1. Vitamins B6 and D.

    These two vitamins are especially important for the adrenal glands. Vitamin B6 is important for the prevention of Addison’s disease and is found in meat and milk, eggs and fish, cabbage and garlic. Vitamin D is synthesized when the sun shines on you. A person needs 2 mg of vitamin B6 per day and at least 15 minutes in the sun.

    1. Less stress.

    Stress leads to the release of stress hormones, in particular the hormone cortisol. Despite the benefits of cortisol, frequent or prolonged increases in cortisol levels can damage the adrenal gland.

    If it is impossible to remove stress from life, you need to learn to respond to them properly. Breathing practices, yoga, meditation, psychological practices aimed at calming and relaxing will help you in this.




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    5 main myths about constipation Thu, 02 Sep 2021 01:45:33 +0000 It does not matter when defecation occurs. You may be too busy at work to go to the bathroom, or you may prefer to wait until you get home. But ignoring the urge to defecate …

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  • It does not matter when defecation occurs.

  • You may be too busy at work to go to the bathroom, or you may prefer to wait until you get home. But ignoring the urge to defecate not only causes discomfort, it can cause constipation or exacerbate existing problems. Some people take special time to go to the toilet, for example, after breakfast. In fact, the regime in this case is not the main thing, just follow the “call of nature”.

    1. Enemas and hydrotherapy help cleanse the intestines.

    Physically, this is true, but the more often such manipulations are performed, the greater the risk that the intestines will become even more “lazy”. In addition, intestinal damage and interference with the microflora are possible.

    1. All you need to do is increase your fiber intake.

    Fiber (both digestible and indigestible) is often considered a “superfood” for constipation. But not all fibers have the same effect on digestion and promote regular defecation. One of the results of studies on the effects of dietary fiber on constipation is that indigestible fiber is more effective in treating constipation. But indigestible fiber can accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby worsening the patient’s condition.

    It is true that most people do not eat enough fiber, so eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and drinking more water is extremely important. But if the consumption of fiber meets the recommendations, its additional use in the form of pills is not necessary. Regular consumption of dietary fiber is recommended.

    1. Increased fluid intake improves intestinal motility.

    It is often believed that increasing water consumption can improve the consistency of stool and thus facilitate bowel movements. But science shows that increasing water intake doesn’t really affect stool changes. It is now recommended to maintain a normal water-electrolyte balance and prevent dehydration. Increased water consumption has a therapeutic effect only in people with proven dehydration.

    1. With age, constipation occurs in everyone and this is the norm.

    With age, constipation occurs in many people, but this is not the norm. Indeed, constipation is more common in the elderly. But, if there was no constipation before, but it appeared at the age of 40-50, this is not the norm. In this case, you need to examine the body to identify the cause of constipation.

    1. Medicines are dangerous and cannot be taken.

    In fact, it has long been known that long-term use of this laxative is addictive. However, certain medications (such as Bekunis and Glycoprep Powder) can and should be used to improve the patient’s condition over a short period of time.

    1. Coffee can help get rid of constipation

    Caffeine is a diuretic that removes fluid from the body, including stool. Therefore, if you suffer from constipation, you should avoid coffee as well as other diuretics (alcohol, tea and cola).

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    Useful sports for chronic bronchitis: running, walking, breathing exercises Wed, 02 Jun 2021 01:16:42 +0000 Chronic bronchitis does not develop immediately. A person first develops acute bronchitis or is genetically predisposed to developing the disease. When bronchitis becomes chronic, the walls of the bronchi change. Their functionality is greatly reduced, …

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    Chronic bronchitis does not develop immediately. A person first develops acute bronchitis or is genetically predisposed to developing the disease. When bronchitis becomes chronic, the walls of the bronchi change. Their functionality is greatly reduced, but sometimes they perform all their functions. This causes a violent cough that becomes unbearable.

    The cough first appears in the morning, then it begins to bother you day and night, intensifying in cold and wet weather. The person feels better only after coughing up sputum. The patient also begins to develop shortness of breath and asthma attacks. All this is due to the fact that the lumen in the bronchi narrows, which prevents the bronchi from passing air in sufficient quantities for the body. If the patient does nothing to improve his condition, then more serious diseases begin to develop.

    With inflammation, it is desirable to prefer active types of exercise, but the intensity of exercise should alternate. Alternation of exercises causes hyperventilation of the lungs and bronchi. As a result, the condition of the respiratory system improves.

    Exercise is prohibited in the presence of asthma attacks. If a person feels well, you can start running regularly. Running has a positive effect on the body if you follow these precautions:

    • Buy clothes and shoes designed for sports;
    • Learn the correct technique of running and warming up;
    • Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and other ways to harm your body;
    • Normalize your diet so that it becomes healthy and nutritious.

    While running, you need to breathe properly to achieve a healing effect. If you breathe properly, you can provide adequate ventilation. Air begins to enter the lungs in greater quantities, and this helps to improve the condition of the whole organism.

    Let’s consider other useful sports for chronic bronchitis:

    • Walking.

    To maintain your health, it is not recommended to increase the pace of walking, especially at the beginning of training. This leads to the fact that a person gets tired quickly. However, you should not walk intentionally slowly. The optimal speed at which you will not only become energetic, but also enjoy walking – 4-5 km / h.

    • Sound gymnastics.

    Sound exercises are sounds that are pronounced in different combinations and in a certain sequence. When sounds are uttered, the vibration of the vocal cords is transmitted to the bronchi and has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the airways. All exercises are performed slowly, without stress.

    Sound gymnastics should feel relief, not fatigue. Speak loudly and softly. You do not need to do exercises on an empty or full stomach.

    This exercise has almost no contraindications, it is easy to perform. But this should be done according to strictly defined rules, depending on the purpose.

    • Breathing exercises.

    This method increases activity and concentration, improves physical performance. Despite the fact that breathing exercises are performed for 30 minutes a day without much effort, the effect is felt immediately.

    But note that all these exercises should be performed together with treatment (Bactrim DS, Levoquin). Otherwise, you will not achieve a pronounced effect.

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    9 ways to prevent generalized anxiety disorder Thu, 01 Apr 2021 03:16:30 +0000 Exercise. Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with anxiety. Exercise reduces the level of stress hormone in the body. In addition, physical activity promotes the release of endorphins (joy hormones). …

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  • Exercise.

  • Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with anxiety. Exercise reduces the level of stress hormone in the body. In addition, physical activity promotes the release of endorphins (joy hormones). They improve mood and, in some cases, even function as painkillers.

    1. Keep a diary.

    You can write down what worries you, or note what good happened today. This approach helps to focus on positive thoughts and events. This will help you get rid of bad thoughts and reduce anxiety.

    1. Learn to say “no”.

    Not all, but some stressors we can control. Manage those areas of life that you can influence. For example, learn to say “no” when someone asks you to do another task in addition to what is already on your to-do list.

    1. Try aromatherapy.

    It is believed that bathing with essential oils is the best way to relieve anxiety. So set aside a few days a week for a relaxing bath. Immersed in water, imagine how anxiety comes out of the pores of the skin, dissolves in water. Use the right oils and mix them to create your personal relaxing scent.

    1. Spend time with family and friends.

    Studies show that people with less developed social connections are prone to increased anxiety, because when a person spends time with friends and family, the body produces oxytocin. This hormone is associated with processes that cause pleasant emotions.

    1. Laugh.

    Very often in everyday life we ​​do not show our emotions, which leads to the formation of many complexes. Eventually, feelings of anger, shame, or fear build up in us and create constant anxiety. Laughter removes all the accumulated negativity, helps to restore the harmony of soul and body, gets rid of the accumulated negative energy.

    1. Don’t put things off.

    Procrastination can lead to feelings of shame for unfinished business. This, in turn, causes stress, which negatively affects the health and quality of sleep. This can be avoided if you have a habit of making a to-do list for the day. Set realistic deadlines for your plan and gradually implement it.

    1. Practice yoga.

    Regular yoga classes help you stay calm and give you the strength to accept events without feeling anxious. The practice of yoga includes a full range of asanas (body positions), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and the ancient philosophy of yoga. All this in combination allows the body to recover and relieve stress.

    1. Meditate and breathe.

    Meditation and breathing are faithful helpers in overcoming psychological instability. Meditation helps to normalize the functioning of the brain and focus on yourself, not on the “noise” around. Breathing technique improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. In addition, in combination with relaxation exercises, it reduces nervousness and anxiety.

    If you develop generalized anxiety disorder, see your doctor and take modern effective drugs, such as Pexep CR or Xet.



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    Tips for preventing Alzheimer’s disease Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:01:55 +0000 The causes of Alzheimer’s are still unknown; there is no effective treatment, so it is important to follow preventive measures. There are many ways to help prevent serious illness: be sure to quit smoking; limit …

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    The causes of Alzheimer’s are still unknown; there is no effective treatment, so it is important to follow preventive measures. There are many ways to help prevent serious illness:

    • be sure to quit smoking;
    • limit the drinking of alcoholic beverages;
    • exercise daily and do any sport at least twice a week.

    In old age, people read less and less often participate in various activities. Scientists argue that it is possible to protect yourself from Alzheimer’s disease by being mentally and socially active. Read more fiction books, newspapers and magazines, be interested in what is happening in the world. Walk in the fresh air with interesting people and watch less TV. Try to have a positive outlook on life. Chatting with friends can help you cope with bad moods.

    If you interest in improving your diet to prevent early signs of Alzheimer’s, include the following foods in your menu:

    • blueberry;
    • dried fruits;
    • avocado;
    • tomatoes;
    • chia seeds;
    • olive oils;
    • fish;
    • green tea;
    • cocoa;
    • broccoli;
    • bananas;
    • egg yolk.

    These foods are very beneficial for strengthening and maintaining brain health and helping to avoid premature aging, so it is imperative to add them to your diet. They have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, strengthening their walls, and lowering cholesterol levels. Healthy and balanced diet will help to keep your brain and body fit for a long time. Try to change your lifestyle and your brain will thank you.

    Eat berries more often. Berries are composed of biologically active substances and vitamins. Anthocyanosides are special compounds that protect brain cells from free radical damage and help boost memory.

    Add to your diet foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Such foods are salmon, tuna, mackerel, and avocado. They help to protect the body against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

    To prevent Alzheimer’s disease, you need to eat foods that contain folic acid. Thanks to folic acid, the level of homocysteine decreases, the increased level of which leads to a weakening of the inner walls of the arteries. With an increased level of this amino acid, cognitive functions decrease.

    In addition to food, you need to consume healthy drinks in the form of juice. Studies have shown that drinking grape juice daily can help keep you from Alzheimer’s. The grape peel contains special substances that protect brain cells from the harmful effects of the oxidative stress. Constant stress or damage of the body leads to an oxidative process in cells and the accumulation of beta amyloid – a protein, one of the main factors that provoke Alzheimer’s disease.

    Also, the diet should include a lot of seafood. They contain sulfur, which has a positive effect on brain cells and protects against the dementia. You should be careful with shrimps, as they have high cholesterol content.

    To protect yourself from Alzheimer’s disease, you need to exclude from your diet harmful and dangerous foods containing animal fats, high amounts of salt and sugar. These are red meat (pork and beef), butter, margarine, fatty cheeses, flour products, desserts and sweets with dyes, fried foods, fast food, smoked products.

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    Yellow plaque on the tongue – causes and methods of struggle Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:23:41 +0000 Even in antiquity, the appearance of the tongue determined whether a person is healthy. It is this organ that is a kind of indicator of the state of the whole organism. One of the symptoms …

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    Even in antiquity, the appearance of the tongue determined whether a person is healthy. It is this organ that is a kind of indicator of the state of the whole organism. One of the symptoms of pathological disorders is a dense indelible coating of atypical color on the tongue. And it is necessary to clarify that in the morning almost every person have a thin whitish or yellowish film, which is easily washed off during brushing – this is a completely natural phenomenon.

    But if it is impossible to clear the tongue and the bad smell from the mouth joins the main symptom, then the reason lies in the pathological state. Today we’ll talk about why yellow plaque appears on the tongue and how to deal with it.

    Where does the plaque come from?

    Tongue takes a direct part in the process of chewing food and speaking. Every day, a huge number of bacteria accumulate on its surface. Therefore, during morning and evening brushing, it is so important to pay special attention to the tongue, cleaning its surface from food debris and harmful microorganisms. At night, when a person is sleeping, saliva becomes more viscous and worse washes the tissues of the oral cavity. The bacteria remaining on the mucosa are activated, resulting in a slight yellowish bloom in the morning – you should not worry about it.

    If the plaque is dense, does not wash off during standard cleaning or quickly forms again, a person develops bad breath and other related symptoms, such as itching, swelling and soreness, then it means that the reason lies in the pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity or in the body. In this case, you can’t hesitate – you need to urgently see a doctor.

    The most common causes of plaque on the tongue

    The main reason for the formation of dense yellow plaque is considered to be a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the symptom is accompanied by heartburn, nausea, a feeling of fullness of the stomach. But experts identify other possible prerequisites for the problem under consideration:

    • Worms,
    • Liver and kidney disease,
    • Stagnation of bile,
    • Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the oral cavity,
    • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer,
    • Excessive consumption of coffee and other drinks with intense coloring pigment,
    • Poor quality oral hygiene.

    You can learn a little more about the alleged cause by localizing the plaque. So, for example, the tip of the tongue is responsible for the work of the heart, and its lateral departments – for the liver and spleen. If the plaque is concentrated in the center, then the cause of all the troubles is most likely in the problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    What treatment methods are used today?

    Treatment will directly depend on the root cause of the symptom. Only by eliminating the causative factor can the symptoms be overcome. In the presence of indelible yellow plaque on the tongue and problems with the secretion of bile, specialists usually prescribe choleretics, which increase the flow of bile, and cholekinetics, which increase the contractility of the gallbladder. Among other commonly prescribed medications, the following drugs can be used:

    • hepatoprotectors – to restore liver cells,
    • drugs that are taken with viral hepatitis (such as Hepcinat),
    • antibiotics (such as Accuzon),
    • antifungal agents,
    • adsorbents,
    • multivitamin complexes with B12.

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