Diabetes Archives - United Pharmacies Blog https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/cat/diabetes/ United Pharmacies Blog Sat, 29 Jul 2023 18:11:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 Fresh juices and their health benefits https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/fresh-juices-and-their-health-benefits/ Sat, 29 Jul 2023 12:11:28 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1555 Any person is familiar with the feeling of wanting something tasty that is both useful and low-calorie, gives energy and makes you healthier. In the refrigerator, as a rule, there are only eggs, milk, yogurt, …

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Any person is familiar with the feeling of wanting something tasty that is both useful and low-calorie, gives energy and makes you healthier. In the refrigerator, as a rule, there are only eggs, milk, yogurt, as well as various fruits and vegetables. You can make a glass of fresh juice from these products, which will help you feel better and be energetic. This is a very useful drink, especially during the season of juicy August fruits and berries – apples, pears, blueberries, blueberries, melons, watermelon, peaches, apricots, etc.

Fresh juices are freshly prepared juices with fruits, vegetables and sometimes herbs.

Any such drink is, first of all, water with a complex of vitamins, minerals and fiber (if you blend the fruit with the peel). This is a panacea for all diseases in one glass! It is especially useful for the body not to prefer one type of fresh juice, but to combine vegetables and fruits, creating various cocktails. Such a drink is indispensable during a diet and on fasting days – it creates a feeling of satiety, at the same time, it has low calorie content.

For example, celery, apple, cucumber, ginger, carrot and pumpkin in various variations are recommended for weight loss. Such products help to improve metabolism, promote the removal of waste products, excess water from the body, and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

To improve the health of the nervous system, concentration and productivity, fresh juices with citrus fruits, pineapple, kiwi, watermelon and wild berries are recommended. You can also add herbs such as mint and thyme.

To strengthen the immune system, vegetable juices rich in vitamins and trace elements are recommended: tomato, pumpkin, carrot combinations. Spicy herbs and garlic are often added to such juices.

The benefit of fresh juices for the human body is undeniable, but everyone knows that all products, drinks, dishes must be consumed in moderation, especially those that have medicinal properties. So what should those who love fresh juices be afraid of?

Even if you are not diabetic, you should not forget about the high sugar content in juices: bloating and the multiplication of harmful bacteria in the intestines can be the result of frequent drinking of even fresh juices, especially if you drink such a drink with food. Therefore, it is recommended to consume fresh 30-40 minutes before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. If you have diabetes, it is better to choose other drinks, such as tea, compote without sugar or just water. If the doctor allows you to drink fresh juices, be sure to take sugar-lowering drugs (such as Daonil and Glizide) on time.

You should not drink concentrated juices, as they harm not only the gastrointestinal tract, increasing acidity, but also negatively affect the enamel of your teeth.

Attention should also be paid to the individual characteristics of the body, for example, allergic reactions to this or that product!

In any case, try to fully enjoy the freshness of fruits and vegetables in the form of juices and at the same time do not overdo it with the choice of such drinks.

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9 rules of health in diabetes https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/9-rules-of-health-in-diabetes/ Tue, 31 Aug 2021 03:45:46 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1250 To maintain health, maintain high activity and prevent complications, the patient must follow a special treatment (Diavista, Glimy) and prevention regimen. Let’s look at 9 basic rules of living with diabetes. Sugar, sugar confectionery, semolina, …

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To maintain health, maintain high activity and prevent complications, the patient must follow a special treatment (Diavista, Glimy) and prevention regimen. Let’s look at 9 basic rules of living with diabetes.

  1. Sugar, sugar confectionery, semolina, fatty and smoked sausages, alcohol, beer, grapes, sugar-based fruit juices should be excluded from the daily diet. Limit your intake of foods high in carbohydrates (bakery products, potatoes and cereals, sweet fruits, fats). The diet must include vegetables, fruits, milk, cheese.

It is especially important to eat at a specific time if you are injecting insulin, for example, after injecting crystalline insulin – 15-20 minutes and 3-3.5 hours. In the case of long-acting insulin treatment (zinc-insulin suspension, etc.), food should be taken in the morning after the injection, then every 3.5-4 hours and 40-60 minutes before bedtime.

  1. A clear daily routine is necessary for diabetes. In the morning you need to get up, work, inject insulin, eat, take medication, rest actively, and in the evening go to bed at a strictly defined time. Avoid mental and physical fatigue. Sunday should be completely free from daily professional activities and used for active recreation.
  2. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and home hygiene. Exercise, sports (not strength types) have a beneficial effect on metabolism, increase the absorption of carbohydrates. This method reduces the need for insulin, facilitates the course of the disease and increases efficiency. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed.
  3. Prescribed hypoglycemic drugs must be taken at a strictly defined time. Unauthorized replacement of the drug, change of dose or even more so their discontinuation is unacceptable without the knowledge of a doctor. Take oral medications (tablets) after meals.
  4. Observe cleanliness and sterility when injecting insulin. Injection sites should be rotated so that re-injections into the same area occur no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Patients taking insulin may develop hypoglycaemic conditions. Signs of this are weakness, trembling hands, sweating, numbness of the lips, tongue, hunger, confusion, up to loss of consciousness (hypoglycemic coma). The development of such conditions is facilitated by untimely or insufficient food intake, injection of overdose of insulin and excessive physical activity. To reduce acute hypoglycemia, it is necessary to eat a piece of bread, cookies, sugar, lollipops, which the patient should always have with him.
  6. When choosing a profession and work, diabetics should take into account the limitations due to the nature of the disease to prevent complications and early disability.
  7. You should not give up a full life. Compensated diabetes is not an obstacle to marriage and normal family life. For early detection and prevention of diabetes it is necessary to periodically (1-2 times a year) examine children.
  8. To prevent complications, including the most common injuries of the eyes, kidneys, liver, legs, diseases of the nervous system, gums, you should see a doctor regularly.

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How to stay healthy and live long and harmoniously – 4 tips from doctors https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-stay-healthy-and-live-long-and-harmoniously-4-tips-from-doctors/ Fri, 30 Jul 2021 06:55:31 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1227 American doctors shared their own secrets of how to make life healthy, happy and long. To do this, you need to exercise, eat healthy food and be optimistic. Experts have offered some interesting and unconventional …

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American doctors shared their own secrets of how to make life healthy, happy and long. To do this, you need to exercise, eat healthy food and be optimistic. Experts have offered some interesting and unconventional tips on how to overcome stress, improve your physical and emotional well-being and stay in shape.

Get a dog

A pet is a round-the-clock form of therapy, for me personally it is a stress reliever, says Carmen Ehols, MD.

Carmen got a dog right after the wedding. After a hard day’s work, she sits down to watch TV and strokes her pet. According to the doctor, this simple exercise is very relaxing.

It should be said that cats are also ideal for such purposes. But a dog is also a regular walk in the fresh air.

Meditate and do the exercises

Doctors remind you that you can meditate when you walk, swim or sit in the park.

Dean K. Mitchell, MD, associate professor of the Clinical Department of Osteopathic Medicine, emphasizes the need for cardio, strength training and yoga.

Stretching or yoga provides flexibility, which is important at any age. In addition, it is important to keep your brain young by accepting new challenges: traveling, exploring new areas, listening to music, etc., the doctor concludes.

Exercise is also a very important part of Dr. Nathan Rock’s daily routine. It helps him control stress and be healthy.

Exercise has many positive benefits, including strengthening the cardiovascular system and balancing mood by releasing endorphins.

Personally, I am convinced that exercise, both before and after work, can help prepare for a successful day, as well as relieve any stress after work, says the doctor.

Nathan loves yoga in the morning, it is from it that his day begins. In the evening, the doctor likes to run with friends.

It adds to the desire to go for a run and helps me stay motivated and responsible, he says.

In this case, do not forget about food.

The main part of the plate – vegetable dishes, eat a lot of natural foods: nuts, seeds, fruits – says Nathan Rock.

See a doctor

Many people constantly postpone visits to the doctor. If you want to live healthier longer, make it a rule to visit a family doctor every year.

Visit the dentist every 6 months, gynecologist / urologist and ophthalmologist – once a year, cardiologist and enocrinologist – every 2 years.

Also, once a year, have a complete blood and urine test.

All of this will help you identify problems at an early stage (such as diabetes or hypercholesterolemia) and start treatment in time (such as Forxiga or Lipicard).


Massage therapy is a great way to improve muscle condition and help you relax. And it will also help relieve stress, says Dr. Allen Conrad.

In the evening, massage your feet. Learn with your partner to give each other a relaxing massage of the head and neck or even the entire back. You can take special courses and learn these skills, or do a massage with a professional every six months or a year.


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10 causes of chronic fatigue https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/10-causes-of-chronic-fatigue/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 04:44:15 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1196 Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If …

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Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and you often have depression, be sure to read this article to the end.

For you to be relaxed and motivated, your body needs to function properly. Sleep deprivation does not always interfere with this function. Sometimes, despite a long rest, you still lack energy. In this case, you should look for disorders and still undiagnosed diseases that cause this condition.

  1. Type II diabetes

Lack of energy can be caused by low or high blood glucose, which can be caused by diabetes. Fatigue and lethargy can be manifestations of type II diabetes.

  1. Heart disease

Rapid fatigue, felt even after the slightest exercise, can be a sign of heart disease. Serious heart disease can be the result of untreated or previous flu or Covid-19. Chronic fatigue and shortness of breath during short walks cannot be ignored.

  1. Thyroid gland

Fatigue, lethargy and mood swings can be caused by low levels of T3 and T4 hormones. Hypothyroidism disrupts not only the functioning of the nervous system, but also the circulatory, muscular and skeletal systems, and even body temperature. This disease must be treated with drugs such as Eltroxin or Tiromel.

  1. Hepatitis C virus

Chronic fatigue and frequent infections may indicate hepatitis C infection. Often patients have virtually no symptoms, and persistent lethargy is one of the few.

  1. Food allergies

Feeling unwell, lack of strength, fatigue and lethargy can be caused by food intolerance. This is not always manifested by nausea, diarrhea or rash. Sometimes the signals your body gives you are less obvious, then we are talking about a hidden food intolerance.

  1. Urinary tract infections

Constant fatigue can be one of the symptoms of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. An infection associated with a constant need to urinate, bladder pain, and a burning sensation in the intimate area.

  1. Anemia

Fatigue can be a symptom of anemia. With anemia, there is a deficiency of hemoglobin, which is necessary in the process of delivering oxygen throughout the body. Anemia is caused by heavy menstruation, internal bleeding, iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, poor diet or kidney disease.

  1. Lung diseases

Feelings of heaviness and prolonged fatigue may accompany you if you have problems with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which leads to narrowing of the bronchi and difficulty breathing, which causes hypoxia. This disease is often caused by active and passive smoking.

  1. Sleep apnea

Constant or just morning fatigue can be a symptom of apnea, the presence of which you do not even know. People with sleep apnea often wake up tired in the morning because they wake up several times a night. Sometimes you don’t even know that the sleep phase is interrupted.

  1. Stress

Constant fatigue can be caused by stress, even if you do not suspect it. Stressful situations can be so trivial that you don’t even pay attention to them. However, your body responds to this and secretes cortisol, as a result of which you feel exhausted.

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5 rules for the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/5-rules-for-the-prevention-of-inflammatory-bowel-disease/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 04:39:50 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1192 Fill your bowels in the morning. In the morning, the intestines need to be filled and prepared for a new working day. To do this, be sure to drink a glass of clean water when …

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  • Fill your bowels in the morning.

  • In the morning, the intestines need to be filled and prepared for a new working day. To do this, be sure to drink a glass of clean water when you wake up. In fifteen minutes, you can drink herbal or green tea, and in 10 minutes have breakfast. The basis of a healthy daily breakfast is porridge, whole grain bread, boiled meat.

    Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. 25-30% of your calories should be consumed in the morning. There is a misconception that skipping breakfast can help you lose weight. Eating enough carbs in the morning can help stabilize blood sugar, which helps regulate appetite and avoid overeating during the day.

    1. Eat when you are hungry.

    Otherwise, the intestinal vessels are spasmed, and the villi are pressed against the intestinal wall. This means that the intestines cannot digest food properly. Also, do not eat if you are irritated and very tired. Stress hormones interfere with proper digestion.

    1. Organize the functioning of the intestinal “support team”.

    The intestines cannot function normally without beneficial microflora. To restore or maintain its balance, you need to take probiotics. Probiotics not only promote the absorption of nutrients, they also support the immune. Prebiotics support the intestinal environment for the health of the bacteria that live in it. Scientists recommend choosing probiotics with a high level of CFU. Based on the results of the study, scientists have concluded that long-term use of probiotics is very important for the intestines. The main rule is not to take pre- and probiotics on your own. If you feel a lack of them, seek professional advice.

    1. Move more.

    Our intestines need exercise for good peristalsis. And it doesn’t have to be fitness or gymnastics. Even a simple walk at a speed of 5 km per hour for an hour a day is enough. Hiking is one of the best options for physical activity, and you do not need any financial investment to walk.

    Walking is especially useful for office workers who spend all day sitting on chairs. Take some time to walk a little from the subway to your house, from your house to the store or just walk around the yard. Researchers have found that regular walks reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer by 30%.

    1. Clean the intestines.

    There is no need to do “cleansing” and unpleasant procedures such as enemas. It is enough to eat healthy food (apples, beets, carrots, whole grains, cabbage, bran) more often. These foods help cleanse the intestines, tone peristalsis, activate intestinal muscles and improve absorption. Season salads with olive or any other unrefined vegetable oil. Proper fats, which are part of vegetable oils, are an excellent source of energy and nutrients for our body.

    Also, be sure to see your doctor regularly. The doctor can timely suspect and diagnose inflammatory bowel disease and prescribe medications (such as Apo-Prednisone or Dexona) to prevent further development of the disease.

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    Hair removal and diabetes: the main risks of different types of hair removal https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/hair-removal-and-diabetes-the-main-risks-of-different-types-of-hair-removal/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 02:48:41 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1189 Diabetes often causes changes not only in lifestyle, diet, but also in the care of appearance. Hair removal becomes a little more difficult because sensitive skin and damaged nerves are prone to injury and infection. …

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    Diabetes often causes changes not only in lifestyle, diet, but also in the care of appearance. Hair removal becomes a little more difficult because sensitive skin and damaged nerves are prone to injury and infection. Depending on the severity of the condition, it is necessary to carefully choose the right method of depilation. Let’s consider the main options for hair removal and possible risks:

    • Laser hair removal.

    During the initial consultation before laser hair removal, clients need to answer questions about health and medications they should take (Amaryl, Daonil). Before starting the procedure, the doctor should be fully aware of the patient’s health, as laser hair removal can damage the skin.

    Side effects of laser hair removal in this disease:

     pain due to sensitivity of sensory nerves and tissues;

     burns and blisters due to nerve damage;

     susceptibility to infections due to a slower healing response;

     less pronounced epilation effect, because to reduce blood flow to the skin surface it is necessary to use a lower laser power.

    Before starting the procedure, you need to get a doctor’s permission. In the presence of severe neuropathy, the specialist will be able to adapt the parameters of the laser taking into account the possibility of numbness and sensitivity to pain. Sensitive skin can be easily damaged, leading to pain and burns.

    Because signs of diabetic neuropathy can occur anywhere in the body, some areas may be more vulnerable than others. Before the procedure, it is necessary for a specialist to inspect all areas of hair removal. If you plan to do laser hair removal at home, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. This is necessary because some drugs can cause dangerous reactions under the influence of laser radiation. In this disease, the skin is more prone to dryness. Therefore, careful skin care is required.

    Laser hair removal should not be done on skin with open or recurrent ulcers, because the laser energy will not be directed to the hair follicle, but to the affected area of ​​skin.

    Avoid visiting the solarium and beaches a few weeks before the scheduled hair removal date.

    The skin should be shaved before epilation. If the hair is longer than 2 mm, the laser changes the trajectory, causing burns.

    • Epilator.

    This method involves removing the entire hair shaft and root, so an empty, swollen hair follicle may be more susceptible to infection. Disinfecting the epilator before use will help reduce the chance of infection. Some people with diabetes may not have enough blood flow to the surface of the skin, so the body’s immune system will not be able to protect a person from a bacterial skin infection.

    Before starting this procedure, consult a professional to find out if it is safe for you to remove hair this way.

    • Creams for hair removal.

    Diabetic skin is too sensitive to the various chemicals in hair removal creams. They can cause burns, open wounds and scars.

    Depending on the stage of the disease, it is necessary to carefully choose the method of hair removal. If, in addition to diabetes, there are exacerbations of chronic diseases, herpes, hypertension, fungi, it is better to temporarily abandon hair removal. With diabetes, you can find a convenient and effective way to get rid of unwanted body hair. The choice of technique should be based on individual characteristics of the organism and possible complications of the disease.



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    Causes of peeling and dry skin in diabetes https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/causes-of-peeling-and-dry-skin-in-diabetes/ Thu, 04 Mar 2021 04:05:16 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1070 High sugar levels lead to destabilization, intracellular dehydration of cell membranes and disruption of energy metabolism of skin cells. This disrupts the normal recovery of the epidermis and the formation of a protective fatty film. …

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    High sugar levels lead to destabilization, intracellular dehydration of cell membranes and disruption of energy metabolism of skin cells. This disrupts the normal recovery of the epidermis and the formation of a protective fatty film. This is followed by severe dryness, decreased skin elasticity and peeling. In addition, function of the sweat and sebaceous glands are disturbed and itching, cracking and inflammation appear.

    Hygiene can help prevent the development of these skin lesions. Toilet soap reduces the acidity of the skin, thus reducing its resistance to various pathogens. Thus, it is necessary to select care products based on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

    Among the main causes of dryness and hyperkeratosis are:

    1. Constant changes in sugar concentration and water imbalance.

    An increase in glucose levels leads to an increase in the number of urination, as excess sugar is excreted in the urine. By normalizing blood glucose levels and eliminating persistent fluid deficiency, dryness can be prevented.

    1. Disorders of innervation and functioning of the sweat glands.

    Excessive or insufficient sweating caused by neuropathy significantly affects the condition of the skin. With hyperhidrosis there is a rash, and with anhydrosis – hyperkeratosis. This causes many unpleasant symptoms and problems.

    1. Damage to small vessels.

    The development of microangiopathy is another reason for the deterioration of the skin. When arterioles are damaged, the flow of fluid and nutrients to the dermis is reduced. Thus, the skin begins to itch and peel off.

    Adherence to the doctor’s recommendations is a prerequisite for maintaining diabetes at the stage of compensation. It is very important to take glucose-normalizing drugs (such as Glucobay or Daonil) on time.

    To improve the condition of the skin you need:

    • Control of diabetes.

    Monitoring blood glucose levels is the most important means of monitoring a patient’s health. The use of care products will be ineffective if the blood sugar level is out of range. It is necessary to control daily changes in glucose levels.

    • Adherence to the drinking regime.

    Optimal water and electrolyte balance is one of the most effective ways to maintain normoglycemia.

    Also, try the following guidelines:

    • keep the skin clean by washing regularly, taking a shower and wiping with a towel without rubbing the skin;

    • avoid excessively hot water and foam;

    • use cream soap as an alternative to regular soap;

    • After bathing, use lotions, but do not apply them between the fingers. This recommendation is due to the fact that patients with diabetes are prone to the development of fungal infections;

    • After complete drying, use a moisturizer that has an additional effect on regeneration;

    • Try not to scratch yourself, even if you feel very itchy. Scratches can lead to infection.

    If the problem worsens, be sure to seek the advice of your doctor or dermatologist.



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    How do organs suffer from obesity? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-do-organs-suffer-from-obesity/ Tue, 27 Oct 2020 00:49:39 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=991 Vessels and heart. With a high body fat content, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. Fat has hormonal activity and secretes substances that have a negative effect on blood pressure. This leads to …

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  • Vessels and heart.

  • With a high body fat content, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. Fat has hormonal activity and secretes substances that have a negative effect on blood pressure. This leads to the development of hypertension, it often observed in people by the age of thirty. In addition, hypertension is the main risk factoring for myocardial infarction.

    1. Metabolism.

    The more fat cells in the body and the larger they are, the less sensitive the body is to insulin, a hormone needed to process glucose in the blood. As a result, the sugar level rises and the type 2 diabetes develops. There are many effective medications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (such as Amaryl, Cetapin XR or Daonil). However, it is noted that one of the most effective measures is to reduce weight by about 10%. If you weigh 100 kg, you need to lose up to 90 kg. Thanks to this, insulin sensitivity noticeably increased, in the initial stages, further development of the disease can even avoid.

    1. Spine and joints

    Overweight is like carrying a heavy bag. This seriously increases the load on the intervertebral discs and “supporting” joints – knee and hip. Destructive changes take place in them quickly. According to statistics, in obese women, arthrosis of the knee joints observes 4 times more often than in slender ones. Obese people are more likely to suffer from osteochondrosis.

    1. Respiratory system

    If the body mass index exceeds 35, the risk of sleep apnea during sleep increases dramatically. When fat deposits in the neck, the airway narrows. During the day, the body can compensate for this, but at night, the muscles relax. As a result, the airways narrows and air ceases to flow into the lungs. In addition, this means that the blood poorly saturated with oxygen; not all organs receive it. In addition, in order for a person fully breathe the brain force constantly “wake up”. As a result, the deep sleep phase does not occur, namely, during this phase, growth hormone produce in the body.

    Excessive fat is not used in metabolism, and it does not stop accumulating, so we gain weight even more. To break this vicious circle, you need to take care of yourself: have a diet, increase physical activity.

    In people with severe obesity, life expectancy reduces by 12-15 years. If you want to live long, strive for harmony. In addition, excessive fat compress the veins of the lungs. Because of this, there may be pathology of the pleura and poor ventilation of the lungs.

    1. Men’s and Women’s Health.

    Since fat has hormonal activity, its excess can affect the menstrual cycle, accelerate the development of polycystic ovaries, and often even lead to female endocrine infertility. Excess weight not in the best way affects the reproductive capabilities of men, primarily on potency.

    1. Liver health.

    Fat vacuoles and drops accumulate inside the liver cells. They are called triglycerides. In addition, as they accumulate, the cells stop performing their function and die. Thus, the work of one of the main organs disrupts.

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    What is type 2 diabetes? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/what-is-diabetes-type-2/ Tue, 07 May 2019 01:08:28 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=673 Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance. It is the most often form of this disease. According to statistics, 90-95% of all diabetes cases are …

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    Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance. It is the most often form of this disease. According to statistics, 90-95% of all diabetes cases are the second type of diabetes, the remaining 5-10% is the first type of diabetes and others.
    Normally, an increase of insulin concentration causes increased absorption of glucose by the tissues; in type 2 diabetes, this mechanism is disturbed and glucose does not enter to the cells, despite the presence of insulin. This is called insulin resistance. Glucose (sugar) accumulates in the blood and the cells cannot function properly. In addition, excess sugar in the body can lead to other serious problems, namely:

    •  The defeat of nerves and small blood vessels of the eyes, kidneys, heart. This can be the cause of atherosclerosis;
    • Dehydration – the accumulation of sugar in the blood can lead to accelerated urination;
    • Diabetic coma is a life-threatening condition that occurs in severe cases of the second type of diabetes when severe dehydration occurs and people are not able to drink enough fluids to fill their loss.

    Who has a greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?

    In fact, the second type of diabetes mellitus can affect anyone. But in the high-risk group there are those who have such signs:

    •  Older than 45;
    •  Obesity or overweight;
    •  Gestational Diabetes;
    •  Relatives with the second type of diabetes;
    •  Not getting enough physical activity;
    •  High blood pressure or high levels of triglycerides (fats) in the body;
    •  Drink too much alcohol.


    The second type of diabetes is a very common disease, but the causes of its occurrence have not yet been finally determined. Scientists believe that lifestyle (diet, physical activity, and sleep) plays an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Heredity is also very important.
    Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
    Diabetes may not show symptoms for a long time. People live with this disease and do not know about it for many years. But if they appear, then signs of diabetes can be as follows:

    •  Increased thirst;
    •  More frequent sensations of hunger, including hunger after eating;
    •  Dry mouth;
    •  Nausea, sometimes vomiting;
    •  Frequent urination;
    •  Fatigue;
    •  Obscurity;
    •  Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet;
    •  Frequent skin infections, urinary tract (including overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans);
    • Slow healing wounds.

    Diagnosis of the second type of diabetes

    To diagnose the second type of diabetes, a biochemical blood test is performed, or a more complex study – a two-hour screening test for glucose tolerance. And urine analysis is one of the methods of diagnosing the second type of diabetes for the maintenance of ketones.

    Treatment of the second type of diabetes

    First, you need to normalize your lifestyle.
    You need to be physically active, eat healthy foods, eliminate sweets, sleep 7-8 hours.
    Also, some medicines such as AmarylForxigaVexazone can help normalize blood glucose levels.

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