Weight loss Archives - United Pharmacies Blog https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/cat/weight-loss/ United Pharmacies Blog Sat, 15 Jul 2023 09:06:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 Methods for Weight Loss https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/methods-for-weight-loss/ Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:06:49 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1543 The most common weight loss method is fasting. This term often has a negative connotation, which is why in scientific works the expression “fasting-dietary treatment” is preferred. Unfortunately, fasting is not widely used, despite numerous …

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The most common weight loss method is fasting. This term often has a negative connotation, which is why in scientific works the expression “fasting-dietary treatment” is preferred. Unfortunately, fasting is not widely used, despite numerous studies across various medical fields. Although the Ministries of Health of various countries have approved long periods of therapeutic fasting under the supervision of a nutritionist or dietitian, fasting is rarely used by people due to fear of complications.

Intermittent Fasting

For individuals with moderate overweight, a single long course of fasting may be sufficient to loss excess weight. However, people with severe obesity may require an intermittent fasting method. This approach involves a short course of fasting (10-15 days), followed by recovery and a “normal life” period of the same duration (30-45 days in total), with the course repeated approximately 10 times.

“Dry” Fasting

The “dry” fasting method can be widely applicable in medical practice and sports. This short-term fasting technique can be implemented in daily conditions. While typical water fast may lead to a weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per day, a “dry” fast can result in a weight loss of up to 3 kg per day.

How to start fasting

Before beginning a fast, it is important to “cleanse” the intestines. Two commonly used methods for colon cleansing are enemas and laxatives such as Glycoprep Powder or Bekunis. Enemas clean the colon, but do not the small intestine. On the other hand, saline laxatives provide a more thorough cleansing from the stomach to the large intestine. Glycoprep Powder is available in powder form and is taken in proportion to body weight. It acts osmotically, preventing reabsorption of digestive juices and promoting relaxation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is essential to drink a lot of water during this process. Bekunis produces a laxative effect, which is achieved through stimulation of the large bowel. The active ingredient in these tablets is made using natural senna glycosides which are derived from the plant Senna. Its mechanism of action involves stimulating colonic motility, which helps to accelerate colonic transit.

During dry fasting, the body takes water from fat cells, which leads to faster fat burning, compared to regular fasting, and muscle tissue does not decrease. Short-term fasting does not typically cause weakness; in fact, it can lead to increased energy and productivity. This response is an evolutionary adaptation, as a hungry person is motivated to seek food promptly. Any initial fatigue disappears by the third day of fasting, replaced by a sense of calmness. Additionally, waterless fasting can stimulate the central nervous system and have antidepressant effects.

For systematic weight loss, dry fasting for 1-3 days per week is sufficient. After regulal fasting, a person can quickly gain weight again, and after a short dry fasting, recovery of adipose tissue is rare. Following a dry fast, a rehabilitation period is recommended.

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10 foods those are good for digestion https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/10-foods-those-are-good-for-digestion/ Thu, 24 Sep 2020 07:50:46 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=962 Whole grain bread. One of the most affordable and richest sources of fiber and trace elements is whole meal bread. Rye bread considers being the most useful: it is low in calories and contains a …

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  • Whole grain bread.

  • One of the most affordable and richest sources of fiber and trace elements is whole meal bread. Rye bread considers being the most useful: it is low in calories and contains a lot of dietaries fiber, which reduces blood sugar and cleanses the digestive tract.

    1. Bran and cereals.

    A bowl of cereal with chunks of fruit for breakfast is almost 14 grams of pure fiber. The oatmeal dish contains a quarter of a person’s daily fiber need. The starch in oats slowly digested and absorbed, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time.

    1. Lentils and other legumes.

    One cup of cooked lentils contains about 16 grams of fiber. It is a unique source of iron and zinc and does not accumulate toxins. Lentils belong to one of the environmentally friendly products.

    Other legumes are also rich in dietary fiber. A cup of white beans contains 13 grams of fiber. In general, all beans are a healthy addition to your diet, but they should be added gradually to avoid gas.

    1. Berries.

    Most berries are very rich in fiber.  One cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber and only 60 calories. Blueberries are rich not only in fiber, but also virtually free of the harmful sugars found in many dessert berries.

    1. Avocado.

    This exotic and rare fruit in our diet will help to solve many of the problems associated with digestion. Avocados are high in fiber; one medium fruit contains about 12 grams of healthy fiber. This fruit is able to improve the composition of the intestinal microflora, enhance peristalsis and is a preventive measure against constipation.

    1. Almonds, pistachios and other nuts.

    Almonds have a high concentration of nutrients. It contains nearly 13 grams of unsaturated fat and 3.4 grams of fiber. By eating this nut, you can get 14% of the daily need for fiber.

    1. Pear.

    Pear is rich in healthy fiber: medium-sized fruits contain up to 5 g of fiber. This fruit contains more fructose than glucose and is therefore considered beneficial for pancreatic dysfunction. Ripe, juicy and sweet pears help digest food.

    1. Flax seeds.

    They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, and there are 2.8 g of fiber per tablespoon.  Flax seeds oil often used as a laxative and flax seeds products lower blood cholesterol levels. The high content of mucus in flax seeds protects the inflamed mucous membrane of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract from irritation, reduces the absorption of toxins. Flax seeds promote the elimination of undigested food residues, which has a positive effect on people suffering from constipation and obesity.

    1. Dried fruits: raisins, prunes.

    Prunes have a positive effect on the intestines, and one of the reasons for this is their high fiber content (3.8 g per half cup). To improve digestion, add raisins, apricots, or other dried fruits to your diet as a snack between meals.

    1. Green vegetables.

    Green vegetables are high in iron and fiber. One cup of spinach, turnip leaves, or beets contains 4 to 5 grams of fiber.



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    The benefits and effects of yoga on a woman’s body https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/the-benefits-and-effects-of-yoga-on-a-woman-s-body/ Thu, 24 Sep 2020 07:48:10 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=959 Strengthening the immune system. During yoga, special attention is paid to proper breathing. When performing asanas and during breathing exercises, you need slowly and rhythmically breathe through the nose, with the involvement of the abdomen …

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  • Strengthening the immune system.

  • During yoga, special attention is paid to proper breathing. When performing asanas and during breathing exercises, you need slowly and rhythmically breathe through the nose, with the involvement of the abdomen and diaphragm.

    This breathing method allows you to:

    • effectively cleanse your lungs from toxins;
    • saturate blood with oxygen;
    • improve blood flow in the vessels.

    The most useful for immunity are the inclinations to the legs (Uttanasana and Padahastasana), Setu bandhasana (bridge pose), Matsiasana (fish pose), Halasana (plow pose).

    1. Normalization of hormonal levels.

    Women are hostages of their hormones. Excessive or insufficient production of one of these can cause malfunctioning of the whole body. Performing certain yoga asana activates the hormonal system: adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid gland. It balances hormone production and improves the woman’s health.

    With the help of yoga, you can normalize hormone levels and help the body cope with such problems:

    • infertility;
    • premenstrual syndrome;
    • irregular cycle;
    • painful sensations during menstruation;
    • ovarian dysfunction.
    1. Improving posture.

    With incorrect posture, the woman’s appearance suffers: the chest loses its shape, the abdomen protrudes, and the gait disturbed. Slouching also has negative health effects:

    • back and neck pain;
    • hernia and protrusion of the spine;
    • compression of internal organs;
    • circulatory disorders.

    Asana help to strengthen the muscles of the back and cut spinal deformities. They help to improve the nutrition of the spinal tissues, which prevents the development of osteochondritis and the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

    1. Anti-aging effect.

    Regular systematic exercises will help women get rid of both external manifestations of old age (wrinkles and gray hair) and internal (reduced efficiency, joint and back pain).

    1. Development of body flexibility.

    Yoga classes increase the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, and allow you to achieve gracefulness and smoothness of movement. The effect will be noticeable not only during training, but also in everyday life.

    1. Weight loss.

    Yoga classes help to improve the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism. Good for weight loss are:

    • inclinations to the legs (Pashchimottanasana);
    • traction (Uttanasana, Parshvottanasana, Balasana);
    • twists (Ardha Matsyendrasana, Parivritta Utkatasana);
    • inverted postures (Sarvangasana, Shirshasana).
    1. Helps cope with stress.

    When a person experiences stress, cortisol production in the body increases. During some asanas and during meditation, the level of this hormone decreases. Thus, regular practice helps to cope with stress, prevent nervous disorders, insomnia.

    1. Preparing the body for childbirth.

    Yoga classes will help you to prepare the body for childbirth, ease the course of pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period.

    Yoga for pregnant women will help:

    • relieve back pain;
    • reduce the manifestations of toxicosis;
    • relieves swelling, feeling of heaviness in the legs;
    • lowers blood sugar;
    • reduces the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

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    10 foods to help you be energetic https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/10-foods-to-help-you-be-energetic/ Mon, 03 Aug 2020 05:12:18 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=936 Fatty, sweet or too salty dishes add extra pounds and deprive vitality. Our energy resource depends on the contents of our plate. High-calorie food deprives us of strength. After a hearty meal, the body focuses …

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    Fatty, sweet or too salty dishes add extra pounds and deprive vitality. Our energy resource depends on the contents of our plate. High-calorie food deprives us of strength. After a hearty meal, the body focuses only on digesting food. A balanced menu will help to save energy.

    1. Brown Rice

    Rice contains magnesium that helps our body produce energy. This versatile product can be a side dish to fish, chicken or lean meat. Brown rice well combined with fresh or cooked vegetables. This food should be always included in your diet.

    1. Spinach

    Low-calorie spinach leaves are a source of iron. Spinach activates production of hemoglobin, which contributes to a more rapid saturation body with oxygen. It stimulates metabolism and contributes to a more active generation of energy.

    1. Legumes

    They supply body with healthy plant protein and complex carbohydrates. Legumes maintain a comfortable energy level throughout the day. Lentils or beans in combination with a fresh salad are an excellent complex dish, even for meat-eaters.

    1. Carrot

    Carrot contains beta-carotene. It is natural pigment that converted to vitamin A during digestion. In turn, this vitamin is a powerful weapon opposed free radicals. To keep the carrots useful, bake it or eat fresh. Carrots help to get rid of fatigue and stress.

    1. Sea Fish

    Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel – all these varieties of fish supply us with the essential Omega-3 acids. They take care of blood vessels, nourish brain, and improve concentration and mood. The protein contained in the fish used to build muscle and provides a feeling of energy. Do not forget to include fish in your menu 2-3 times a week.

    1. Eggs

    Due to the unique structure of egg white, the human body absorbs it by 97%. The amino acids contained in eggs involved in the restoration and construction of our muscles. People who do a lot of sports should eat egg white every day.

    1. Almond

    Almond is a natural energy accumulator: almonds contain a lot of protein, magnesium, copper and riboflavin – vitamin B2. This vitamin involved in many important processes occurring in the body. Substances contained in almonds help to neutralize toxins and maintain mental activity. Add a few nuts to breakfast or put in a bag to eat at work.

    1. Bananas

    Bananas saturate our organs with fiber. If you add a banana to breakfast, there will be enough energy and strength before lunch. It is also a great snack option in the middle of a tiring day.

    1. Yogurt

    Natural yogurt, without sugar and all kinds of additives, is an excellent protein, vitamin and mineral sources. The proteins are essential nutrient for our muscles. Calcium and magnesium are needed for optimal recovery after work or training. Sour-milk products also give us vitamins B2 and B12, which provide brain activity.

    1. Oranges

    Oranges contain vitamin C, potassium, folic acid that are needed for supporting immunity. In order not to lose valuable fiber better not to squeeze orange juice, but eat the whole fruit. Orange helps to have a beautiful skin and promotes the production of collagen.


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    Fast food. Why is it harmful? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/fast-food-why-is-it-harmful/ Tue, 09 Jun 2020 02:39:10 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=930 Probably everyone knows that “fast food” is harmful. However, people rarely think about WHY it is harmful. What is hiding under the name “fast food”? What are the popular dishes belonging to this group? What …

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    Probably everyone knows that “fast food” is harmful. However, people rarely think about WHY it is harmful. What is hiding under the name “fast food”? What are the popular dishes belonging to this group? What is their effect on the human body in the long run? Perhaps the answers to these questions will cause you to never want to eat a purchased hamburger or Chinese noodles again.

    “Fast food” is a group of products (dishes) that are prepared quickly and sold to customers for (most often) not very big money. It is offered as restaurants located in different countries, as well as small cafes. 3 factors contribute to the growing popularity of “fast food”: the low price of food, short wait for the ordered lunch and a large number of cafes offering all kinds of fast food. Of course, the efforts of marketers also make a significant contribution.

    Fast food is not just about burgers

    Most often, this type of food is associated with a hamburger – a patty with sauce, spices, vegetables and cutlet. However, there are its variations (cheeseburger, fishburger) and many others dishes. But, you must understand that other dishes also belong to this category:

    • French fries,
    • Pizza,
    • Tortilla,
    • Hot Dog,
    • Sandwich
    • Tacos.

    Unfortunately, all these products have high calorie content, high content of poor quality fat, simple carbohydrates and salt. At the same time, there is very little fiber, vitamins and minerals there.

    Fast food and calorie content

    This is a very high-calorie meal. The sandwich has a caloric content of 250-300 kcal. Of course, the problem is not only in calories and not so much in them. Calories and fats in fast food are not balanced by enough healthy ingredients like vegetables that contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

    Recent publications on this subject indicate that it is better not to even be interested in “hidden” ingredients; otherwise there will be a desire to the manufacturer. Unfortunately, this is true. Soy protein, flavorings, dyes can turn into a very appetizing-looking cutlet thanks to modern chemists and chefs.

    What threatens the consumption of fast food?

    In constant haste, you don’t think about what you eat. Meanwhile, such food contains fatty substances that have undergone repeated heat treatment and have taken dangerous forms. Studies have shown that such trans fats are carcinogens that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, increase cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Not to mention that carcinogens themselves are substances that contributes to the formation of cancerous tumors in the body.

    A high glycemic index, excessive amounts of sugar or excess salt can hold water in the body, increase blood pressure and contribute to the development of diabetes – all this is not at all good for health and contributes to obesity.

    For all those who love all sorts of hamburgers, pizza and other dishes from the above list, there is the only acceptable and wonderful solution. Cook it all yourself. Then all the dishes will be natural, moderately salty and certainly fresh. In addition, you can control the quantity and quality of each ingredient used.

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    8 habits of modern person leading to obesity https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/8-habits-of-modern-person-leading-to-obesity/ Mon, 18 May 2020 06:58:54 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=926 Around the world, about 500 million people have been diagnosed with obesity. Such a disease occurs due to many reasons, and not only those related to the cravings of unhealthy foods. Next, we will consider …

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    Around the world, about 500 million people have been diagnosed with obesity. Such a disease occurs due to many reasons, and not only those related to the cravings of unhealthy foods. Next, we will consider 8 habits that can quickly lead to excess weight.

    1. Regular meals in solitude. Experts have proved that regular meals together with households prevent the appearance of extra pounds. When loved ones get together with their family, a cozy, homely atmosphere promotes healthier eating habits. If children prefer to eat alone, then they eat 25% more junk food than those who regularly eat with their parents at the same table.
    2. The combination of food intake with watching TV or behind a computer forces a person to consume larger serving of food, as well as large quantities of coffee. A person is distracted by something interesting and simply does not notice how much and what he ate and drank. Therefore, it is better not to combine these two classes, but to find time and the opportunity to enjoy food, slowly and in full awareness of what and how much you eat.
    3. If a person stays at a computer at night, this mode contributes to a change in metabolism and weight gain. The fact is that our body need for sleeping at night and eating in the daytime. If you lead a nocturnal lifestyle, then the physiological cycle begins to break, and energy decreases during the next day after a sleepless night. However, if you are forced to work at night, then reduce the amount of servings or the daily rate of calories.
    4. Lack of sleep is another reason for weight gain. The less sleep, the more weight, because sleep has a significant role in energy metabolism. If a person does not get enough sleep, then his body, trying to maintain wakefulness, begins to require more food.
    5. If you live in an environmentally disadvantaged area, this may be another reason for weight gain. Pollutants may begin to accumulate in adipose tissue, getting into the body with fish, meat and other fatty foods.
    6. It also matters how you spend your free time. If you watch TV for two to three hours daily, then the risk of obesity increases by about 25%. Watching TV also has a negative effect for general health, as artificial light lowers melatonin levels. Reducing this hormone (the function of which is to protect the body from metabolic disorders) leads not only to gaining extra pounds, but also to a disease such as diabetes.
    7. When choosing between high and low fat meals, choose the first option, since they provide a long-lasting feeling of saturation, as a result of which the risk of developing problems with weight is reduced. In addition, nutritionists claim that foods that, according to advertisements, have less fat, are actually much more high in calories.
    8. Carbonated sweet water contains a lot of sugar, preservatives and other harmful substances. The more you drink sweet water, the more your weight increases.

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    5 healthy meals for office lunch https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/5-healthy-meals-for-office-lunch/ Thu, 23 Apr 2020 06:13:10 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=902 In order to have lunch at the office you can: take home-cooked food with you; cook food at work from simple products, or use delivery to the office of any dish to your taste. The …

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    In order to have lunch at the office you can: take home-cooked food with you; cook food at work from simple products, or use delivery to the office of any dish to your taste.

    The main rules when creating a lunch:

    • A varied diet containing not very fatty meat and legumes and vegetables.
    • Nuts and fruits.
    • Dairy products and drinks.
    • Regular fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

    Here is a list of healthy dishes available for simple cooking:

    1. Buckwheat porridge with chicken.

    To do this, you will need:

    • Buckwheat – about a glass.
    • Chicken breast (or other meat) – a small part
    • Onion – 1pc.
    • Butter – 1 tablespoon
    • Sunflower or olive oil.
    • Spices, seasonings.

    Chicken meat, cut into small pieces, is cooked, in general, for about 30 minutes, while pork and beef – 40 minutes. Place it in a small saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the meat. Approximate volume – 0.5 liters. When it boils, wait 10 minutes and add the buckwheat. Cook until cooked, stirring regularly.

    The final step is toaste onions, adding salt, herbs and butter. Supplement the daily diet with beetroot salad with apple and raisins (vitamin C and vitamins group B). If you do not like these foods, then you can use vitamin supplements, for example Gold-Vit C 1000 Forte or Elevit. As a drink take compote of dried fruit or apples cooked in the morning.

    1. Chicken drumsticks baked in the oven.

    This recipe is well complemented by a classic salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.


    • Chicken drumsticks – a pack containing 6-12 pieces.
    • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
    • Tomato paste – 1 tsp.
    • Seasoning for chicken.

    Chicken drumsticks must be marinated for 20 minutes in a mixture of mayonnaise and tomato paste. Then place it in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    In order to supplement dish with fiber and iodine, prepare a salad of cabbage and grated carrots with olive oil.

    1. Vitamin porridge “5 cereals” with fruits.

    If the office has a kettle, then a mixture of steamed cereals can be brewed with boiling water. You can improve the taste of oatmeal, corn, wheat and barley groats fruit slices. For example, you need: half an apple, a quarter of a banana, 20 grams of pre-soaked raisins and dried apricots. A good addition will be kefir, fermented milk and a milk drink containing bifidobacteria. Such a hearty lunch will provide energy and useful trace elements until the evening.

    1. Cottage cheese and honey snack.

    Cottage cheese should be present in the diet at least once every two days.

    For a nutritious lunch you will need:

    • Cottage cheese – 200g.
    • Honey – 1 tbsp.
    • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
    • Apple -1 pc.
    • Peeled walnuts – 50g.

    First mash the cottage cheese with a fork to give it a loose consistency with small particles. Cut the apple into small cubes, and crush the nuts into quarters. Then combine all components together.

    1. Vegetable salad “Nutritious”


    • Potato – 2-3pcs;
    • Carrots – 1 pc;
    • Egg – 1pc;
    • Boiled meat – 100g;
    • Corn – 2 tbsps.;
    • Peas – 2 tbsps.;
    • Sour cream -1 tbsp.

    To cook this simple recipe at home, you need to boil vegetables in advance and cut them into small pieces together with the egg. Then add the rest of the ingredients and put in a container.

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    How not to overeat? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-not-to-overeat/ Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:30:53 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=832 So the time has come for the New Year holidays, the tables are full of diverse dishes, and our stomach may pass a real test. If you feel bad due to overeating, then this is …

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    So the time has come for the New Year holidays, the tables are full of diverse dishes, and our stomach may pass a real test. If you feel bad due to overeating, then this is not a reason to immediately grab onto pills. Thus, you are trying to solve the consequence, not the cause. It will be much more useful to master some nutritional rules and fix the problem once and for all. We have collected for you the best advice from doctors, nutritionists, psychologists and even yoga trainers on how to properly approach food intake. Following these simple rules, you will help your stomach, intestines and other organs of the digestive tract to better do their work.

    Before eating, take 5 minutes to do breathing exercises. Thanks to this simple technique, your nervous system will calm down and be able to tune in to a meal. Particularly it is not desirable to eat when you are experiencing negative emotions. In any case, try not to sit down at the table until you have done breathing exercises. If this does not help, or you experience prolonged tension and stress, use sedatives, such as Relaxedin, because scientists have long proved that most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are psychosomatic in nature.

    For breathing exercises, first find a place where no one will bother you for several minutes. You can close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply. With each breathing cycle, try to stretch the time during inhalation and exhalation as much as possible. As a result, you should get to the point where your inhalation and exhalation will be eight seconds. Do not stop there and over time this time will double. In any case, you do not need to chase the indicators, since your goal is to relax and calm your nervous system before eating.

    It is important that the digestion process begins even before the food enters the mouth. Your thoughts, the smells of the upcoming lunch prompt the body get ready for a meal. Saliva appears in the mouth, the stomach starts the production of acid and enzymes that promote digestion. When we eat in a hurry, we inevitably miss one of the stages of proper digestion and as a result we get indigestion and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

    First, look at what you are going to eat, enjoy the smell. Put a small piece in your mouth and thoroughly taste your food. This advice is such a natural and simple thing that doing it will not be difficult for you.

    These simple tips will help your body prepare your stomach for work. You need to approach as consciously as possible to your meal!

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    5 Tips To Help You Feel Healthy https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/5-tips-to-help-you-feel-healthy/ Thu, 10 Oct 2019 13:04:26 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=808 We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. …

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    We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. Sometimes this really means that a medical condition has arisen, but quite often it means that you and your body are tired and upset. Here are some tips to keep you alert, cheerful, and healthy every day.

    1. Sleep as much as you need.

    Not everyone needs to sleep 8 hours. 7 hours will suffice for someone, and 6 hours for someone other to feel awake. The main thing is that all sleep cycles are observed, and you do not interrupt the process of night recovery. Proper sleep (when you are resting and not tormented by nightmares or restless awakenings) is important for health. It expels circles under the eyes, affects the heart, weight and even the mind.

    2. Proper nutrition is a sign of self-love.

    Make an effort and eat right, avoiding heavily processed foods. The better you eat, the better you sleep, and the better you feel.

    3. Find a way to maintain your health through physical activity.

    Find time for yoga, jogging, or at least morning and evening exercises. Exercise will help you maintain a normal level of energy and the body will be in good condition. Exercise also helps the muscles, ligaments, and joints to work better.

    4. Do not be hard on yourself.

    Many people constantly scolding themselves for gained kilograms, for work not done, for unwillingness to play sports, etc. You need to find a way to love yourself. Regardless of whether you had an average day, a great day or a bad day, reward yourself with a smile and praise for anything. Keep in mind that despite the fact that abuse of sweets does lead to obesity, if you scolding yourself and making you feel guilty, you can provoke yourself to even more overeating. Thus, if you eat something harmful from time to time, just walk an extra kilometer through the park on foot to spend a few calories and breathe in fresh air to relax, rather than scolding yourself for giving in to temptation.

    5. Sometimes you just need to do nothing.

    It seems too many people that they are sometimes very lazy, and do nothing, so this point is precisely fulfilled. However, note that even when you are not working, you are doing something, for example, studying something on the phone, thinking about problems or a plan for tomorrow, listening to music, etc. And you just have to sit down and do absolutely nothing for several minutes – to meditate in silence and think exclusively about it (about what is happening here and now, without being distracted by anything else).

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