Ulcer Archives - United Pharmacies Blog https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/cat/ulcer/ United Pharmacies Blog Sat, 15 Jul 2023 09:03:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 Unhealthy food and its impact on the stomach https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/unhealthy-food-and-its-impact-on-the-stomach/ Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:03:48 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1539 The food available at restaurants, fast food is far from being beneficial to human health. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from obesity, diabetes, and stomach diseases continues to rise. In many cases, these conditions …

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The food available at restaurants, fast food is far from being beneficial to human health. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from obesity, diabetes, and stomach diseases continues to rise. In many cases, these conditions occur due to the consumption of fast food, canned food, eating on the go, all of which are main factors contributing to these diseases.

One of the dangers is the consumption of food containing various artificial dyes and preservatives. Sweet carbonated drinks, in particular, are especially harmful due to their high benzoate content. Benzoates can disrupt the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, leading to digestive problems such as peptic ulcers and gastritis. It is worth noting that prolonged consumption of these products increases the risks to the human bodies. Additionally, products containing tartrazine, such as ready-made side dishes, bouillon cubes, instant soups, and even confectionery, can also pose a threat to person`s health.

Fast food, in particular, is harmful and dangerous due to its lack of essential vitamins and nutrients, excessive amounts of carcinogens, and various artificial dyes. Despite their high calorie content, fast food doesn`t provide adequate energy and instead contribute to the formation of fat deposits, leading to increased risks of stomach diseases. Individuals with atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes are strongly advised to avoid these products.

French fries, for example, are fried in oil, as a result of which carcinogens are formed, which have a negative effect on the stomach. Similarly, chips cooked in transgenic fats are also detrimental, because it is difficult for the human body to digest and excrete such fats, which leads to their accumulation in blood vessels, atherosclerosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of these products is highly undesirable for children and adolescents.

Grilled or barbecued foods also may come with negative consequences. For instance, grilled chicken, due to the cooking process, poses a double danger. The combination of excessive spices and fat that overheats on skewers can result in the formation of carcinogens that can harm the stomach and even lead to cancer. Shawarma meat can also have carcinogenic substances due to the overheated fat.

It is important to note that while these products and similar ones are safe for occasional consumption, they should not be part of a regular diet. Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that even certain ordinary foods can cause gastrointestinal problems. Spinach, tomatoes, and citrus fruits, despite their high vitamin content, can aggravate gastric pathologies. Individuals with high stomach acidity should avoid vegetable-based dishes and fresh salads, as they can increase gastric juice secretion, leading to heartburn, stomach pain, and potentially nausea and vomiting. If you have these symptoms, take Omez or Omezol Relief.

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Healthy nutrition is the key to beauty and a healthy GI tract https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/healthy-nutrition-is-the-key-to-beauty-and-a-healthy-gi-tract/ Thu, 25 May 2023 14:36:18 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1520 As you know, healthy and balanced nutrition is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle and the key to a slim and beautiful figure. When inexperienced ordinary people hear the phrase “healthy food”, …

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As you know, healthy and balanced nutrition is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle and the key to a slim and beautiful figure. When inexperienced ordinary people hear the phrase “healthy food”, they immediately imagine tasteless dishes, unappetizing steamed vegetables and meat, as well as a complete ban on all sweets. In fact, healthy food can and should be not only useful, but also necessarily tasty to bring pleasure from its consumption.

Choose the right products

The basis of a healthy diet is the consumption of such products, which will provide the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Healthy daily meals must meet several requirements:

  • if possible, it should consist of natural products;
  • have a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • include a minimum of chemical additives;
  • be properly cooked.

And if in the summer it is quite easy to choose healthy products for cooking your favorite dishes, in the winter it is somewhat more difficult due to the lack of fresh vegetables. But at this time of the year, you can use frozen products.

Following the rules of healthy eating, choose a variety of dishes consisting of vegetables, cereals, meat and seafood. It is also useful to sometimes treat yourself to delicious desserts made of milk and fruits or berries. Such products will preserve your youth, promote gastrointestinal motility and good digestion. But remember that with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot eat even some healthy foods. So, for example, people with ulcers and hyperacid gastritis cannot eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. In this case, a special medical diet and taking such drugs as Lanzol or Nexpro are necessary. Their therapeutic benefits are achieved by means of inhibiting the secretion of stomach acid. Antisecretory effects are produced by suppressing an enzyme system that occurs within the parietal cells of the stomach.

And it is also important to consume only fresh products. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates.

And most importantly, always read the label carefully, including the fine print. The actual composition of the purchased product will be written there.

Cook in a multicooker

And so that cooking daily meals becomes simpler and faster, and also that the maximum amount of useful substances remains in the products, use a multicooker. Fortunately, in the modern world, you can cook almost any dish using this technique, including potatoes and various soups, vegetable stews and porridges, dairy products and desserts, casseroles, pasta and all kinds of pastries.

Dishes prepared according to recipes in a multicooker contain less “harmful” fats and carcinogenic substances that are formed during frying, and also allow you to preserve the juicy and rich taste of products.

Eat with pleasure and have a slim figure and healthy gastrointestinal tract.

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What to do if you often have no appetite? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/what-to-do-if-you-often-have-no-appetite/ Sat, 29 Apr 2023 14:52:35 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1511 There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce …

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There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce appetite. However, there is a large group of people who have faced the opposite problem – lack of appetite. Long-term lack of appetite is not good for our body, but you can stimulate it in very simple ways. Let’s consider several ways to increase your appetite and maintain your health.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity (and not necessarily very intense) has a positive effect on improving appetite and contributes to the normalization of digestion and metabolism in the human body. Thirty minutes of exercise a day is enough to solve the problem of lack of appetite completely. You can do aerobic exercises, running, swimming, walking – any exercises and sports that stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, saturate the whole body with oxygen. After training, your appetite will improve and you will enjoy eating.


Green vegetables are recommended during the treatment of almost any disease, because they are very useful for health. They contain vitamin C, vitamin K, are rich in fiber, so they are useful for weight loss, but they have many other useful properties. Green vegetables also improve appetite in children. Lettuce, cabbage, chicory, watercress, sorrel contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its activity, increase appetite and, in addition, also contribute to better absorption of many trace elements, in particular zinc. Especially useful are bitter green vegetables, which stimulate an increase in appetite.

Drink more water

Water is vitally important for the entire body. It is not only necessary for certain vital processes and basic functions of the body, but also cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism and thereby regulates abnormal appetite. Therefore, drinking enough water quickly helps to increase appetite. The optimal amount of liquid needed by the body during the day is 8 glasses of still mineral water. Also, it is useful to drink tea during the day and eat soup once a day. In addition, a lot of water is contained in fresh fruits and vegetables – let there be more of these products in your diet.

When normalizing appetite, it is important not to forget that you need to change some eating habits and understand the reasons for the deterioration. It is also better to avoid stress, because the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, second only to the nervous system, is disturbed due to stress. Try to implement these recommendations, but remember that lack of appetite can be one of the symptoms of some diseases, and in this case you will need the help of a specialist. Therefore, consult a doctor, because with some diseases it is absolutely necessary to take medication (for example, with Addison’s disease – Prednisone, with ulcerative colitis – Salazopyrin), and some of them are very dangerous, so they must be treated as soon as possible.

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How to maintain beauty and health for many years https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-maintain-beauty-and-health-for-many-years/ Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:34:49 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1460 When we wake up in the morning, we often feel sleepy and tired. Sometimes a person has no energy during the whole day. Of course, you can find a lot of reasons why this happens. …

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When we wake up in the morning, we often feel sleepy and tired. Sometimes a person has no energy during the whole day. Of course, you can find a lot of reasons why this happens.

But actually the answer is very simple. Very often, people don’t have enough time to pay attention to their health and exercise in the morning, or the exercises they try to do at home increase their back pain, and they don’t have the money to go to the gym. But it is a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, stress and untimely visits to the doctor that worsen our health and make us less attractive. Let’s consider several reasons that prevent us from maintaining beauty and health.

The first, and most people think that this is the most important reason, is the lack of time. For example, many people do not want to warm up in the morning. And in vain, because it takes little time and has a significant positive effect on health. You should not do it for an hour or more, start doing it for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercises. The most important thing is not to set such goals that you will not be able to achieve later, this will lead to disappointment and ultimately to the unwillingness to do exercises. In addition, motivation is necessary to do something regularly. For example, what is the benefit of morning warm-up for a person? Firstly, it helps to wake up, be cheerful, concentrated and energetic. In addition, if a person does warm-up every day, the pain in the back that appears as a result of a sedentary lifestyle is reduced.

The second reason is that we are distracted at home. To avoid such a problem, try to charge at a convenient time. But the best thing is to accustom your relatives or roommates to a healthy lifestyle and allot time together for morning exercise. Choose for yourself a set of physical exercises that will help you maintain the beauty of your body and health. When we find the strength and time to deal with such issues, we become healthier, more beautiful and more attractive.

In addition to physical activity, healthy nutrition is important for a person’s beauty and health. Like morning exercises, it will help us to be a concentrated, productive, energetic and able-bodied person all day long. Knowing the rules of healthy eating, each of us can independently choose the right products for ourselves and make a menu taking into account financial possibilities.

Eat a variety of foods. Meals should consist of various food products: fruits, berries, mushrooms, vegetables, legumes and cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, oils and greens. Try to eat regularly, but in small portions, three or four times a day. Try to limit salt. Also, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar and sweets. These food products accelerate the aging of the skin, negatively affect the endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Eat raw fruits and vegetables instead. They normalize the level of glucose, blood pressure, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you get heartburn after eating vegetables or fruits, you may have gastritis and need to take drugs such as Nexium or Lanzol.


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Best fruits for the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/best-fruits-for-the-gastrointestinal-tract-and-the-whole-body/ Tue, 01 Nov 2022 03:23:08 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1415 To be beautiful and energetic, it is necessary to have a healthy stomach, intestines and the entire GI tract. Everyone knows this, but unfortunately, not everyone cares about their health and follows a healthy diet. …

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To be beautiful and energetic, it is necessary to have a healthy stomach, intestines and the entire GI tract. Everyone knows this, but unfortunately, not everyone cares about their health and follows a healthy diet. Food of both animal and vegetable origin should be in the diet of every person. As for the second group, for the proper functioning of the liver and intestines, and prevention of deficiency of various vitamins, it is necessary to consume. Let’s consider which fruits are most useful for human health.

  1. Apples.

These fruits are affordable and at the same time very useful, as they contain a lot of fiber and pectin. They improve the work of the digestive system, help remove toxins from the intestines, increase appetite, promote the production of gastric juice, improve motility during constipation, and much more. In addition, there are studies that describe that apples improve the condition of the immune system (80% of which is located in the intestine), and help patients with viral diseases and colds recover faster.

  1. Avocado.

Few people know the beneficial properties of this fruit. It contains a rare substance – glutathione, which blocks many carcinogens and promotes detoxification processes in the liver.

If you don’t like the taste of avocado, you can take Hepaplus. This drug contains substances that are similar in their effect on the body to glutathione. Hepaplus is a special dietary supplement aimed at those who wish to ensure that the liver stays healthy. This could be due to the liver being exposed to harmful substances, such as alcohol, indigestible foods or medicine. It may be taken for other purposes too, such as digestive problems.

  1. Bananas.

Bananas prevent constipation and reduce blood pressure. Also, bananas relieve heartburn and, thanks to their satiety, are suitable for breakfast or dinner.

  1. Grapefruit.

This fruit speeds up metabolism in the body, promotes better absorption of food with frequent use.

  1. Apricots.

Apricots are good for eyesight, contain beta-carotene, and are an excellent source of energy.

  1. Mango.

This exotic fruit strengthens immunity, promotes faster healing of wounds, and also prevents arthritis. One fruit provides a person’s daily need for vitamin C.

  1. Kiwi.

Kiwi is very rich in various vitamins. It cleans the intestines and improves the condition of patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. However, remember that certain medications such as Colofac (Mebeverine Hydrochloride) must be taken if you are suffering from this disease. Colofac is an oral antispasmodic medication used to treat patients with IBS. It works by smoothing the intestinal muscles in the gut to stop spasms that cause the pain and diarrhea associated with this condition.

If you regularly eat fruits, you will notice an improvement in your well-being, you will get sick less, because by normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract and consuming a lot of vitamins and useful amino acids, you will become healthier and more beautiful!


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Caffeine and the human body https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/caffeine-and-the-human-body/ Tue, 06 Sep 2022 02:27:02 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1395 Let’s consider the effect of caffeine on the human body, the benefits and harms of coffee. The fact is that every year the number of people who regularly consume this aromatic drink is growing rapidly. …

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Let’s consider the effect of caffeine on the human body, the benefits and harms of coffee. The fact is that every year the number of people who regularly consume this aromatic drink is growing rapidly. Many people drink it at least once or twice a day. Some like its taste, some like its aroma. Some people need it to maintain productivity during the day, because in today’s world it is necessary to be constantly active and solve many problems without getting tired. Many businessmen and businesswomen are coffee addicts, they don’t leave the house until they drink a cup of coffee.

Of course, there are also a huge number of people in the world who like tea, so we will consider the effect of caffeine in this article, since this substance is present in both coffee and tea.

The benefits and harms of caffeine have been debated for many years. Some scientists prove that it has a harmful effect on the body, while others find evidence that it is useful. In fact, coffee and tea can be both good and bad at the same time. The effect of caffeine on health depends on the person who consumes it, on his diseases and genetic characteristics. Let’s consider in more detail the effect of caffeine on the human body.

Benefits of caffeinated drinks:

  • they improve hearing, vision, smell, as well as short-term memory, which is why coffee is popular among students;
  • reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and liver cancer several times;
  • also, the benefit of coffee and tea is that they enrich the body with the trace elements, vitamins and minerals it needs;
  • reduce the risk of intestinal tumors;
  • caffeine reduces the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland (it is worth noting that in conditions of severe environmental pollution, many people face problems related to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • as for the effect of caffeine on the heart, it stimulates the activity of the heart and expands the lumen of blood vessels, which is why coffee and tea reduce the risk of a heart attack;
  • it helps to increase blood pressure, so it is useful for people with low blood pressure;
  • caffeine can relieve headaches, including migraines. There are even headache medications with caffeine, such as Panadol and Cafergot.

The harm of caffeinated drinks is as follows:

  • they increase the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause stomach pain and more serious complications. Therefore, such drinks are contraindicated for people with gastritis and ulcers;
  • a person who abuses coffee has increased heart rate, insomnia and reduced concentration. He becomes nervous and irritable.

So, we considered the effect of caffeine on the human body. It can be concluded that if a person does not have problems with the heart, stomach and other vital organs, then caffeinated drinks will not have a negative effect on health, but on the contrary, will improve his condition and give a lot of pleasure.

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How to restore the body after a vacation at sea? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-restore-the-body-after-a-vacation-at-sea/ Mon, 08 Aug 2022 04:16:04 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1374 When the vacation at the sea is already in the past, the tan is replaced by the usual pallor of a city dweller, the beauty of eyebrows, eyelashes and hair has disappeared under the influence …

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When the vacation at the sea is already in the past, the tan is replaced by the usual pallor of a city dweller, the beauty of eyebrows, eyelashes and hair has disappeared under the influence of sea water, gastrointestinal disorders have appeared, the question arises: how to restore the body after the summer vacation?

In the summer, promotions and discounts in beauty salons are not rare, they are designed to restore the beauty of the face and hair after the summer vacation. But first it is necessary to nourish the body from the inside. Various vitamin complexes, omega-3 acids are perfect for this, they are designed for people who care about the health of their hair, skin and nails. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such vitamins will have a positive effect on the whole body.


Cosmetologists advise to apply special sunscreen sprays, shampoos and balms to your hair during sea vacations. If you neglect this advice, it is better to trim the dry ends of your hair after your vacation. An interesting novelty in hairdressing is a haircut with hot scissors. Such a procedure will allow you to forget about split ends for a long time.

In addition to haircuts, it is advisable to regularly use nourishing and moisturizing hair masks. In the first month after vacation, it is not recommended to dye your hair, highlight or perm. In addition, you should limit the use of hair dryers and styling products.


After a long stay in the sun, the skin of the face becomes dry, wrinkles appear around the eyes. It is necessary to use moisturizing agents, thermal water and cooling gels for the skin around the eyes. A gel mask for the contour of the eyes can also have a beneficial effect on the eyelids.

To get rid of freckles or age spots, you need to use special creams (such as Eukroma) or home remedies – cucumber or chamomile. Then you can go through the whitening procedure in beauty salons.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

After vacation, you should contact the salon about their correction and coloring. 3 weeks after the vacation, do not use an eyebrow pencil, and apply a smaller amount of mascara on the eyelashes.


After the vacation, it is best to nourish the nails with special oils, for example, castor oil or olive, and baths with special products.

Gastrointestinal tract

In addition to appearance, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract can worsen during vacation at sea. People often abuse junk food, alcohol and sweets. This negatively affects the state of the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and microbiota. As a result, bloating, belching, heartburn, abdominal pain appear, and the ulcer worsens. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, visit a doctor after your vacation, take medications (such as Lanzol) that will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and eat healthy foods.

All these actions will help you recover after an active vacation at sea and be energetic while waiting for your next vacation.

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5 best autumn foods for intestinal health and prevention of ulcerative colitis https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/5-best-autumn-foods-for-intestinal-health-and-prevention-of-ulcerative-colitis/ Mon, 15 Nov 2021 02:53:51 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1299 In autumn, nature gives us a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, in the fall we need to eat healthy foods that will increase our immunity before winter. Pumpkin. …

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In autumn, nature gives us a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, in the fall we need to eat healthy foods that will increase our immunity before winter.

  1. Pumpkin.

Pumpkin is a leader among all autumn vegetables and fruits in terms of nutrients. Pumpkin has more beta-carotene than carrots and more iron than beets. This low-calorie food is suitable for the diet menu, and it also speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Pumpkin also contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins K, A, C, E, PP and many others, which are not very common, but necessary for our body. Among the trace elements in the pumpkin contains: calcium and magnesium, copper and iron, cobalt. They help restore blood and are useful for patients with anemia.

When buying a pumpkin, try to choose not large or small pumpkins, but medium-sized fruits. Pay attention to the stalk – it should be dry and dark (this means that the vegetable is fully ripe).

  1. Figs.

Figs are rich in antioxidants and useful amino acids. Despite the fact that figs have almost no acid, it contains a lot of vitamin C. Figs are quite high in calories and contain a lot of fructose. But it contains substances that accelerate the fermentation of sugar, which means that all the sweetness of figs will only benefit you.

It also contains a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the timely excretion of toxins from the body. Try eating it in the morning, adding to cereals, muesli, cheese, yogurt and smoothies.

  1. Eggplant.

The riper this purple vegetable, the more useful it is. Eggplants contain not only vitamins (groups B, A, P, C), but also phosphorus and magnesium, copper and iron, calcium and manganese, potassium and zinc, tannins, pectin. They lower cholesterol, remove excess fluid from the body, and a large amount of fiber in them helps cleanse the intestines of toxins.

A great option is to bake whole eggplants, then chop them and mix them with fresh tomatoes and arugula. And you can stuff them with minced meat or vegetables.

  1. Tomatoes.

Tomatoes grow almost until winter. They contain essential vitamins C and K, mineral salts, organic acids.

Tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which not only improves the brain and cardiovascular system, but also prevents the risk of cancer. The most useful are pink tomatoes, orange-yellow and cherry. When buying tomatoes, choose only fully ripe vegetables or leave them to ripen in a dry dark place.

  1. Pears.

Autumn varieties of pears are not only very tasty, but also useful. This juicy delicacy is an excellent source of potassium, fiber, vitamin C. Pears have a wonderful effect on the intestinal microflora and improve metabolism.

They can be used in many dishes. For example, make a pear duck, pear pie, smoothie. Add pears to various salads: with greens and walnuts, with prosciutto and arugula.

If you notice dangerous symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, be sure to see a doctor, because if it turns out to be ulcerative colitis, treatment (such as drugs such as Apo-Prednisone or Dexona) should be started as soon as possible!

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5 Foods for Gastrointestinal Health and Prevention of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/5-foods-for-gastrointestinal-health-and-prevention-of-zollinger-ellison-syndrome/ Mon, 15 Nov 2021 02:36:57 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1296 For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition, as well as to diversify the diet with food from the proposed list. Such foods help …

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For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition, as well as to diversify the diet with food from the proposed list. Such foods help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulate the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the digestive process.

  1. Broccoli

The substances contained in this cabbage help protect cells from the negative effects of gastric juice and enzymes. Regular consumption of broccoli is recommended for the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Constant consumption of broccoli reduces inflammation.

Broccoli contains many antioxidants that have a positive effect on the body. This vegetable is rich in sulforaphane, a substance that supports the human immune system and minimizes the possibility of tumors.

  1. Yogurt

The probiotics contained in yogurt improve the functioning of the local immune system and normalize the production of acids and enzymes. When you eat yogurt, food particles break down twice as fast. This promotes complete and rapid absorption of nutrients by the body.

  1. Blueberries.

Consumption of blueberries in fresh form, as well as tea helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of blueberries is a reliable prevention of tumors and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

The main advantage of this berry is antioxidants. At the cellular level, they affect malignant tumors without giving grounds for their formation, ie are a good prevention. Blueberries are also one of the richest plant sources of manganese. Trace elements such as selenium and manganese, as well as copper and zinc, are important for gastrointestinal health.

  1. Red grapes.

Red grapes are a wonderful dessert. These medium-sized berries are added to salads, baked pork or veal.

It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell degeneration and destroys free radicals. Red grapes are a good prevention of gastrointestinal cancer. It successfully reduces the level of nitrates and nitrites. The skin of red grapes contains resveratrol, a substance that breaks down bad cholesterol and improves vascular elasticity.

When choosing grapes, pay attention to the density and color of berries. They should be free of mold, dark spots and cracks. And the stalk of a high-quality bunch of grapes should be elastic. Store the grapes in the refrigerator on a shelf with a medium temperature. This method of storage will help preserve all the beneficial properties of grapes.

  1. Pumpkin.

It helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid, contains a huge amount of minerals necessary for health, normalizes the papilla, through which pancreatic juice is secreted. Pumpkin has been shown to be good for treating type 2 diabetes because it helps lower blood glucose.

These are the basic foods that are good for proper digestion. In combination with PPIs (Nexium, Pantoprazole Actavis), it is the most reliable prevention of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.


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4 myths about Crohn’s disease https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/4-myths-about-crohn-s-disease/ Wed, 10 Nov 2021 05:39:13 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1293 It is difficult to diagnose. It is difficult to diagnose Crohn’s disease due to its symptoms and very different manifestations. This disease can be confused with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and in the acute …

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  • It is difficult to diagnose.

  • It is difficult to diagnose Crohn’s disease due to its symptoms and very different manifestations. This disease can be confused with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and in the acute phase even with appendicitis. With this pathology, skin rashes may appear, joints and organs of vision may be affected. It happens that before making a correct diagnosis, a person will be treated by various specialists.

    Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is not difficult for a gastroenterologist. Signs of the disease can be determined by blood tests, colonoscopy, histological examination, X-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging and other methods. The most modern diagnostic option is capsule endoscopy: the patient swallows a tablet-sized device equipped with a mini-camera. The device passes through the digestive tract, and then the doctor receives the information and analyzes it on a computer.

    1. Treatment is ineffective and has strong side effects.

    Crohn’s disease medication is prescribed to patients to relieve inflammation in the colon as soon as possible. These can be hormones, antibiotics, probiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs (Salazopyrin, Pentasa). Thanks to the work of scientists for many years, patients with Crohn’s disease are prescribed very effective drugs. Such drugs, first, make it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment. Second, it minimizes the risks of side effects. In many patients, improvement occurs within a day after taking the drug (reduces pain, normalizes stool, stops intestinal bleeding). In many situations, such treatment helps prevent surgery.

    New drugs prescribed for Crohn’s disease can not only relieve symptoms, but also heal the affected mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    1. It is impossible to live a normal life.

    Despite recurrent relapses, remission in Crohn’s disease can last for months or even years. There are many successful examples of treating patients with Crohn’s disease. They are educated, have families, work successfully, are active and do not feel inferior.

    There are certain behavioral restrictions that must be followed to prevent exacerbation of the pathology and a new recurrence. But there are exceptions. This primarily applies to sports and nutrition. Despite the limitations of physical activity, moderate physical activity is not contraindicated. Many foods are not recommended, but sometimes the patient can afford to eat something forbidden.

    1. Surgery is inevitable.

    There are patients in whom Crohn’s disease cannot be stopped without surgery. Surgical methods are used in extreme cases, when the patient’s condition is approaching a critical state, and conservative treatment does not give the expected results. But in most cases, the disease is well treated with drug therapy.

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