Antidepressants Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Mon, 09 Jan 2023 09:39:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Improve your body yourself Mon, 09 Jan 2023 03:39:04 +0000 In today’s world, it is quite difficult to maintain the beauty and health of the body. Ecology and modern lifestyle affect a person’s appearance. And this shows that it is necessary to take care of …

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In today’s world, it is quite difficult to maintain the beauty and health of the body. Ecology and modern lifestyle affect a person’s appearance. And this shows that it is necessary to take care of the body constantly. Let’s consider some tips that will help you have a beautiful body.


First of all, the beauty of the body should be maintained with the help of simple rules of hygiene, which everyone should follow. If you forget about these rules, then none, even the most expensive cosmetics, will help you. These rules must be followed:

– Take a shower at least once a day. It is necessary to use a soft washcloth, as well as moisturizing shower gel, foam or soap.

– It is necessary to take a foot bath for 15-20 minutes every day. To make it, mix warm water and sea salt. This procedure helps to relax before going to bed.

– facial cleansing plays an important role. To do this, you need to choose products that suit your skin type and use them in the following sequence. First, the skin is cleaned using a gel or any other similar product. With its help, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day are removed. Next, the skin is cleansed again with a tonic. And after that, the skin is cleansed with a day or night cream, depending on the time of the procedure.

The right choice of cosmetics

But just taking a shower and going about your business or going to bed is not enough, because you need to take care of your body more so that it remains beautiful for as long as possible. In stores there are cosmetics that will help take care of the body. But it is important to choose these care products correctly.

Do not choose care products based on the appearance of the packaging and advertising. You must read the composition.

The first names in the composition of the product are the most important, since there are a lot of them in the composition of these cosmetics. If you understand that these are not natural ingredients, refuse the purchase. In the first place should be oils and various extracts.

Do not buy products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, ethylparaben, and other parabens. Numerous studies and scientists confirm that these products are harmful to humans.

Many people pay attention to the smell of products. Remember that the product can have a strong smell only if it contains many different chemicals. This means that body cosmetics with a strong aroma should be avoided.

You should not choose care products based on the advice of friends, but based on your own skin type.

As for the price, it is not an indicator of the quality of the product. You should not pay attention only to the price; first you should read the composition. Not always what is expensive may be suitable for your skin.

Get rid of bad habits

Our body is significantly affected by bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol consumption. They make you less attractive. Also, they accelerate aging, negatively affect the liver (detoxification organ), gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, lungs, brain, joints and endocrine system. If you find it difficult to give up these habits, you can take drugs that will help you do this, for example, to quit smoking take Acamprol, and to reduce alcohol consumption – Bupron XL.

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5 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health and Prevent Bipolar Disorder Mon, 24 May 2021 23:01:26 +0000 Analyze where you spend energy. Most often, energy is spent where a person does not feel pleasure and joy. Therefore, you need to analyze your life. Divide the sheet of paper into sections: family, career, …

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  • Analyze where you spend energy.

  • Most often, energy is spent where a person does not feel pleasure and joy. Therefore, you need to analyze your life. Divide the sheet of paper into sections: family, career, friends, health, etc. Take the markers and give meaning to all the colors that will be used. For example, red means anxiety, green – calm, orange – energy, gray – sadness or fatigue. Paint each section in the most appropriate color. It is important to rely only on your feelings. This exercise will help you visually assess your energy loss. Once you understand which area of ​​your life is suffering, it will be easier for you to be filled with positive energy.

    1. Find your goal.

    When a person lives, fulfilling his destiny, energy flows to him. But the difficulty lies in finding a way. At the same time, it is important to enjoy the process itself. You can use a variety of ways to find what gives you energy. Ask yourself what you would do if you didn’t have to make money. If you don’t change anything, that’s fine.

    1. Make a list of achievements.

    A healthy psychological state is directly related to self-esteem. If your self-esteem is low, you will not be motivated to act. The easiest way to reach your potential is to make a list of the achievements you have made in your life. Whenever you have doubts about your abilities, take this list and read it aloud.

    Also ask your loved ones to answer the question why they love you and what they learned from you. You will find that their answers will surprise you and help raise your self-esteem. During the week, praise yourself for even the smallest achievements. This will teach your brain to focus on the positive. This skill will help you maintain a healthy psychological state.

    1. Feel the state of happiness.

    Happiness can be felt at any time, and it does not depend on external circumstances. Strange as it may sound, you can develop the ability to feel happy. Remember in detail the happiest day of your life. Maybe it was the birth of a child or the New Year, when your parents gave you a toy. Write down your feelings with these memories. Then try to imagine your condition and experience these emotions. After this meditation you will feel a lot of energy and vitality. Your brain will tune in to receive these sensations daily. To be happy means to be healthy both psychologically and physically.

    1. Communicate only with positive people.

    In everyday life, communicate only with positive and intellectually developed people. Look for people with similar interests and worldviews. Create a circle of communication in which you can relax or learn something new. Toxic people take away your energy even during a simple conversation. The environment directly affects your mental health. So, try to surround yourself every day with people who will fill your life with positive events.

    But if you notice that you can not cope with the deterioration of psycho-emotional state, see a doctor and take drugs such as Arpizol or Depilox.



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    6 tips on how to spend your summer to avoid autumn depression Mon, 24 May 2021 22:56:56 +0000 Do outdoor sports. Summer is the perfect time to change from a gym workout to a waterfront jog or a park yoga. You don’t have to do hard sports. You can combine physical activity with …

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  • Do outdoor sports.

  • Summer is the perfect time to change from a gym workout to a waterfront jog or a park yoga. You don’t have to do hard sports. You can combine physical activity with fun and play volleyball with friends or ride a bike around the city together. Studies show that polluted city air should not interfere with exercise, because it is useful to play sports outdoors, even in a big city. Just remember to drink enough water after exercise.

    1. Normalize sleep.

    In summer it is more pleasant to wake up early than at any other time of the year. This period is good for forming a sleep schedule. In summer, try to go to bed before 22.00 and wake up until 8.00. Also, use silk bedding to help you get enough sleep. Such linen does not heat up as quickly as cotton or other fabrics. Good sleep is necessary in order to prevent the development of autumn depression. Because when the body sleeps for a sufficient amount of time, you easily adapt to new circumstances.

    1. Relax outside the city.

    You can leave the city with friends or parents for at least a few hours. No need to cook traditional kebabs – instead you can have a picnic, take a walk in the woods or swim in the lake. A good rest will fill you with pleasant memories and energy. You will also get a dose of a very important vitamin D. All this will help you to be in a good mood on autumn days.

    1. Learn something new.

    In three summer months, you can learn something new. For example, register for interesting courses on the Internet or start learning a foreign language. After all, if you do not have enough inspiration in winter, in summer there is usually no problem. In addition, plenty of seasonal fruit in the summer is a great reason to improve your cooking skills and learn how to make different types of jams. The main thing is to do what you are really interested in. Summer energy will help you not to be depressed in the fall.

    1. Travel around your city.

    Take a walk around the city where you live and imagine that you are a tourist. Go to a museum or gallery and see local attractions. This way of spending the weekend is suitable for those who for some reason can not go on vacation. The main thing is not to leave time for sadness in the summer. Take a walk or out of town for a picnic to relax, improve your mood and prevent the development of autumn depression.

    In summer, you can spend as much time outdoors as you want, so try to work, relax outside as well. To combine the benefits with pleasure, you can watch a movie in large parks.

    1. Choose a time when you do nothing and actually rest.

    You do not need to plan every minute to have a good rest. Sometimes it is helpful to just relax and allow yourself to forget about business for a while. Everyone needs rest to improve their mood and better efficiency.

    But, if with the onset of autumn, you still notice signs of depression, see your doctor and take antidepressants, such as Amirol or Apo-Clomipramine.

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    How Covid-19 affects people’s mental health Sat, 08 May 2021 02:00:38 +0000 Mental health includes an adequate perception of reality, the ability to treat others adequately, and good self-perception and self-esteem. Mental health can be affected by many factors, among which are stressful situations. An example of …

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    Mental health includes an adequate perception of reality, the ability to treat others adequately, and good self-perception and self-esteem.

    Mental health can be affected by many factors, among which are stressful situations. An example of this is the situation caused by the coronavirus of 2019 (Covid-19), an infectious disease that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) and for which the vaccination process has already begun.

    Life on the planet has changed to resist the outbreak of the infection, people have resorted to radical strategies to prevent its spread.

    Consequences of Covid-19

    The pandemic affected all areas of human life. Its main consequences are:

    – Health problems.

    – Quarantine and obligation to stay at home.

    – Social distance, the obligation to adhere to physical distance and restrictions on social activity.

    – Isolation, prohibition of social contacts.

    – Destabilization of the economy.

    – Changing working conditions: from fatigue to unemployment.

    – Transfer of superfluous information, sometimes fake.

    Effects of Covid-19 on mental health:

    – Increased prevalence of mental disorders.

    – Increased severity of mental disorders. For example, increased levels of anxiety, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and increased illusions and hallucinations.

    – Anxiety and fear for the well-being of themselves and their loved ones.

    – Panic.

    – Anxiety and fear of financial losses.

    – Stress and insecurity of life in a long uncertain situation.

    – Frustration and anger over irresponsible behavior of other people.

    – Feelings of loneliness due to social distancing.

    – Increased consumption of psychoactive substances, especially alcohol.

    – Psychological discomfort: hopelessness, anger, irritability, confusion, grief, exhaustion, boredom, increased alertness, fatigue.

    – Sleep disorders.

    – Changes in appetite.

    – Emotional overexcitation.

    – Increased risk of suicide, because suicidal thoughts and behavior are associated with hopelessness and loneliness.

    – Guilt if you infected someone.

    The negative psychological impact of Covid-19 is stronger in the most vulnerable segments of the population, both through biological and social conditions. For example, these are people like homeless people without technological resources, people without social support, people who are in a dangerous situation. The consequences also depend on a person’s mental, social and physical resources to overcome crises.

    How to take care of mental and emotional health during a Covid-19 pandemic?

    Stress and anxiety are normal reactions to threatening situations. To combat this global pandemic, mental health associations and institutions have made some recommendations:

    – Healthcare workers need to be trained, to update their knowledge in the field of mental health.

    – If you are not a doctor, learn to control your emotions.

    – If you notice signs of depression, see your doctor and take antidepressants, such as Apo-Clomipramine and Aropax.

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    6 important factors that help maintain mental health Thu, 22 Apr 2021 03:15:25 +0000 Some daily habits can help you cope with anxiety, stress and improve emotional well-being. For example, this includes diet, sleep or exercise. The article lists several important factors that affect a person’s mental health. They …

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    Some daily habits can help you cope with anxiety, stress and improve emotional well-being. For example, this includes diet, sleep or exercise. The article lists several important factors that affect a person’s mental health. They can prevent the negative consequences that worsen the state of mental health.

    Compassion itself

    Self-criticism or perfectionism can be one of the risks of developing anxiety and depression. In this case, a person wrongly believes that he should always do everything right and be perfect.

    A person may also be impatient with their own shortcomings, criticize themselves too much or think that they do not meet the expectations of loved ones.

    Despite the fears of many people who have these characteristics, the antidote is self-compassion. It is about paying attention to your feelings, increasing self-esteem and self-identification.

    How we treat ourselves during the ups and downs of life can have a huge impact on our physical and mental health.

    Social connections

    In order to develop and feel comfortable, a person needs to maintain social ties from birth.

    Researchers at Harvard University analyzed more than 100 factors that can protect against depression and found that maintaining social ties is one of the most important.

    It is worth noting that in 2020, many people may feel lonely due to quarantine and self-isolation. But you don’t have to go to parties or work in the office to socialize. Just talk to one person you trust, share your experiences, and your mood will immediately improve!

    Physical activity

    An active lifestyle can prevent the development of depression. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise for 3-5 days for 12 weeks reduces the symptoms of depression by 47%.

    Exercise also helps reduce stress and anxiety, and helps reduce muscle tension.


    Our mood is closely linked to the quality of our food. 95% of the serotonin (“happiness hormone”) we produce comes from neurotransmitters in the gut.

    A diet high in vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats is associated with a 25-35% lower risk of depression compared to diets that contain more sugar, processed foods and dairy products.

    You can provide the body with the necessary nutrients as much as possible through a balanced diet.


    People who suffer from depression may have trouble sleeping. However, poor sleep is one of the factors that increases the risk of developing mental disorders.

    Eventually, stress and irregular rest schedules can lead to prolonged insomnia. Therefore, it is important to establish a comfortable sleep pattern to protect your mental health.

    Visit to the doctor

    If you notice that you can’t cope with depression or anxiety on your own, feel free to seek medical attention. Your doctor will help you find the cause of your condition and select medications that will significantly improve it (such as Apo-Moclobemide or Apo-Clomipramine).


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    4 foods to avoid if you have IBS Sun, 14 Feb 2021 10:56:22 +0000 In this disease, the intestinal wall becomes very sensitive. Therefore, nutrition directly affects your well-being. In addition, if necessary, you can help the intestines with drugs (such as Colofac or Tegibs). It is better to …

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    In this disease, the intestinal wall becomes very sensitive. Therefore, nutrition directly affects your well-being. In addition, if necessary, you can help the intestines with drugs (such as Colofac or Tegibs). It is better to undergo a full course of treatment, because this approach not only relieves symptoms for a short time, but also fights the causes of the disease.

    Let’s consider what foods are best excluded from the diet in IBS.

    1. Smoked foods.

    Smoked fish and meat are harmful to humans due to carcinogens contained in smoke. Smoked foods are contraindicated in people with this intestinal problem due to the high concentration of salt and carrageenan. This food supplement is often used when smoking meat. Studies also show that carrageenan can cause peptic ulcer disease. Among animal foods, choose lean meats and fish.

    1. Food that causes flatulence.

    One of the symptoms of IBS is flatulence – an increased amount of gas in the intestines. Many of these gases enter the body when swallowed, so experts recommend eating slowly. Another source of gases is the activity of microorganisms living in the colon. Their fermentation can be controlled, excluding from the diet legumes, all kinds of cabbage, mushrooms, grapes, pears, apples, peaches.

    Add to your diet foods that reduce bloating: bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, eggplant, asparagus, banana and ginger.

    1. Food containing insoluble fiber.

    Although fiber is not digested, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. Insoluble fiber cleanses the intestines and stimulates peristalsis, which can increase bloating and cramps. Such products include beans, bran, cauliflower, nuts.

    In IBS, it is best to replace insoluble fibers with soluble fibers. This fiber in the presence of fluid converts the contents of the stomach into “jelly” and easily removes it from the body. Thus, the use of soluble fiber is recommended for constipation. This fiber is found in rye bread, avocados, spinach, celery, raspberries and strawberries.

    1. Alcoholic beverages.

    Alcohol aggravates the symptoms of IBS. Alcohol irritates the stomach, causing the production of gastric juice saturated with hydrochloric acid. In addition, alcohol may contain gluten or sugar (wine, vermouth and liqueurs). Therefore, alcohol should be avoided for gastrointestinal health.

    Remember that a strict diet is also stressful. Do not rush to throw harmful food out of the refrigerator. Start gradually giving them up, paying attention to your body. Keep a food diary to keep track of improvements and focus on foods that improve your digestion.

    Try to find the source of stress and get rid of it. If this is not possible, start meditating or consult a psychologist. Talk to your doctor, he may recommend additional medication.

    In combination, proper nutrition and medication can solve the problem of IBS. Thanks to the useful components, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract will be reduced and motility will be normalized. Your doctor may prescribe a drug with antidepressant properties, as this can stop the feeling of bloating and reduce the severity of pain.

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    Nine signs of latent depression in successful people Tue, 09 Feb 2021 10:07:53 +0000 Perfectionism and self-criticism. A moderate tendency toward perfectionism is normal. People with latent depression constantly blame themselves for shortcomings and failures. They can forgive themselves for not being able to do things that are not …

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  • Perfectionism and self-criticism.

  • A moderate tendency toward perfectionism is normal. People with latent depression constantly blame themselves for shortcomings and failures. They can forgive themselves for not being able to do things that are not very important. However, if the field of activity is important to them, everything should be done in the best way. They constantly evaluate their actions and, if in some aspect of their activities do not reach perfection, begin to rebuke themselves.

    1. Excessive responsibility.

    Such people have a strong sense of duty and devotion; they can always be relied on. They are the first to notice problems and start looking for solutions. They make great leaders, but they don’t know how to delegate responsibilities. Such people are often manipulated by others.

    1. Inability to express negative emotions.

    They deny anger, suppress sadness and do not allow themselves to be disappointed. Such people do not know how to express these emotions.

    1. Anxiety caused by situations that cannot be controlled.

    It is difficult for these people to live in the present: to rest after training, to sit at the table with guests, to enjoy the moment. These people have a strong need to control everything; they are constantly worried about what might happen. At the same time, they try to hide their anxiety so that others do not know about their suffering. With this attitude to life, they are often diagnosed with eating disorders or obsessive-compulsive disorders.

    1. Success as the only way to feel your value.

    Such people determine their value by recent success or failure. Constant activity and achievement help to hide inner insecurity and fears. Such people value themselves only for their deeds and merits.

    1. Concern for the welfare of others.

    People who hide depression genuinely care about others. At the same time, they hide from others any manifestations of their own weakness or vulnerability. They do not tell anyone about their painful memories. As a result, they constantly feel tired and lonely.

    1. Demonstrative indifference to what worries.

    Such people know how to hide pain, sadness, frustration, fear, anger. This allows them to deny the influence of life experience, the recognition of which causes emotional pain.

    1. The belief that you should enjoy what you have.

    These people feel guilty and ashamed if they show empathy for themselves. In this way, they immediately recognize that things are not going well in their lives.

    1. Career success and relationship problems.

    True intimacy requires openness, which is difficult for those prone to this type of depression. Despite their productivity, it is difficult for such people to establish emotional contact. They often choose partners who also cannot be open. Their relationship is based on what they do for each other, not on who they become for each other. Often such couples focus primarily on children and family matters, rather than relationships.

    Not all of these symptoms are found in everyone who may suffer from depression. However, if you notice some of them, this is a reason to reconsider your attitude to life.


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    Five reasons why depression appears after the New Year Recommendations to help protect you from depression after the New Year holidays Wed, 20 Jan 2021 07:10:05 +0000 Affective disorder. This disorder occurs in winter in almost everyone due to the reduction of daylight. Due to the lack of light, the production of hormones of happiness decreases. That is why we have drowsiness, …

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  • Affective disorder.

  • This disorder occurs in winter in almost everyone due to the reduction of daylight. Due to the lack of light, the production of hormones of happiness decreases. That is why we have drowsiness, blues and weight gain.

    1. Unjustified expectations.

    Before the New Year, many people spend all their energy to create the atmosphere of a New Year’s miracle. However, every year it becomes harder to find a sense of wonder. As a result, our expectations and, as a result, our frustrations increase. This is especially noticeable when expectations are not met. Due to the emotional sensitivity during the holidays, every detail becomes significant. Returning from the world of fairy tales to the world of reality can be extremely painful.

    1. Overeating and alcohol consumption.

    For almost two weeks, people have been disturbing their sleep and eating habits. All processes in the body slowdown, which is why a person begins to feel discomfort and hypersensitivity.

    1. Stress and fatigue.

    The time we have to spend on rest and fun with family, we spend preparing for the Christmas holidays. The body, tired during the work process, receives a shock dose of fatigue and stress. Such changes contribute to the emergence of post-New Year’s depression.

    1. Financial problems.

    Few of us start thinking about the Christmas holidays in the summer and save money for the holidays in advance. As a result, we spend almost all of our money in just a few days. Then people blame themselves for not starting to prepare for the holidays in advance.

    Of course, each case of depression requires individual consultation. However, there are some tips on how to get rid of depression after the Christmas holidays:

    • Life will not change just by changing the number on the calendar. Before the New Year, try not to expect that on the first day of the New Year you will wake up a completely different person. If there are things you would like to change, write a clear plan of action, then the holidays will not depress you.
    • Share the responsibility for preparing for the holiday between relatives, friends and family members. This will reduce stress, fatigue and you will have time to relax.
    • Communicate with family and friends not only on holidays. Then you will not have a feeling of loneliness and emptiness when all the holidays are over. Do not be afraid to offer meetings yourself, try to set aside time for walks and socializing at least once a week.
    • Engage in charitable activities and do not refuse to help loved ones. Providing care to the needy significantly increases a person’s resistance to diseases of the depressive spectrum.
    • Praise yourself for your success. You don’t have to focus on what you haven’t achieved. Instead, rejoice that your plans for the future are more or less clear to you.
    • Add to your diet foods that contain or increase the production of endorphins and serotonin in the body.

    • If you feel that the situation is out of control, do not hesitate to seek professional help from a psychotherapist. It will help you choose an individual effective treatment (for example, Apo-Clomipramine or Aropax

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    Nine ways to help loved ones who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder Fri, 15 Jan 2021 07:26:49 +0000 Talk to loved ones. Ask questions about their health and say that you are ready to help. Speak slowly and not loudly. The main thing in the conversation is to be patient and calm. Study …

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  • Talk to loved ones.

  • Ask questions about their health and say that you are ready to help. Speak slowly and not loudly. The main thing in the conversation is to be patient and calm.

    1. Study information about this disease.

    The more you learn, the easier it will be to help your loved one. You can seek the help of a specialist to understand what kind of disease it is.

    1. Recognize the “warning signs” of approaching mania.

    It will be very useful to know the “warning signs” of changes in the health of your loved one. Thus, knowing a person’s behavior, you can come to the rescue in time. Common signs of mania include:

    • increased energy;
    • less sleep;
    • more active spending of money.

    There may also be more individual symptoms, such as eating habits or social behavior. The manic phase can be triggered by certain triggers. Here are the most common:

    • somatic diseases;
    • sleep disorders;
    • physical or emotional abuse.
    1. Be prepared for manic episodes of loved ones.

    It is worth tracking actions that can help and make a list of these actions. When a person is feeling well, try to discuss what exactly helps him to restore a good mood.

    1. Discuss the behavior of your loved ones.

    Do not be afraid to ask and discuss human behavior in a given situation.

    It’s good to talk about it, but you need to find the right time to do it, because in this state a person can become rude or aggressive. When the manic-depressive phase is over, offer to talk calmly about what worried him during this period.

    1. Avoid complete control when communicating.

    It is very important to support the person, but not to control. Constant communication, respect and acceptance of each other’s feelings help to maintain balance in the relationship.

    1. Keep calm and provide comfort.

    Provide support without denying the perception of the reality of loved ones. Comfort and care can help a loved one feel meaningful. Avoid conflicts, as this can lead to aggression in the sick person.

    1. Offer to undergo medical treatment.

    With severe bipolar disorder, mania and depression can be stopped only by consulting a specialist. You can find a good doctor and make an appointment. For most patients with bipolar disorder, it is realistic to choose a treatment regimen that will be effective (e.g. Depilox or Divaa).

    You can make a list of specific examples of anxious behavior in advance. This will help the specialist to find a solution to the problem faster. With proper therapy, a person can quickly get into a normal rhythm of life.

    1. Take care of yourself.

    Taking care of a loved one can lead to mental health problems. You need to remember that you also need to take care of yourself. Because when you’re emotionally drained, you can’t help anyone.

    1. Add a little humor to your relationship.

    Humor can heal, and this is a fact confirmed by scientific research. Laughter relaxes and can help relieve anxiety and even chronic pain.

    In addition, humor helps to communicate and maintain good relationships between people.

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    Symptoms of postpartum depression Fri, 02 Oct 2020 04:06:43 +0000 Recommendations for helping women with postpartum depression Depression symptoms are: constantly bad mood, anxiety, apathy, lethargy, melancholy; daily mood changes, “morning is much worse than the evening”; you don’t want to communicate with your husband, …

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    Recommendations for helping women with postpartum depression

    Depression symptoms are:

    • constantly bad mood, anxiety, apathy, lethargy, melancholy;
    • daily mood changes, “morning is much worse than the evening”;
    • you don’t want to communicate with your husband, friends, relatives;
    • appetite decreases, sleep deteriorates, nothing pleases, you do not want to do anything;
    • you have a feeling of guilt, a feeling that no one needs you;
    • chronic diseases are often exacerbated;
    • self-esteem decreases, attention is absent-minded, thoughts are full of bad forecasts.

    10 tips for coping with postpartum depression

    1. Get enough sleep.

    Do not miss an opportunity to take a nap during the day when your baby is asleep. To do this, involve all the resources: simplify life as much as possible, ask your mother or mother-in-law to come to you for a couple of hours a day, ask your husband to shopping and cleaning.

    1. Do not try to do everything.

    No matter how much you want to be an ideal mother, wife, you are unlikely to succeed. Better not to do housework than to deplete the nervous system. Calm down and postpone the cleaning to a more convenient time. The main thing is not to torment yourself with thoughts that everything should be perfect. Everything will be fine, but maybe a little later.

    1. Take time for yourself every day.

    Schedule a little “fun” activity every day: a short coffee meeting with a friend, a shopping trip, reading a book or magazine, exercise or yoga class. Get distracted from worries about the child and home for at least half an hour a day. It is very important.

    1. Add light.

    Go for a walk when it is light outside. In the evening, the apartment should well lit – this helps to overcome the bad mood.

    1. Say the problems out loud.

    If you quarrel with your husband or relatives, say the whole thing out loud again. In most cases, the problem is not as terrible as it seems at first glance.

    1. Discuss your feelings.

    Many people think that talking about their problems is bad. That it is forbidden to tell others about your problems. However, this is not at all the case. Instead of constantly being angry with your husband, you’d better honestly admit that you don’t like. Tell him that you feel bad, that your emotional state is bad.

    1. Learn to relax.

    Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and deeply. Try completely stopping the flow of thoughts in your head. Sit like this for at least 3 minutes. This will help you calm down.

    1. Relieve stress.

    If you are angry or you want to cry, do what you want. Or, you can punch the mattress hard or shout at the top of your voice. The main thing is to get rid of the accumulated problems.

    1. Find an assistant.

    It is good if one of your relatives agrees to help you. It is better if you spend more time with your child. It will be nice if someone takes care of the cleaning, cooking and food shopping. If it is possible, you can contact the cleaning company. This way you can unload yourself a little.

    1. Seek professional help.

    Sometimes you can’t deal with depression on your own. Feel free to seek help from a psychotherapist or a competent psychologist. You may need medical treatment. You can find a wide range of antidepressants in the Antidepressants category. Please note that if you are breastfeeding, be sure to check whether the selected drug is compatible with breastfeeding!




    The post Symptoms of postpartum depression appeared first on United Pharmacies Blog.
