Arthritis Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Mon, 25 Oct 2021 15:34:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Massage for osteoporosis: types and features of the procedure Mon, 25 Oct 2021 09:34:10 +0000 Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the human bones. They gradually become thinner, there are extremely unpleasant sensations, pain increases. At the same time, the load on the muscles increases, they have to perform the …

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Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the human bones. They gradually become thinner, there are extremely unpleasant sensations, pain increases. At the same time, the load on the muscles increases, they have to perform the supporting function of the bones, which cease to cope with it.

Fractures, as well as increased fatigue and muscle tension, are common companions of osteoporosis. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, you will have to use complex treatments. These include not only taking special drugs (such as Osteofos and Premarin), but also physiotherapy.

Massage for osteoporosis affects almost the entire body, but special emphasis is placed on the spine. The procedure should be performed only by a specialist who knows well how to treat your body and the disease itself.

Massage is a proven method of general strengthening of the body, which eliminates many negative manifestations of the disease. But it is important to check the person’s condition and his immediate reaction. Strong pressure and shocks that can damage the bones should be completely avoided.

Regular visits to the masseur’s office for osteoporosis helps:

  • reduce nervousness. This is achieved by both muscle relaxation and the relaxing effect of manipulation.
  • improve blood circulation. This is the traditional effect of a proper massage. Blood flows to the tissues, ceases to stagnate. As a result, the risk of various types of comorbidities, as well as manifestations of inflammatory processes is reduced.
  • relax muscles. Relaxation is always associated with the normalization of blood circulation in the tissues of your body.
  • reduce fatigue. Many patients with osteoporosis complain of fatigue and tiredness. The massage procedure allows you to effectively get rid of it and increase the tone, which will increase efficiency and improve mood.
  • lower blood pressure. Blood pressure can also increase in osteoporosis and metabolic disorders, and massage reduces the load on the heart.
  • normalize metabolism. This is necessary to significantly improve the condition of your body and absorb nutrients.

People with osteoporosis are allowed the following types of massage:

  • Traditional. This manipulation helps to relieve pain as well as strengthen the spine as a whole. This method can be used for a variety of manifestations of the disease.
  • Swedish. The specialist performs active manipulations. The main points of influence are ligaments and muscles. Massage is aimed at restoring body mobility, relieving excessive stress in the affected areas. In addition, the use of this method has proved to be an effective method of reducing potential tissue atrophy in the body.
  • Reflex. It is based on segmental massage techniques. The process aimed at restoring metabolism in the body, as well as stabilizing blood flow.

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6 myths about arthritis Tue, 20 Jul 2021 07:33:26 +0000 Myth 1. Arthritis is always a separate disease. Arthritis can be inflammatory, metabolic and dystrophic. But some of them are only a symptom of a certain disease – hereditary diseases, diabetes, any infection, trauma. In …

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Myth 1. Arthritis is always a separate disease.

Arthritis can be inflammatory, metabolic and dystrophic. But some of them are only a symptom of a certain disease – hereditary diseases, diabetes, any infection, trauma. In addition, the cause of joint diseases can be an allergy to pollen, food, emissions from factories, cosmetics and more. Arthritis can also be a symptom of cancer. But the most common causes of joint pain are household or professional overload, overweight.

Myth 2. The disease manifests itself only in old age.

The first signs of arthritis may appear in childhood. During this period, often no one recognizes the symptoms. If 2-3 years have passed since the beginning of the disease, it becomes chronic. Then you need to regularly take anti-inflammatory drugs (Apo-Prednisone) and painkillers (Apo-Diclo). These drugs slow the progression of the disease, dulling the severity. But if the cause of arthritis is clarified and degenerative changes in the tissues have not yet occurred, there is hope for recovery. It is generally accepted that arthritis is most common in people over the age of 60, but recently arthritis has become more common in young people.

Myth 3. Joints hurt due to weather changes.

The joints “feel” the approach of weather changes in advance. But the pain can also be exacerbated by psychological stress. As a result, there is a deterioration in general well-being and even exacerbation of the underlying disease. Therefore, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations or at such a time to increase the dose of medication taken. Also, one of the causes of exacerbation may be an allergy to certain foods. Probably the cause of increased pain is allergies or stress, not magnetic storms.

Myth 4. There is a miracle pill that will completely relieve joint pain.

Often people use herbs for joint pain, dietary supplements and more. Despite the recommendations of doctors, they are engaged in self-medication. First of all, in case of pain it is necessary to find out the diagnosis and the reason of a disease. Each organism needs individual treatment depending on the cause of the disease and the condition of the organism. Practice shows that widely advertised drugs are not effective for joint pain.

There is no pill that can completely cure arthritis. To get rid of pain, you need a comprehensive examination. As a result, your doctor will prescribe treatment to help reduce your symptoms.

Myth 5. Arthritis can be cured with massage.

Massage can help with mild arthritis. In the later stages of the disease, massage treatment is ineffective, and in some cases even contraindicated. You may feel relief for an hour, but no more.

Myth 6. Exercise is contraindicated in arthritis.

Harmful as excessive exercise and physical inactivity. If you have a sedentary job, try to compensate for the lack of movement with exercise, swimming, cycling, fitness. Physiotherapy will also help to activate blood circulation.

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5 Tips To Help You Feel Healthy Thu, 10 Oct 2019 13:04:26 +0000 We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. …

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We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. Sometimes this really means that a medical condition has arisen, but quite often it means that you and your body are tired and upset. Here are some tips to keep you alert, cheerful, and healthy every day.

1. Sleep as much as you need.

Not everyone needs to sleep 8 hours. 7 hours will suffice for someone, and 6 hours for someone other to feel awake. The main thing is that all sleep cycles are observed, and you do not interrupt the process of night recovery. Proper sleep (when you are resting and not tormented by nightmares or restless awakenings) is important for health. It expels circles under the eyes, affects the heart, weight and even the mind.

2. Proper nutrition is a sign of self-love.

Make an effort and eat right, avoiding heavily processed foods. The better you eat, the better you sleep, and the better you feel.

3. Find a way to maintain your health through physical activity.

Find time for yoga, jogging, or at least morning and evening exercises. Exercise will help you maintain a normal level of energy and the body will be in good condition. Exercise also helps the muscles, ligaments, and joints to work better.

4. Do not be hard on yourself.

Many people constantly scolding themselves for gained kilograms, for work not done, for unwillingness to play sports, etc. You need to find a way to love yourself. Regardless of whether you had an average day, a great day or a bad day, reward yourself with a smile and praise for anything. Keep in mind that despite the fact that abuse of sweets does lead to obesity, if you scolding yourself and making you feel guilty, you can provoke yourself to even more overeating. Thus, if you eat something harmful from time to time, just walk an extra kilometer through the park on foot to spend a few calories and breathe in fresh air to relax, rather than scolding yourself for giving in to temptation.

5. Sometimes you just need to do nothing.

It seems too many people that they are sometimes very lazy, and do nothing, so this point is precisely fulfilled. However, note that even when you are not working, you are doing something, for example, studying something on the phone, thinking about problems or a plan for tomorrow, listening to music, etc. And you just have to sit down and do absolutely nothing for several minutes – to meditate in silence and think exclusively about it (about what is happening here and now, without being distracted by anything else).

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Arthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, medications Sun, 21 Apr 2019 00:28:49 +0000 Arthritis is a generalized concept of all inflammatory diseases of the joints. It can be both the main disease and the manifestation of a number of ailments. Every sixth person becomes disabled. Meanwhile, the disease …

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Arthritis is a generalized concept of all inflammatory diseases of the joints. It can be both the main disease and the manifestation of a number of ailments.

Every sixth person becomes disabled. Meanwhile, the disease is easily preventable. Diagnosis in the early stages ensures complete recovery. One has only to reconsider their lifestyle and not to neglect the alarming symptoms.

Types of arthritis

Practicing rheumatologists and orthopedists in their work use several classifications of inflammatory diseases of the joints. However, the most extensive is the classification describing the causes of this disease:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the connective tissue that affects the small joints.
  • Septic arthritis (infectious) – a fungal or bacterial infection affects large joints, especially knee or hip joints. Then all joints are involved in the inflammatory process.
  • Gout is a metabolic disease characterized by the accumulation of uric acid salts. A cone near the thumb is a manifestation of this type of arthritis.
  • Still’s disease is a form of rheumatoid arthritis that is very difficult to diagnose. In most cases, it is observed in children under the 16 years.
  • Spondylitis is an infection disease of vertebrae, mainly bacterial genesis. There are several forms of the disease – for example, spinal osteomyelitis and tuberculosis spondylitis.
  • Other less common forms of arthritis.

Causes of disease

Arthritis is a complex and multifactorial disease. Its development is due to many reasons. In medical classification, it is customary to distinguish several main groups:

  1. Infectious provocateurs – the presence of viral and bacterial diseases.
  2. Traumatic causes – the damaged joints were not fully restored, which caused the inflammatory process.
  3. Immunological factors – unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins, bad habits, including the abuse of caffeinated beverages, increase the risk of disease.
  4. Genetic predisposition. The disease can be inherited.

Anyone can be at risk, including young children.

Arthritis treatment

Arthritis treatment takes place in several stages. Each of them, before the therapy, has its own goals and objectives, which are implemented using certain methods. If conservative, standard schemes are used at the initial stages, then at subsequent stages can be applied surgical intervention up to the removal of the affected joints.

 Medical treatment

 First of all, medical treatment is aimed at the removal of the pain and the resumption of a normal lifestyle – sleep, work, movement, and the implementation of daily activities. The following drugs are used:

  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (for example, Arcoxia, Mobicam-DT), which can relieve from the disease, and eliminate pain syndrome.
  • Chondroprotectors, which are able to restore cartilage tissue.
  • Antibiotics different spectrum of action – treatment of bacterial inflammation or abscess.

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