Heart Archives - United Pharmacies Blog https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/cat/heart/ United Pharmacies Blog Fri, 23 Jun 2023 17:43:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 Methods of treatment of chronic diseases https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/methods-of-treatment-of-chronic-diseases/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 11:43:29 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1527 With many chronic diseases, it is necessary to combine different types of treatment. For example, if you suffer from high blood pressure, then try to drink more still water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, …

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With many chronic diseases, it is necessary to combine different types of treatment. For example, if you suffer from high blood pressure, then try to drink more still water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, but water!), eat raw vegetables and fruits, and also consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (these substances are found in fatty sea fish – mackerel, sardines, salmon – and some seeds and nuts – walnut, flax seed). Thanks to this, your pressure can normalize after two to three months.

Under favorable conditions, the human body can independently improve its health and get rid of certain diseases and pathological conditions. The body is constantly trying to regenerate. But if a person is not ready to follow a healthy lifestyle, or if he has very high blood pressure, then he should definitely take antihypertensive drugs, such as Amlip. It works by widening blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood around the body and help increase the supply of blood and oxygen to your heart.

Asthma, like high blood pressure, is a “secondary” disease. In other words, it does not develop by itself, it is preceded by metabolic disturbances in the body, due to which the body is out of balance and cannot regenerate. In order to get the opportunity to heal again, you need to learn to pay attention to your body and understand that health is one of the highest values in a person’s life. Therefore, it is better to avoid toxic chemicals, harmful food, tobacco smoke, flavorings, preservatives, and prolonged exposure to the sun, as this all negatively affects the body’s ability to resist chronic diseases. In addition, if a person has asthma, it is necessary as soon as possible to take medicines that normalize the function of breathing, for example, Aminophylline. Its mechanism of action involves relaxing the smooth muscle in the airways and reducing the sensitivity of the lungs to allergens. This helps to open up the air passages, which in turn allows more air to be inhaled into the lungs.

Also, let’s consider such a disease as cancer. This is a serious disease in which cells do not “communicate” with each other properly. A tumor means that the cells are not given a signal to stop multiplying (a tumor is a cell that continues to divide uncontrollably). “Normal communication” between cells can be restored by changing diet, environment, state of consciousness, and getting enough vitamin D through sunlight and food. At the same time, it is necessary to take medicine. So, for example, with breast cancer in women after the menopause, aromatase inhibitors, for example, Armotraz, are effective. It acts on the body to stop production of the low levels of female sex hormones (oestrogen) produced in the body, which slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Keep in mind that your body wants to be healthy and puts a lot of effort into it. If you also want to be healthy, stop smoking, sitting for a long time, eating fast food and ignoring the treatment of diseases.

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What to do if you often have no appetite? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/what-to-do-if-you-often-have-no-appetite/ Sat, 29 Apr 2023 14:52:35 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1511 There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce …

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There is a lot of information about excessive appetite, as it is one of the reasons for slow weight loss, and everyone who wants to lose extra pounds tries to find a way to reduce appetite. However, there is a large group of people who have faced the opposite problem – lack of appetite. Long-term lack of appetite is not good for our body, but you can stimulate it in very simple ways. Let’s consider several ways to increase your appetite and maintain your health.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity (and not necessarily very intense) has a positive effect on improving appetite and contributes to the normalization of digestion and metabolism in the human body. Thirty minutes of exercise a day is enough to solve the problem of lack of appetite completely. You can do aerobic exercises, running, swimming, walking – any exercises and sports that stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, saturate the whole body with oxygen. After training, your appetite will improve and you will enjoy eating.


Green vegetables are recommended during the treatment of almost any disease, because they are very useful for health. They contain vitamin C, vitamin K, are rich in fiber, so they are useful for weight loss, but they have many other useful properties. Green vegetables also improve appetite in children. Lettuce, cabbage, chicory, watercress, sorrel contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its activity, increase appetite and, in addition, also contribute to better absorption of many trace elements, in particular zinc. Especially useful are bitter green vegetables, which stimulate an increase in appetite.

Drink more water

Water is vitally important for the entire body. It is not only necessary for certain vital processes and basic functions of the body, but also cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism and thereby regulates abnormal appetite. Therefore, drinking enough water quickly helps to increase appetite. The optimal amount of liquid needed by the body during the day is 8 glasses of still mineral water. Also, it is useful to drink tea during the day and eat soup once a day. In addition, a lot of water is contained in fresh fruits and vegetables – let there be more of these products in your diet.

When normalizing appetite, it is important not to forget that you need to change some eating habits and understand the reasons for the deterioration. It is also better to avoid stress, because the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, second only to the nervous system, is disturbed due to stress. Try to implement these recommendations, but remember that lack of appetite can be one of the symptoms of some diseases, and in this case you will need the help of a specialist. Therefore, consult a doctor, because with some diseases it is absolutely necessary to take medication (for example, with Addison’s disease – Prednisone, with ulcerative colitis – Salazopyrin), and some of them are very dangerous, so they must be treated as soon as possible.

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4 simple tips for cardiovascular health and longevity https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/4-simple-tips-for-cardiovascular-health-and-longevity/ Tue, 01 Nov 2022 03:34:25 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1419 In the modern world, people are exposed to many negative factors – stress, poor nutrition, polluted air, a sedentary lifestyle, a large amount of negative information, bad habits, untimely treatment, etc. These factors gradually worsen …

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In the modern world, people are exposed to many negative factors – stress, poor nutrition, polluted air, a sedentary lifestyle, a large amount of negative information, bad habits, untimely treatment, etc. These factors gradually worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, nervous system, and especially the cardiovascular system.

So what can you do to improve the quality of your life, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke?

  1. Get rid of bad habits.

The most common bad habits:

– Consumption of fast food;

– Watching TV for many hours in a row;

– Sedentary lifestyle;

– Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day;

– Smoking;

– Addiction to alcohol.

These habits have a negative impact on your health, contribute to an increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. And you need to gradually replace them with good ones – those that will help you be healthier and happier.

  1. Follow a healthy diet.

If you regularly eat fast food, overeat, consume a lot of flour products and sweets, do not eat enough vegetables and fruits, and often eat before going to bed, then most likely you will become overweight or even obese. As a result, fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries, and this will lead to hypertension, heart pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

To overcome this problem, you need to change your diet. First, it is necessary to gradually reduce the consumption of preservatives and fast food, bakery and confectionery products. At the same time, add more fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens to your diet. Also, various nuts, cereals, legumes, seeds and their sprouts are useful sources of essential nutrients. Also, drink plenty of water.

  1. Be physically active.

Be sure to do daily physical training. Physical exercises improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure and improve mood. You can start with long walks. Instead of using the elevator, go up and down the stairs. Gradually, depending on your physical fitness, you can also jog, swim in the pool, work out in the gym. There is no need to immediately start exhausting yourself with heavy physical activity – physical activity should bring benefits and joy. The best solution may be to work out under the supervision of a personal trainer who will motivate you and control you.

  1. Be sure to take medicine if necessary.

If you have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, then most likely you will need to take certain drugs for the rest of your life. They allow to significantly reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and their complications. There are different types of lipid-lowering drugs. So, for example, Ezemibe (Ezetimibe) is known as a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, and Lipicard works by increasing certain natural substances that break down fats in the blood and speed up the natural processes that remove cholesterol from the body.


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4 ways to help control heart health with atrial fibrillation https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/4-ways-to-help-control-heart-health-with-atrial-fibrillation/ Sat, 11 Jun 2022 03:42:06 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1350 Exercise regularly. During physical activity, adrenaline is released in the body in small quantities. Together with other components, it helps to strengthen the vascular wall and increase the tone of the cardiovascular system. The hormonal …

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  • Exercise regularly.

  • During physical activity, adrenaline is released in the body in small quantities. Together with other components, it helps to strengthen the vascular wall and increase the tone of the cardiovascular system. The hormonal component together with the active movement of blood through the vessels, as well as the energetic work of the heart is a good workout for the human body, and our heart becomes more resistant to stressful situations.

    Intense exercise can increase irregular heartbeat, but moderate exercise can help reduce the increased risk of heart failure. Create an exercise program that includes regular moderate aerobic exercise, stretching, and strength training (such as yoga).

    1. Reducing stress.

    Stress affects not only the condition of the heart muscle, but also the health of blood vessels. Due to the release of free radicals, damage to vascular walls is accelerated. Immune cells also increase vascular spasm, which can lead to hypertension and atrial fibrillation. The effects of stress on the body are different for each person. It depends on personal characteristics, heredity, environment, various circumstances.

    Stress is the body’s natural response to discomfort and danger. If the environment does not change and continues to bring discomfort to life, stress becomes chronic. This can cause neurosis, prolonged depression and atrial fibrillation. To understand how to deal with stress quickly, you must first determine the cause of stressful situations. Once you determine the cause, it will be easier for you to deal with it. Throughout life, it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body and check your psycho-emotional background.

    1. Eat less salt.

    Excessive salt intake affects our health by disturbing the body’s mineral balance, which can affect our heart rate. Reducing salt intake means reducing consumption of frozen, processed foods and fast food. Carefully study the principles of nutrition in atrial fibrillation and learn to cook on their own with aromatic herbs and spices instead of salt. Also, pay more attention to mineral intake. Electrolyte imbalance may contribute to atrial fibrillation. Therefore, you may need to increase your magnesium and potassium intake to balance your salt intake.

    1. Take medication regularly.

    It is often important for patients with atrial fibrillation to take anticoagulants regularly, as this pathology significantly increases the risk of blood clots. Modern, effective and safe medicines include Xarelto and Eliquis.

    Eliquis (Apixaban) belongs to the group of direct-acting oral anticoagulants and has an antithrombotic effect. It is used for atrial fibrillation and flutter, strokes, emboli and venous thrombosis, as well as for complications associated with internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants and transplants. The effect is achieved due to the fact that apixaban is a powerful direct FXa inhibitor that reversibly and selectively blocks the active center of the enzyme.

    Xarelto is very similar to Eliquis in its pharmacological action.



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    Useful and harmful foods for patients with heart failure https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/useful-and-harmful-foods-for-patients-with-heart-failure/ Sat, 04 Jun 2022 04:23:38 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1346 Let’s consider 3 especially useful foods for people with heart failure: Herbs. All herbs contain essential oils that improve the condition of our body in various ways. They are especially beneficial for patients with heart …

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    Let’s consider 3 especially useful foods for people with heart failure:

    1. Herbs.

    All herbs contain essential oils that improve the condition of our body in various ways. They are especially beneficial for patients with heart failure because of their health benefits.

    Peppermint can be added to the diet to nourish the heart muscle. This herb has long been a great helper in healing the heart muscle. This effect of this mint is due to its composition – a large number of essential oils that serve to normalize the condition of cardiac neurosis and neurotic manifestations. It also contains vitamins and minerals that help nourish the heart muscle in stressful situations. The main component is menthol, which has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect and helps to dilate the coronary vessels of the heart. Dried mint can be used as a seasoning for various dishes.

    Parsnip root is also useful in heart failure. Its vitamin composition is quite large, it includes a variety of vitamins, carotene, macro-and micronutrients, a large number of proteins and carbohydrates, fats and fiber, organic acids and essential oil. Pasternak root has antispasmodic and tonic effect.

    1. Flaxseed oil.

    Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the health of our heart and blood vessels. Various other types of fatty acids found in flaxseed oil that affect the heart include linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid. High-quality vegetable oils should be an integral part of a heart failure diet.

    1. Fennel.

    Vitamin E, contained in fennel, protects blood vessels. Fennel is also one of the foods rich in potassium, especially useful in heart failure. Potassium-rich foods are especially important in heart failure, as its deficiency can lead to dangerous cardiac arrhythmias.

    Also, let’s consider 3 particularly harmful foods for people with heart failure:

    1. Salt

    In heart failure, no more than 5 grams of salt is allowed. Salt retains water and reduces the excretion of water by the kidneys, which contributes to poor blood flow. Too much salt contributes to the development of edema and other diseases.

    1. Sugar.

    Sugar is sweet, tasty, but it also contributes to tooth decay, obesity and diabetes. All these diseases negatively affect the heart and body. Sugar, like salt, retains water in the body, which is bad for the heart.

    1. Bread with cheese and sausage.

    This type of breakfast is very harmful in heart failure. These sandwiches contain a lot of salt and harmful additives. If you eat white flour bread, it contributes to the development of obesity, which should be avoided in the presence of heart failure.

    Sausages and bacon often contain a lot of harmful fat and poor-quality meat. Manufacturers of animal sausages use animal fat, starch, soy, gelatin and flavor enhancers. Real meat is found there in a small percentage. Such components increase the risk of stomach and heart disease.

    If you are diagnosed with heart failure, you need to change your lifestyle and, start taking medication (such as Aquazide, Burinex). Lack of timely and quality treatment can lead to rapid exacerbation of the pathology.



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    4 recommendations for heart attack prevention https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/4-recommendations-for-heart-attack-prevention/ Mon, 30 May 2022 06:39:33 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1343 Proper nutrition. The term “balanced diet” means a complete diet in which the calories consumed and burned by the body are balanced. This method does not allow the body to accumulate unnecessary fat. A balanced …

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  • Proper nutrition.

  • The term “balanced diet” means a complete diet in which the calories consumed and burned by the body are balanced. This method does not allow the body to accumulate unnecessary fat. A balanced diet also involves the consumption of a significant amount of plant foods, especially fresh.

    A balanced diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, without which the human body can not function. This is especially true of foods rich in potassium and magnesium, which are essential for heart muscle health. The diet should include plenty of green vegetables, roots, fruits, fish, wholemeal bread. Red meat should be replaced by poultry. It is also necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed.

    1. Physical training.

    All cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, are caused by a lack of “training” of the heart muscle. This is quite natural, because the heart is the same muscle as everyone else, so it needs constant training and exercise. But training the heart muscle cannot be spontaneous. After all, if a person is not physically developed and not prepared, it is impossible to start playing sports abruptly. Exercises such as walking, running, swimming, and skiing are generally recommended. It is necessary to systematically perform moderate exercise for 30-40 minutes a day, and be sure to do so after consulting a cardiologist.

    Physical activity also promotes weight loss. Being overweight leads to respiratory imbalance (shortness of breath), which in turn leads not only to lung problems, but also to cardiovascular problems.

    Every extra kilogram of adipose tissue has a lot of blood vessels, which significantly increases the load on the heart. Being overweight also contributes to high blood pressure, the development of type 2 diabetes and, as a consequence, significantly increases the risk of heart attack.

    A special body mass index is used to control weight. To determine it, the weight (in kilograms) must be divided by the height (in meters) squared. A normal figure is 20-25 kg / m2, a figure above 25 indicates overweight, and 30 or more – obesity. Control of body mass index, of course, plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of heart attack.

    1. Get rid of bad habits.

    Smoking significantly worsens the health of people with coronary heart disease. Nicotine has a vasoconstrictive effect, which is extremely dangerous. Smoking also increases the risk of various pathological processes in the respiratory system. The risk of recurrent myocardial infarction in smokers is twice as high.

    Alcohol has a negative effect on many organs and systems, especially with excessive consumption. Very often, alcohol abuse dramatically increases the risk of myocardial infarction (especially after excessive alcohol consumption).

    1. Take medication regularly.

    If you have atherosclerosis, then most likely you need to take lipid-lowering drugs (such as Atorlip, Lipicard) regularly. If you have high blood pressure, take daily antihypertensive drugs, which you can choose and buy at this link.

    This must be done, because otherwise the risk of cardiovascular accidents increases significantly.


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    When is massage allowed after a stroke? https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/when-is-massage-allowed-after-a-stroke/ Mon, 30 May 2022 06:34:57 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1339 It is advisable to start massage after a stroke as early as possible and as soon as a person’s health allows. If the patient is in normal condition, then massage is allowed on the second …

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    It is advisable to start massage after a stroke as early as possible and as soon as a person’s health allows. If the patient is in normal condition, then massage is allowed on the second day after the stroke. It is necessary to begin with segmental and acupressure massage. On the lower extremities it is necessary to massage the flexor muscle groups, on the upper – extensor. Only light and slow massage movements can be performed on high-tone muscle fibers (such as flexors, fingers, hands, forearms, and shin extensors). For muscle fibers of antagonists with a constant tone apply soft kneading and rubbing at high speed. The first massage sessions last 5-10 minutes, with a gradual increase in time to half an hour.

    The treatment program includes at least 20-30 sessions. After completing the first course, you need a break of one and a half to two months, followed by the resumption of massage treatments. Massage should be performed by an experienced physiotherapist, rehabilitologist or experienced masseur, whose specialization includes this pathology.

    The main purposes for which massage is performed after a stroke:

    • pain reduction;
    • improving well-being and mood;
    • improving blood flow to all tissues, and hence their supply of oxygen and nutrients;
    • increased lymph flow in paralyzed parts of the body and throughout the body;
    • prevention of congestive pneumonia in the elderly;
    • obstacle to the formation of contractures;
    • prevention of bedsores;
    • accelerating the process of restoring the functionality of the affected extremities.

    It is important to know how to massage properly after a stroke to fully recover. In the first couple of months, only local massage of paretic (partially paralyzed) and paralyzed (completely immobile) limbs, chest, lumbar region and other parts of the back is allowed.

    General massage is performed only at a late stage of rehabilitation. Prolonged tissue stimulation in the early post-stroke period leads to fatigue, which only worsens the patient’s condition. During the sessions, each area is massaged several times (2-5). Massage should start with small areas without turning the patient on his stomach. Often stimulation begins in the thighs and shoulders, after four treatments. If the patient’s health allows, the legs, forearms, hands, chest and feet are added.

    During the 8th – 9th procedure it is allowed to stimulate the lumbar region and back in the affected areas. The patient should lie on the healthy side. Lying on his stomach allowed only in the last stages of massage, unless contraindicated by a doctor due to heart disease. Increases in intensity and expansion of the area of ​​influence are individual and are carried out strictly at the discretion of the attending physician, who monitors the overall health of the patient. At a hemorrhagic stroke massage begin not earlier than in 5-7 days.

    Also, an important condition for massage is regular use of drugs that reduce the risk of recurrent stroke. These are such as Dytor, Lipvas or Pivasta.

    Although rehabilitation therapy after stroke is better to start immediately after the onset of pathology, massage will be useful for the patient even after months or years.

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    7 rules for adrenal health and prevention of Addison’s disease https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/7-rules-for-adrenal-health-and-prevention-of-addison-s-disease/ Mon, 01 Nov 2021 01:33:06 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1281 Drink enough water. Water not only improves metabolism, digestion, regulates body temperature, but also normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Drinking enough water during the day helps to remove harmful substances from the body. …

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  • Drink enough water.

  • Water not only improves metabolism, digestion, regulates body temperature, but also normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Drinking enough water during the day helps to remove harmful substances from the body. It is important to drink small portions, about one and a half liters of clean water a day. Drinking enough fluids helps the whole body to function normally.

    1. Limit pills.

    Drugs in large quantities adversely affect the adrenal glands. Therefore, any medication should be taken with caution. If you have a chronic illness, it is always best to consult a doctor before taking medication. If possible, do not take medication unnecessarily. Saturate your body with vitamins and healthy food to stay healthy. If necessary, consult a doctor and choose the food and vitamins you need for your health.

    1. Eat no more than a teaspoon of salt.

    Salt helps to retain fluid in the body. But it is necessary to maintain water-salt balance, with a lack of salt a person may even faint. The normal dose of salt for a healthy person per day is 4 grams (teaspoon).

    You need to understand that without salt the body is unable to function. Salt is involved in many metabolic processes. It retains water, participates in muscle contraction and hormone secretion.

    This supplement helps to create conditions for the existence of erythrocytes. In the stomach, salt helps to form hydrochloric acid, without which digestion is impossible.

    1. Proper sleep.

    Not only food, water and salt are important for the adrenal glands, but also sleep. After all, chronic insomnia worsens the state of immunity, the organs do not have time to recover, the pressure rises. Adrenal disease increases the risk of venous thrombosis and ischemic stroke. An adult needs to sleep at least seven hours a day.

    1. Regular monitoring of cholesterol levels.

    Cholesterol completely imperceptibly and painlessly damages blood vessels. They gradually lose elasticity, their walls harden, the lumen of the middle and large arteries decreases. High cholesterol can also cause plaque to form, which clogs the adrenal arteries. As a result, the functioning of the adrenal glands may be impaired. If you have high cholesterol, take drugs such as Atorlip, Lipicard.

    1. Vitamins B6 and D.

    These two vitamins are especially important for the adrenal glands. Vitamin B6 is important for the prevention of Addison’s disease and is found in meat and milk, eggs and fish, cabbage and garlic. Vitamin D is synthesized when the sun shines on you. A person needs 2 mg of vitamin B6 per day and at least 15 minutes in the sun.

    1. Less stress.

    Stress leads to the release of stress hormones, in particular the hormone cortisol. Despite the benefits of cortisol, frequent or prolonged increases in cortisol levels can damage the adrenal gland.

    If it is impossible to remove stress from life, you need to learn to respond to them properly. Breathing practices, yoga, meditation, psychological practices aimed at calming and relaxing will help you in this.




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    How to stay healthy and live long and harmoniously – 4 tips from doctors https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-stay-healthy-and-live-long-and-harmoniously-4-tips-from-doctors/ Fri, 30 Jul 2021 06:55:31 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1227 American doctors shared their own secrets of how to make life healthy, happy and long. To do this, you need to exercise, eat healthy food and be optimistic. Experts have offered some interesting and unconventional …

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    American doctors shared their own secrets of how to make life healthy, happy and long. To do this, you need to exercise, eat healthy food and be optimistic. Experts have offered some interesting and unconventional tips on how to overcome stress, improve your physical and emotional well-being and stay in shape.

    Get a dog

    A pet is a round-the-clock form of therapy, for me personally it is a stress reliever, says Carmen Ehols, MD.

    Carmen got a dog right after the wedding. After a hard day’s work, she sits down to watch TV and strokes her pet. According to the doctor, this simple exercise is very relaxing.

    It should be said that cats are also ideal for such purposes. But a dog is also a regular walk in the fresh air.

    Meditate and do the exercises

    Doctors remind you that you can meditate when you walk, swim or sit in the park.

    Dean K. Mitchell, MD, associate professor of the Clinical Department of Osteopathic Medicine, emphasizes the need for cardio, strength training and yoga.

    Stretching or yoga provides flexibility, which is important at any age. In addition, it is important to keep your brain young by accepting new challenges: traveling, exploring new areas, listening to music, etc., the doctor concludes.

    Exercise is also a very important part of Dr. Nathan Rock’s daily routine. It helps him control stress and be healthy.

    Exercise has many positive benefits, including strengthening the cardiovascular system and balancing mood by releasing endorphins.

    Personally, I am convinced that exercise, both before and after work, can help prepare for a successful day, as well as relieve any stress after work, says the doctor.

    Nathan loves yoga in the morning, it is from it that his day begins. In the evening, the doctor likes to run with friends.

    It adds to the desire to go for a run and helps me stay motivated and responsible, he says.

    In this case, do not forget about food.

    The main part of the plate – vegetable dishes, eat a lot of natural foods: nuts, seeds, fruits – says Nathan Rock.

    See a doctor

    Many people constantly postpone visits to the doctor. If you want to live healthier longer, make it a rule to visit a family doctor every year.

    Visit the dentist every 6 months, gynecologist / urologist and ophthalmologist – once a year, cardiologist and enocrinologist – every 2 years.

    Also, once a year, have a complete blood and urine test.

    All of this will help you identify problems at an early stage (such as diabetes or hypercholesterolemia) and start treatment in time (such as Forxiga or Lipicard).


    Massage therapy is a great way to improve muscle condition and help you relax. And it will also help relieve stress, says Dr. Allen Conrad.

    In the evening, massage your feet. Learn with your partner to give each other a relaxing massage of the head and neck or even the entire back. You can take special courses and learn these skills, or do a massage with a professional every six months or a year.


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    10 causes of chronic fatigue https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/10-causes-of-chronic-fatigue/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 04:44:15 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1196 Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If …

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    Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and you often have depression, be sure to read this article to the end.

    For you to be relaxed and motivated, your body needs to function properly. Sleep deprivation does not always interfere with this function. Sometimes, despite a long rest, you still lack energy. In this case, you should look for disorders and still undiagnosed diseases that cause this condition.

    1. Type II diabetes

    Lack of energy can be caused by low or high blood glucose, which can be caused by diabetes. Fatigue and lethargy can be manifestations of type II diabetes.

    1. Heart disease

    Rapid fatigue, felt even after the slightest exercise, can be a sign of heart disease. Serious heart disease can be the result of untreated or previous flu or Covid-19. Chronic fatigue and shortness of breath during short walks cannot be ignored.

    1. Thyroid gland

    Fatigue, lethargy and mood swings can be caused by low levels of T3 and T4 hormones. Hypothyroidism disrupts not only the functioning of the nervous system, but also the circulatory, muscular and skeletal systems, and even body temperature. This disease must be treated with drugs such as Eltroxin or Tiromel.

    1. Hepatitis C virus

    Chronic fatigue and frequent infections may indicate hepatitis C infection. Often patients have virtually no symptoms, and persistent lethargy is one of the few.

    1. Food allergies

    Feeling unwell, lack of strength, fatigue and lethargy can be caused by food intolerance. This is not always manifested by nausea, diarrhea or rash. Sometimes the signals your body gives you are less obvious, then we are talking about a hidden food intolerance.

    1. Urinary tract infections

    Constant fatigue can be one of the symptoms of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. An infection associated with a constant need to urinate, bladder pain, and a burning sensation in the intimate area.

    1. Anemia

    Fatigue can be a symptom of anemia. With anemia, there is a deficiency of hemoglobin, which is necessary in the process of delivering oxygen throughout the body. Anemia is caused by heavy menstruation, internal bleeding, iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, poor diet or kidney disease.

    1. Lung diseases

    Feelings of heaviness and prolonged fatigue may accompany you if you have problems with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which leads to narrowing of the bronchi and difficulty breathing, which causes hypoxia. This disease is often caused by active and passive smoking.

    1. Sleep apnea

    Constant or just morning fatigue can be a symptom of apnea, the presence of which you do not even know. People with sleep apnea often wake up tired in the morning because they wake up several times a night. Sometimes you don’t even know that the sleep phase is interrupted.

    1. Stress

    Constant fatigue can be caused by stress, even if you do not suspect it. Stressful situations can be so trivial that you don’t even pay attention to them. However, your body responds to this and secretes cortisol, as a result of which you feel exhausted.

    The post 10 causes of chronic fatigue appeared first on United Pharmacies Blog.
