Mens Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Thu, 08 Apr 2021 08:00:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 foods to prevent prostate hyperplasia Thu, 08 Apr 2021 02:00:43 +0000 BRAZILIAN WALNUT. Of all the known types of nuts, these South American nuts are especially rich in selenium, which is important for men’s health. Studies have shown that selenium intake reduces the risk of prostate …

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  • Of all the known types of nuts, these South American nuts are especially rich in selenium, which is important for men’s health. Studies have shown that selenium intake reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Brazil nuts are also a very good source of zinc, which plays an important role in maintaining prostate health. In addition, Brazil nuts contain all the amino acids that are called “complete proteins”.

    1. BROCCOLI.

    Broccoli is a source of very important nutrients. They contain a large number of phytonutrients, such as sulforaphane and indoles, which have antitumor properties. Sulforaphane increases the activity of detoxifying enzymes in the body, which helps to quickly remove potentially carcinogenic elements. Studies show that broccoli indole inhibits the production of prostate-specific antigen.

    The healthiest way to cook is to steam or sauté broccoli, but no longer than 5 minutes. If you cook this food longer, it will lose all nutrients. Before you start cooking, cut the broccoli into pieces and wait 5 minutes.

    1. RED PEPPER.

    Hot cayenne pepper is a source of substances to promote men’s health. Red pepper is hot due to the high concentration of a substance called capsaicin. Studies show that pepper helps kill cancer cells. In addition to its anti-cancer properties, capsaicin helps the cardiovascular system because it is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, which often causes atherosclerosis. Several other benefits include preventing ulcers and reducing cell damage, which can lead to complications of diabetes.

    1. GREEN TEA.

    Green tea has healing properties due to its antioxidant compounds, which are called catechins. It is a type of polyphenol that kills certain bacteria, viruses and strengthens the immune system. Studies have shown that green tea can significantly reduce prostate-specific antigen and two other biomarkers of prostate cancer.


    Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, which are especially good for prostate health. Pomegranate extract can slow the spread of prostate cancer cells and encourage cancer cells to commit suicide.

    1. OATMEAL.

    Fiber-rich oatmeal enhances and normalizes digestion. In addition, fiber cleanses blood vessels of bad cholesterol. This is one of the main enemies of men’s health. This cereal contains arginine, which relaxes muscles and stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This improves the health of the male reproductive system, and at the same time improves emotional state and self-confidence.

    1. TURMERIC.

    This spice cleanses the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots; therefore, it has a positive effect on blood circulation. And good blood circulation promotes men’s health. In combination with a balanced diet, turmeric will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent many diseases.

    If you notice symptoms of prostate hyperplasia, contact your doctor as soon as possible to receive the necessary treatment in time (for example, Alfusin or Avodart).







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    8 recommendations for the prevention of erectile dysfunction Wed, 03 Feb 2021 04:03:56 +0000 Quit smoking. Men who smoke are twice as likely to have erection problems as non-smokers. Smoking is bad for your sex life because nicotine clogs and narrows blood vessels. Moreover, many potency drugs have a …

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  • Quit smoking.

  • Men who smoke are twice as likely to have erection problems as non-smokers. Smoking is bad for your sex life because nicotine clogs and narrows blood vessels. Moreover, many potency drugs have a much smaller effect on men who smoke.

    1. Reduce alcohol consumption.

    When alcohol is abused, the following negative consequences appear:

    • decreased sensitivity of the genitals;
    • decrease in testosterone levels in the body;
    • impaired reproductive function due to atrophy of the seminal ducts;
    • decrease in the production of male hormones.
    1. Do not use drugs.

    Many drugs can cause erection problems. Stimulants (cocaine and amphetamines) and depressants (marijuana and opiates) can cause serious problems. These drugs depress the central nervous system, and some of them can damage blood vessels. If you think you have a drug problem, you should seek medical attention.

    1. Go in for sports.

    Exercise helps your heart and blood vessels stay healthy and reduce stress. Even a 30-minute walk every day can reduce the likelihood of potency problems. In addition, exercises to strengthen muscles twice a week will bring many health benefits.

    1. Check your testosterone levels.

    Testosterone levels gradually begin to decline by about thirty. If your testosterone levels get too low, it can affect your sex drive. A blood test can help you find out if you have low testosterone.

    1. Do not use anabolic steroids.

    If you are obsessed with taking extra doses of testosterone to build muscle, then be prepared for side effects. Anabolic androgenic steroids significantly affect the activity of the gonads, stopping the production of androgens.

    1. Take care of your emotional state.

    When you have constant conflicts at work, relationship problems, your libido may deteriorate. In addition, prolonged stress can lead to decreased potency. Usually this temporary phenomenon disappears with timely treatment of stress. Reduce stress and you will see how your health improves.

    1. See a doctor at the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

    Sometimes men can have erection problems and this is normal. But if they start to occur more often, do not ignore this signal. You may have certain health problems that cause these problems. The sooner you deal with this, the sooner your sex life will return to normal.

    It has been proven that people who are constantly developing intellectually are able to maintain muscle strength longer. The direct link between brain function and muscle determines the quality of sexual life. Stay optimistic, control your stress levels and focus on the most important values ​​in life.

    Many diseases can be asymptomatic and do not bother a man. Only timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the early stages can completely cure the disease and enjoy all the joys of life until old age. The proper functioning of the reproductive system is the basis of male happiness and the path to success in all spheres of life.

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    Six tips to help prevent erectile dysfunction Thu, 03 Dec 2020 02:07:20 +0000 Exercise regularly. It is no secret that regular exercise is a prerequisite for good health and good tone. Fitness trainers recommend evening walks of at least half an hour and short jogs in the morning, …

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  • Exercise regularly.

  • It is no secret that regular exercise is a prerequisite for good health and good tone. Fitness trainers recommend evening walks of at least half an hour and short jogs in the morning, or, for example, you can walk to work. In addition, you need to visit the gym and the pool at least 3 times a week. Following these recommendations allows you to normalize the balance between “bad” and “good” cholesterol, prevent obesity, hypertension and diabetes. According statistics, physically active men suffer from erectile dysfunction 45% less than those who prefer to spend their free time on the couch.

    1. Blood pressures control.

    Problems with blood pressure, which in everyday life is often called hypertension, do not always manifest themselves immediately. For this reason, experts recommend not to neglect regular visits to doctors, even for preventive and diagnostic purposes. Health problems that are detected in time are much easier to fix. Otherwise, in the future may begin to develop a serious illness caused by disorders of the circulatory system. Calcification of blood vessels, loss of elasticity of veins and arteries, as well as thickening of their walls limits the flow of blood to the genitals and promotes the development of impotence.

    1. Healthy diet.

    Remember how you felt after celebrating Christmas, New Year’s or even the usual “corporate holiday”, during which the tables were simply overloaded with fatty dishes. Allowing yourself too much at the holiday table, you start to feel serious digestive problems. The body simply cannot cope with so much food.  Even the usual nightly overeating can cause insomnia or feeling tired the next day. It has proven that excessive concentration of “bad” cholesterol interferes with normal blood flow to male organs and interferes with testosterone synthesis.

    1. Quitting smoking is an important condition for improving potency.

    Tobacco smoking in itself is not considered a healthy habit. In addition, if you look at the whole list of carcinogenic and other toxic components contained in tobacco smoke, you can make a logical conclusion about the danger of such a hobby. Due to the effect of these substances on the blood vessels of the male body, there is a significant decrease in the ability of erection.

    1. Reduce alcohol consumption.

    Especially harmful is ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages; it affects the male reproductive system. In addition, with alcohol abuse, the risk of impotence can increase up to 70%, compared to abstainers.

    1. Reduce stress levels.

    As you know, constant psycho-emotional stress in the long term can contribute to the development of male health disorders. Thus, to prevent an undesirable development of events, experts recommend learning how to defend against stress factors. The main thing is to rest a lot, distract from everyday worries and problems, and regularly relieve nervous tension with enough physical activity.

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    How do organs suffer from obesity? Tue, 27 Oct 2020 00:49:39 +0000 Vessels and heart. With a high body fat content, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. Fat has hormonal activity and secretes substances that have a negative effect on blood pressure. This leads to …

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  • Vessels and heart.

  • With a high body fat content, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. Fat has hormonal activity and secretes substances that have a negative effect on blood pressure. This leads to the development of hypertension, it often observed in people by the age of thirty. In addition, hypertension is the main risk factoring for myocardial infarction.

    1. Metabolism.

    The more fat cells in the body and the larger they are, the less sensitive the body is to insulin, a hormone needed to process glucose in the blood. As a result, the sugar level rises and the type 2 diabetes develops. There are many effective medications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (such as Amaryl, Cetapin XR or Daonil). However, it is noted that one of the most effective measures is to reduce weight by about 10%. If you weigh 100 kg, you need to lose up to 90 kg. Thanks to this, insulin sensitivity noticeably increased, in the initial stages, further development of the disease can even avoid.

    1. Spine and joints

    Overweight is like carrying a heavy bag. This seriously increases the load on the intervertebral discs and “supporting” joints – knee and hip. Destructive changes take place in them quickly. According to statistics, in obese women, arthrosis of the knee joints observes 4 times more often than in slender ones. Obese people are more likely to suffer from osteochondrosis.

    1. Respiratory system

    If the body mass index exceeds 35, the risk of sleep apnea during sleep increases dramatically. When fat deposits in the neck, the airway narrows. During the day, the body can compensate for this, but at night, the muscles relax. As a result, the airways narrows and air ceases to flow into the lungs. In addition, this means that the blood poorly saturated with oxygen; not all organs receive it. In addition, in order for a person fully breathe the brain force constantly “wake up”. As a result, the deep sleep phase does not occur, namely, during this phase, growth hormone produce in the body.

    Excessive fat is not used in metabolism, and it does not stop accumulating, so we gain weight even more. To break this vicious circle, you need to take care of yourself: have a diet, increase physical activity.

    In people with severe obesity, life expectancy reduces by 12-15 years. If you want to live long, strive for harmony. In addition, excessive fat compress the veins of the lungs. Because of this, there may be pathology of the pleura and poor ventilation of the lungs.

    1. Men’s and Women’s Health.

    Since fat has hormonal activity, its excess can affect the menstrual cycle, accelerate the development of polycystic ovaries, and often even lead to female endocrine infertility. Excess weight not in the best way affects the reproductive capabilities of men, primarily on potency.

    1. Liver health.

    Fat vacuoles and drops accumulate inside the liver cells. They are called triglycerides. In addition, as they accumulate, the cells stop performing their function and die. Thus, the work of one of the main organs disrupts.

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    Aldosterone antagonists as a type of potassium-sparing diuretics Sun, 12 May 2019 03:46:53 +0000 Potassium-sparing diuretics are one of the most commonly used drugs for heart, kidney and liver diseases, which are accompanied by edema. The mechanism of action potassium-sparing diuretics. The mechanism of action is quite difficult to …

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    Potassium-sparing diuretics are one of the most commonly used drugs for heart, kidney and liver diseases, which are accompanied by edema.

    The mechanism of action potassium-sparing diuretics. The mechanism of action is quite difficult to understand, but it is important for choosing the type of diuretic. Potassium-sparing diuretics, disrupting Na + reabsorption, interfere with the depolarization of the apical membrane of the main nephrocytes, which leads to a delay of K + in the blood. Diuretics also reduce the secretion of H + proton ATPase intercalated nephrocytes. The diuretic effect of potassium-sparing agents is weak since a small amount of Na + is reabsorbed in the distal parts of the nephron. The preparations increase the excreted fraction of Na + only up to 3 – 5%, moderately increase the excretion of Cl-, retain K +, H + and Mg2 + in the body, change the blood flow in the kidneys and filter little. When administered together with potent diuretics and thiazides, potassium-sparing diuretics eliminate compensatory enhancement of Na + reabsorption in the distal nephron and also eliminate hypokalemia.

    Preparations of this group are divided into aldosterone antagonists and sodium channel blockers. Today we will talk about aldosterone antagonists

    Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of Na + and stimulates the secretion of K +, so there is edema. It contributes to the development of edema.

    The most commonly used antagonist aldosterone steroid structure – SPIRONOLACTON (Aldactone). This drug is competitively bound to mineralocorticoid receptors in nephrocytes. The complex “spironolactone-receptor” does not possess biological activity.

    Against the background of the action of spironolactone permeability and the number of sodium channels, the function of Na +, K + -ATP-ase and its energy supply are reduced. The diuretic effect of spironolactone is expressed with a high concentration of aldosterone in the blood and develops only 2 – 3 days after the start of the course therapy. A long latency period is needed for the destruction of previously synthesized AIP (aldosterone-induced proteins).

    Spironolactone, weakening the activating effect of aldosterone on the synthesis of fibrous tissue in the heart, strengthens heart contractions, facilitates relaxation of the heart in diastole, and prevents ventricular arrhythmias caused by a circular wave of excitation. Moderately reduces blood pressure and heart afterload.

    Indications for use spironolactone (Aldactone) following:

    • Primary hyperaldosteronism, or Conn’s syndrome (tumor or bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex);
    • Secondary hyperaldosteronism (increased aldosterone secretion in heart failure);
    • Systolic and diastolic heart failure;
    • Arterial hypertension;
    • Hypokalemia;
    • Hyperandrogenesis in women.

    Side effects:

    • Hyperkalemia;
    • Metabolic acidosis;
    • Gynecomastia and impotence in men, coarsening of the voice and menstrual abnormalities in women (effects on sex hormone receptors);
    • Diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach, complicated by bleeding
    • Headache, tremor, ataxia;
    • Skin rash, thrombocytopenia.

    Spironolactone enhances the therapeutic effect of cardiac glycosides.


    Hypersensitivity, Addison’s disease, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, chronic renal failure, anuria, liver failure, diabetes, metabolic acidosis, menstrual disorders or breast enlargement.

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    Male hair loss Thu, 09 May 2019 15:14:27 +0000 Male hair loss is a problem caused by various factors. But the most influential is heredity. If in 18-30 years only 16% of men are faced with hair loss, then in 40-50 years 58% of …

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    Male hair loss is a problem caused by various factors. But the most influential is heredity. If in 18-30 years only 16% of men are faced with hair loss, then in 40-50 years 58% of strong sex suffer from this problem.

    Interestingly, the excess of male hormones leads to increased hair growth on the chest, back and face, and reduction of hair quantity on the head.

    Reducing the level of dihydrotestosterone reduces hair loss in men, but is accompanied by a decrease in sexuality.

    As you know, the male genome contains 22 pairs of chromosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes, which is commonly known as XY, in contrast to the female organism, where the sex chromosomes form are the couple of XX.

    Male baldness in 70% of cases is transmitted by a special gene contained in the X-chromosome. Mother sends her son a gene from their ancestors. The daughter will become the bearer of the gene and can transfer it inherited, but she will never lose all hair, in the female body is not enough testosterone. In medicine, hereditary baldness is called androgenetic alopecia.

    Male hair loss at androgenetic baldness usually begins in the frontal and parietal region, gradually moving to the top. At first, the hair begins to grow more slowly, thinned, and then drop out. Follicles are starting to produce only thin soft hair. After 10-15 years, and sometimes much earlier, the roots fall asleep, then the mouth of the hair follicles overgrown with the connective tissue, which excludes the growth of hair forever.

    In addition to genetic predisposition and excessive amount dihydrotestosterone, there are other causes of hair loss in men. One of the most common is stress. Strong emotional stress leads to compression of hair follicles and disturbance of their blood supply. As a result, the hair becomes dull, brittle, thinned and falls out.

    Chronic stress acts on the hair in a different way. In the body of a man the metabolism deteriorates, biochemical processes of the brain are violated, and the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland decreases. All these factors have a detrimental effect on the state of hair in men.

    Often the causes of baldness in men are associated with harmful habits, malnutrition, and bad ecology. Lack of vitamins and trace elements in the diet leads to a deterioration of hair follicles, they weaken and die before the term.

    Smoking contributes to hair loss indirectly. Nicotine negatively affects blood circulation, hormonal production, the state of internal organs, which leads to a deterioration of blood supply to the follicles, a decrease in their life cycle.

    Men’s hair falls out due to the presence of chronic diseases. Disorders of the thyroid gland, anemia, diabetes, radiation sickness, some oncological diseases, cervical osteochondrosis, skin infections on the head are just a short list of ailments, which may result in baldness in men.

    Medicinal drugs used for treating some disorders can also have a negative effect on hair growth. These include antibiotics, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, hormonal drugs and many other medicines.

    For the treatment of male baldness, it is necessary to understand the cause of hair loss.

    Diffuse alopecia (uniform hair loss) is usually treated.

    Focal baldness (loss in several foci) is prone to recurrence, complete recovery occurs in about 70% of cases.

    From non-specific medications, you can always use special solutions for external use, such as Hair4U.

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    What is erectile dysfunction? Thu, 09 May 2019 14:49:08 +0000 According to medical terminology, erectile dysfunction is an inability to achieve and maintain an erection that supports complete sexual intercourse. In the past, this phenomenon was called impotence, but today this word does not use …

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    According to medical terminology, erectile dysfunction is an inability to achieve and maintain an erection that supports complete sexual intercourse. In the past, this phenomenon was called impotence, but today this word does not use as outdated, and as condemning.

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) has two diagnosed forms:

    • First – there is never an erection, sexual intercourse is not available;
    • Second – an erection sometimes happens, but it is not enough to complete sexual intercourse.

    It should be understood that erectile dysfunction is a clear indication of a violation in the body. Stresses occupy a prominent position among the causes of ED since a long depressed state cannot but affect the attraction of a woman. In smokers, dysfunction develops by 20% more often than non-smokers.

    There are two types of pathology:

    • Primary – person never had an erection that can support sexual intercourse.
    • Secondary – there were no problems before, but now a quarter of cases fail because an erection is not enough for full-fledged sex.

    It should be understood that even a slight disorder is a signal for a visit to a doctor. Erectile dysfunction may also manifest itself as a symptom of other diseases and must be remembered that it is easier to prevent any illness than long afterward to deal with its manifestations.

    Causes of erectile dysfunction

    In the first place are organic causes. Then you can identify psychogenic (psychological) and mixed (organic and psychological) causes.

    Dysfunction, called psychological, is inherent in a young age when a person is under the oppression of family problems and stress at work. The risk increases with alcohol, overweight and smoking cigarettes.
    The particular enemy is overweight: if a man has a lot of fat, the level of testosterone in his body is reduced.

    Prevention of erectile dysfunction

    The rules for preventing pathology are universal and good by stopping the development of many other diseases. Thus, a man not only returns the joy of life but also fully supports the health of the body. To eliminate the disease factors are quite simple actions:

    • Increased physical activity – jogging, swimming, and contrasting showers.
    • Fresh air – at least just a half-hour walk in the park after work.
    • Proper nutrition – the benefits of this method cannot be overestimated.
    • Coffee and tea – to refuse, or at least to reduce consumption.
    • Alcohol and cigarettes – if possible, remove it all.
    • Stress – take all measures to minimize it.

    Fortunately, there is progress in the development of new drugs such as Avana-100, Avana-50, which, importantly, begin to work only in the presence of a sexual stimulus.

    Modern possibilities of therapeutic and surgical treatment allow coming to the reception in the clinic with erectile dysfunction and outcome as a healthy person. To date, among urologists, it is considered that a man suffering from a decrease in potency is simply a liar. No other options because this disease is being treated!

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