Neural Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Thu, 30 Dec 2021 11:09:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 9 rules for the prevention of exacerbation of multiple sclerosis Thu, 30 Dec 2021 05:09:09 +0000 With this disease there is no need to radically change your lifestyle. It is better for a person to feel comfortable, without unnecessary restrictions and thoughts about diseases. To reduce the risk of exacerbations, you …

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With this disease there is no need to radically change your lifestyle. It is better for a person to feel comfortable, without unnecessary restrictions and thoughts about diseases. To reduce the risk of exacerbations, you must follow 9 basic rules of prevention.

  1. Do not get tired.

People with multiple sclerosis suffer from excessive fatigue (this is due to the state of the nervous system). Therefore, they need to check their health and rest as needed. Fatigue occurs during prolonged absence of rest or after long and hard work. When overloaded, the body can not rest even at night. In this case, you need a few days to rest and recover.

  1. Get enough sleep.

Excessive drowsiness or insomnia are common in demyelinating disorders. To get rid of it, plan your work and rest, as well as sleep schedule. You should go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

  1. Avoid physical activity.

Hard work is tiring, so you need to change your profession if it is associated with constant stress. Avoid regular long-term work, including in the backyard. At constant excessive physical activities the organism does not have time to recover. This can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

It is better to avoid working with toxic substances, as well as monotonous work that causes fatigue. It is recommended to include in the daily routine walks in the fresh air (if the weather is good).

  1. Do gymnastics.

The list and duration of exercises should be discussed with your doctor, but daily 15-minute exercises are usually recommended. Exercise helps to maintain good muscle tone and physical activity, as well as improve mood. Also, this sport has a tonic effect on the nervous system, improves metabolism, maintains the fullness of motor skills.

  1. Eliminate prolonged exposure to the sun.

With this disease it is better to give up being on the beach (or be there in the morning or evening, using sunscreen). In the heat you need to wear a hat, sunglasses, and if possible take a cool shower. It is also not recommended to visit the solarium if you have multiple sclerosis.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids.

This helps to improve the patient’s condition, especially in summer. Choose water, black or green tea without sugar (or with a minimum amount) and do not drink beverages with flavors and colors.

  1. Adjust your diet.

You should reduce your intake of meat, eggs, cream and butter. Vegetable food, fish are useful; the menu should be moderate in calories to keep the weight normal.

  1. Take medication regularly.

Be sure to take your medication regularly (Dalstep or Pacifen). This will help you feel healthy and active.

  1. Be responsible when planning a pregnancy.

Multiple sclerosis is not a reason to give up motherhood if a woman’s condition is satisfactory, but pregnancy should be planned only in remission.


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8 ways to reduce the symptoms of general anxiety disorder Mon, 11 Oct 2021 00:12:16 +0000 Visit quiet, relaxing places. People with general anxiety disorder have increased activity in the part of the brain that copes with fear. Quiet places usually help to relax. For example, nature walks have many health …

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  • Visit quiet, relaxing places.

  • People with general anxiety disorder have increased activity in the part of the brain that copes with fear. Quiet places usually help to relax. For example, nature walks have many health benefits and can reduce anxiety and stress.

    Sometimes a change of location can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety disorder. For example, if you spent the whole day at home worrying, then an evening walk will help you relax.

    1. Listen to music or sing.

    This is a good way to forget about anxiety for a while. If you listen to music or focus on singing, the excitement and anxiety disappear. When a person listens to music, the brain sends signals to the ears and distracts from anxious thoughts. Singing reduces stress levels and allows you to get rid of problematic emotions, it may seem that they come out with the voice through the larynx. In any stressful situation, try to sing a melody to yourself. This practice will help you calm down and reduce anxiety.

    1. Breathe fresh air.

    Smell helps to create memories. Use your sense of smell to remember new calm and pleasant moments. Deep breathing can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on health.

    1. Enjoy delicious food.

    A tasty, unhurried meal can become a kind of ritual. Take your time and enjoy all the dishes: a cold appetizer, a main course, and then dessert. Enjoy every piece of your food and be grateful for everything you have. Slow eating can reduce stress.

    Think only of the present moment and appreciate the energy you get from food. Focus on how you eat to forget about worries and not overeat due to inattention.

    1. Touch something nice.

    A variety of sensations helps to cope with anxiety. Smooth, soft, cool, warm, any texture and temperature of things can be suitable to give you a feeling of calm. Try stroking the blanket with your hand like a pet to reduce anxiety and stress. If it is warm outside, go to the beach to touch the warm sand. It will bring you a feeling of peace and tranquility.

    1. Move.

    Use energy to get rid of anxiety disorders. If you sit, emotions can intensify. Exercise is extremely good for your health. Walking and running help release endorphins. These hormones have a positive calming effect.

    1. Visit an experienced therapist or psychiatrist.

    For general anxiety disorder, it is best to consult a specialist. If you are constantly tense, experiencing muscle pain and stiffness, you may need professional help and medication (such as Flunil or Fluox).

    1. Love yourself.

    Personal problems can often affect your self-esteem. Unfortunately, during a period of general anxiety disorder, a person often scolds himself for being overly anxious. As a result, it lowers self-esteem and worsens the general condition. But it is worth realizing that anxiety is one of the natural aspects of life. Thus, a person can learn to manage it, rather than lowering their self-esteem because of this problem.





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    7 foods that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease Mon, 11 Oct 2021 00:09:49 +0000 Sugar. Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells stop responding to the hormone insulin. The presence of sugar-containing foods in the daily diet contributes to …

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  • Sugar.

  • Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells stop responding to the hormone insulin. The presence of sugar-containing foods in the daily diet contributes to the gradual death of brain cells and its degeneration. Thus, the consumption of such foods is one of the main causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

    It is necessary to prefer complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and help maintain the required level of glucose in the blood. Prefer vegetables, dates, fruits, cereals, healthy sweets with high fiber content.

    1. Processed cheese.

    Any processed cheese contains proteins that gradually accumulate in the body, causing Alzheimer’s disease. Replace this cheese with almonds. Nuts are the best food for the brain. People who have nuts in their diet often live longer and healthier.

    1. Meat products.

    Sausages, ham and bacon are common foods for almost every family. But keep in mind that smoked products contain dangerous carcinogenic nitrosamines, which increase the shelf life of the product. These substances provoke brain degeneration. Replace these foods with other healthy sources of protein, such as fish and legumes.

    1. Beer.

    Even everyone’s favorite craft beer can have side effects. As with meat products, the cause is nitrates or nitrosamines used in beer production. Manufacturers often forget to report the presence of these substances in beverages. At the same time, there is no need to completely give up alcohol. Nutrition for brain health allows a small amount of red wine.

    1. White food.

    This category includes white bread, white rice, pasta and other foods that cause a rapid rise in blood insulin. This provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the body, which is one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. For a healthy alternative to a sandwich, try cooking and eating a salad of greens and vegetables. Add fresh berries to get natural sweetness or healthy proteins such as salmon or beans.

    1. Carbohydrates.

    Even whole grain bread causes a rapid rise in insulin, let alone buns, baguettes or donuts. If you want to keep your mind clear until old age, you need to significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake. Snacks from beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils are the best foods for health. It is also recommended to eat spinach, nuts, berries, fish, olive oil and sometimes drink red wine.

    1. Products treated with pesticides.

    Scientists have proven that fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides reduce human IQ. Therefore, do not eat foods that contain preservatives and all the harmful chemicals that cause the destruction of brain cells. Also, when buying fruits and vegetables, choose those that are grown in an environmentally friendly way.

    If you notice any signs of Alzheimer’s disease in yourself or your loved ones, see a doctor as soon as possible. Timely effective treatment (such as Admenta and Donecept) will help stop the disease!




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    What you need for good sleep – 9 important tips Mon, 16 Aug 2021 02:52:47 +0000 It is known that good sleep brings morning vigor, good mood and even helps the body cope with illness. Conversely, lack of sleep, intermittent, restless sleep causes depression, loss of strength, reduced efficiency, leads to …

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    It is known that good sleep brings morning vigor, good mood and even helps the body cope with illness. Conversely, lack of sleep, intermittent, restless sleep causes depression, loss of strength, reduced efficiency, leads to a weakening of the body’s defenses.

    Thus, lack of sleep disrupts concentration, which is unacceptable for people of certain professions (eg, pilots, drivers, surgeons).

    Sleep quality is affected by many factors.

    1. It is recommended to sleep in a well-ventilated room. In summer you can sleep with the window open. Shortness of breath prevents rapid falling asleep, causes general discomfort and disturbs sleep.
    2. The best activity before bed is a short walk in the fresh air. This will allow you to be a little active if you sit at your desk most of the day. In general, in areas saturated with oxygen (for example, near the beach), people fall asleep much better.
    3. Do not eat fatty, salty, spicy foods before bedtime. The most useful option is a glass of kefir or yogurt, as overeating in the evening can cause heaviness in the stomach, belching, heartburn, which will interfere with sleep. By the way, nightmares most often come on a full stomach.
    4. The quality of sleep can be affected by improperly selected bed linen and uncomfortable bed (ottoman, folding bed, bad sofa). It is best to choose mattresses made of natural fillers (eg, buckwheat husk). A bed that is too hard or too soft can tire your back muscles and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
    5. Bed linen should also be made of natural materials (usually cotton). For sleep it is good to use an orthopedic pillow (but before buying it is better to consult a doctor), or regular, but, like a mattress, with a natural filler. Do not forget to change the bed linen at least once a week, and in summer use a thin blanket instead of warm.
    6. To sleep peacefully, you need to spend the evening in a pleasant atmosphere. Try not to think about worries, difficult things and not to make responsible decisions before going to bed. First, as you know, the morning is wiser than the evening. Second, nervous experiences can cause insomnia or trouble falling asleep, which does not bring peace.
    7. Also, do not sit at the computer at bedtime (especially playing games). It is not recommended to talk on the phone for a long time or watch movies and programs that can scare, excite, upset. This is especially true for vulnerable people with a weak type of nervous system.
    8. Before going to bed it is good to take a bath (there are, for example, special aromatic fillers for the bathroom with a calming effect based on various natural components), relax in the night light, listen to quiet, calm music, remember all the good events of the day and imagine what pleasant events may happen tomorrow.
    9. Don’t be afraid to take sleeping pills.

    If you regularly suffer from insomnia, use sleeping pills. There are now very effective and safe remedies, such as Doxinate or Relaxedin.

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    8 tips on how to prepare for vacation for people with multiple sclerosis Tue, 20 Jul 2021 07:38:12 +0000 Changing the situation, vivid impressions, communication with new people inspire and improve the state of mind. To make the trip comfortable and enjoyable, you should follow these recommendations. Talk to your doctor and discuss the …

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    Changing the situation, vivid impressions, communication with new people inspire and improve the state of mind. To make the trip comfortable and enjoyable, you should follow these recommendations.

    1. Talk to your doctor and discuss the details of the trip.

    The doctor will be able to give the necessary recommendations so that you can enjoy your vacation and avoid negative moments.

    1. Be sure to take out travel insurance.

    Choosing travel insurance should be taken seriously. Many people are sure that nothing bad will happen to them during the trip, and therefore buy the cheapest insurance. But good insurance can really save you from many problems.

    1. Do not forget about the necessary medicines and prescriptions, take care of the proper storage of medicines.

    Some airports have very strict security standards. You can carry a regular first aid kit without any problems. But if you have to take prescription drugs regularly, you may have problems. Bring a signed and stamped doctor’s prescription or medical card. Also, calculate how many medications you need to buy. You can buy Pacifen and Tizan here.

    1. Transport for travel should be as comfortable and fast as possible.

    Sometimes it is better to choose a flight by plane than a long trip by train or bus, which will cause fatigue and stress. If you decide to go by car, be sure to make stops for rest. The journey should not be tedious.

    1. Carefully plan your vacation to avoid unnecessary stress.

    Find the right mode for you without overloading. Flying or traveling by train, even if not very long, is tiring. Changing time zones can also cause fatigue, insomnia, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. In stressful conditions, hot climates or lack of sleep, fatigue comes faster. It is important to allow your body to smoothly adapt to changing conditions.

    1. Choose the right place to live.

    It is better to choose a temporary home in such a way as to be able to have a good rest upon arrival. This is especially true for travel, during which there is a significant change in time zone, as well as travel to hot countries. It is also important to consider the extent to which living conditions in a temporary home allow you to follow the rules of hygiene.

    1. Do not choose hot countries for summer vacation.

    The combined effects of heat, infrared and ultraviolet radiation lead to deterioration. So, you should refrain from being in the sun to get a good tan. In addition, being in tropical countries increases the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases, especially if you do not have the necessary vaccinations. Viral infection in multiple sclerosis can be very dangerous.

    1. Choose a city with a comfortable climate for your trip.

    The temperature should not be too high. You may find it easier to travel in the spring and fall when solar activity is less intense. Try to provide yourself with a comfortable environment to get used to the new environment. Set aside a day to rest after the flight or relocation. Do not overload yourself and do not worry.

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    5 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health and Prevent Bipolar Disorder Mon, 24 May 2021 23:01:26 +0000 Analyze where you spend energy. Most often, energy is spent where a person does not feel pleasure and joy. Therefore, you need to analyze your life. Divide the sheet of paper into sections: family, career, …

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  • Analyze where you spend energy.

  • Most often, energy is spent where a person does not feel pleasure and joy. Therefore, you need to analyze your life. Divide the sheet of paper into sections: family, career, friends, health, etc. Take the markers and give meaning to all the colors that will be used. For example, red means anxiety, green – calm, orange – energy, gray – sadness or fatigue. Paint each section in the most appropriate color. It is important to rely only on your feelings. This exercise will help you visually assess your energy loss. Once you understand which area of ​​your life is suffering, it will be easier for you to be filled with positive energy.

    1. Find your goal.

    When a person lives, fulfilling his destiny, energy flows to him. But the difficulty lies in finding a way. At the same time, it is important to enjoy the process itself. You can use a variety of ways to find what gives you energy. Ask yourself what you would do if you didn’t have to make money. If you don’t change anything, that’s fine.

    1. Make a list of achievements.

    A healthy psychological state is directly related to self-esteem. If your self-esteem is low, you will not be motivated to act. The easiest way to reach your potential is to make a list of the achievements you have made in your life. Whenever you have doubts about your abilities, take this list and read it aloud.

    Also ask your loved ones to answer the question why they love you and what they learned from you. You will find that their answers will surprise you and help raise your self-esteem. During the week, praise yourself for even the smallest achievements. This will teach your brain to focus on the positive. This skill will help you maintain a healthy psychological state.

    1. Feel the state of happiness.

    Happiness can be felt at any time, and it does not depend on external circumstances. Strange as it may sound, you can develop the ability to feel happy. Remember in detail the happiest day of your life. Maybe it was the birth of a child or the New Year, when your parents gave you a toy. Write down your feelings with these memories. Then try to imagine your condition and experience these emotions. After this meditation you will feel a lot of energy and vitality. Your brain will tune in to receive these sensations daily. To be happy means to be healthy both psychologically and physically.

    1. Communicate only with positive people.

    In everyday life, communicate only with positive and intellectually developed people. Look for people with similar interests and worldviews. Create a circle of communication in which you can relax or learn something new. Toxic people take away your energy even during a simple conversation. The environment directly affects your mental health. So, try to surround yourself every day with people who will fill your life with positive events.

    But if you notice that you can not cope with the deterioration of psycho-emotional state, see a doctor and take drugs such as Arpizol or Depilox.



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    6 useful sports for people with multiple sclerosis Tue, 18 May 2021 05:46:23 +0000 Nordic walking. Nordic walking has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and at the same time burns enough calories – from 350 to 450 calories per hour. In this sport, the right equipment is …

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  • Nordic walking.

  • Nordic walking has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and at the same time burns enough calories – from 350 to 450 calories per hour. In this sport, the right equipment is very important, especially the length of special poles. The specialist understands this best, so you need to contact him for advice. The intensity of training will depend on the terrain, weather and the chosen step. Beginners should pay attention to comfortable shoes and learn the right technique. Exercise significantly improves balance, endurance and reduces anxiety.

    1. Swimming.

    For swimming to be useful, you need to learn the right technique. If you swim incorrectly, the cervical spine will be overloaded, and swimming will only do harm. If you have weak legs, this sport can help make them stronger.

    The body experiences severe stress if you swim fast and burn up to 700 calories per hour. Therefore, it is important to remember that swimming fatigue occurs later than in other sports. With multiple sclerosis, it is important to choose the right pace of training.

    1. Water aerobics.

    Water aerobics can be practiced during the rehabilitation of people of any age. There are contraindications only for people with skin problems and allergies to chlorine. Strength and endurance are well trained in water. Thanks to music, it is easy to relieve stress, have a good time, and at the same time, get a lot of health benefits.

    1. Yoga classes.

    This is a safe and very effective practice. Beginners should remember that you should not try to do all the asanas as quickly as possible. First you need to master the technique of breathing, learn to sit properly with a straight back and mentally relax tense muscles. Only when a person learns to harmoniously combine breathing, posture and movement, you can expect results. Yoga is included in the recovery program for multiple sclerosis patients, along with physical therapy, swimming, psychotherapy and a vegetarian diet.

    After six months of regular yoga, fatigue disappears, patients become more flexible, fine motor skills improve.

    Your health will improve within minutes of a properly structured session. The poses are adapted to the state of health and can be easily corrected by an experienced teacher.

    1. Pilates and stretching.

    These exercises train large muscle groups, relieve fatigue and improve balance. The training scheme will be individual in each case and will depend on the course of the disease and the severity of symptoms. The coach must have experience working with people with multiple sclerosis. Exercises should be performed without significant effort and excessive stress.

    1. Cycling.

    This sport can be practiced if there are no complaints of propensity to court, and if coordination is good. In any case, you can practice on a stationary bike. Such exercises improve the function of walking.

    Finding the perfect sport for people with multiple sclerosis is very difficult because the disease affects everyone differently. It depends on the type of disease and its features. Listen to your body and analyze its reaction.

    And remember that physical activity in combination with treatment with effective drugs (for example, Pacifen or Tizan) can significantly improve your health.




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    7 causes that can lead to dementia Thu, 08 Apr 2021 02:11:25 +0000 Lack of complex tasks. The brain is an organ that requires regular exercise. In the absence of problems solving, our brain loses its efficiency. Studies show that the highest brain activity is between the ages …

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  • Lack of complex tasks.

  • The brain is an organ that requires regular exercise. In the absence of problems solving, our brain loses its efficiency. Studies show that the highest brain activity is between the ages of 16 and 25. It is during this period that its effectiveness is at its peak. Later, in the absence of new unusual tasks, brain productivity decreases.

    Our brain is designed in such a way that when we are interested in unfamiliar things, new nerve connections are formed in its cortex. The more such neural connections there are, the more flexible the human brain becomes and the longer it stays healthy. Regular mental exercises are very important to prevent senile dementia.

    1. Lack of oxygen.

    Spending a whole day in a stuffy office, you deprive your body of complete oxygen saturation. Insufficient oxygen reduces the efficiency of the brain. This leads to fatigue, poor concentration and poor memory. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly spend time in the fresh air to saturate the body with oxygen.

    1. Drinking insufficient clean water.

    Our brain needs water just like all organs. The human brain is 80% composed of this valuable fluid. It is with water that nutrients come, thanks to which the brain begins to function more efficiently. When the body is dehydrated, the brain suffers one of the first. The person begins to feel weak and tired.

    1. Bad habits.

    When smoking and drinking alcohol, neurobiological changes occur in the brain. For example, smoking reduces the thickness of the cerebral cortex. As a result, mental abilities and thinking levels are reduced. People who suffer from bad habits have an accelerated aging process of the brain several times.

    1. Lack of physical activity.

    Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are necessary for the body to maintain muscle tone. Due to physical activity, the blood begins to circulate actively throughout the body, saturating brain cells with nutrients. This has a very good effect on long-term memory.

    In addition, people who do not engage in any physical activity are often overweight. Obesity leads to an increase in free radicals and inflammation, which leads to a decrease in the number of brain cells. This, in turn, contributes to memory problems and premature aging.

    1. Unhealthy diet.

    The brain, like the whole body, needs nutrients that enter the body with food. Accordingly, if a person eats foods that are not rich in vitamins and minerals, the brain begins to lack them. As a result, the brain is depleted and its functions deteriorate.

    In addition to unhealthy foods, strict diets have a negative effect on brain function. Skipping breakfast also does a lot of damage to the brain. Studies show that people who eat breakfast regularly work better than those who miss the most important meal of the day.

    1. Bad sleep.

    Poor sleep has a negative effect on the human body and especially on the brain. After a sleepless night, concentration, productivity and energy decrease. During sleep, the important hormone melatonin is produced in the human body. Due to this hormone, the aging process slows down, and general well-being and condition improve. Melatonin has anti-stress and antitumor properties. That is why people who approach sleep competently keep their brain healthy and young for a long time.

    If you notice symptoms of dementia, see your doctor and take effective medications (such as Aricept or Atarax).


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    Eight products to prevent chronic fatigue Wed, 03 Feb 2021 03:58:36 +0000 Avocado. This fruit helps to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and fills the body with energy. All thanks to an amazing combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the brain works …

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  • Avocado.

  • This fruit helps to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and fills the body with energy. All thanks to an amazing combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the brain works more actively.

    1. Pineapples.

    Pineapple has an energetic effect on the body. In addition, it contains a huge amount of vitamins, which helps speed up metabolic processes in your body. This means that all the organs will start working more efficiently and you will not feel tired and helpless.

    1. Fresh herbs.

    Greens are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties. It perfectly cleanses the body, giving a healing effect to the body as a whole at once. This means that the body is less sensitive to various harmful stimuli.

    Greens calm the nervous system and improve mood. When nervousness and the first symptoms of fatigue disappear, the world begins to seem more pleasant. So, add greens not only to salads and meat dishes, but also to your morning sandwich or omelet.

    1. Bananas.

    Bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for a normal life. It participates in metabolic processes and affects the emotional and physical state of a person. Thus, a common cause of chronic fatigue can be a deficiency of certain trace elements, including potassium.

    1. Beets.

    Beetroot has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and removes dangerous toxins. When you start eating beets regularly, you will feel much better. Beets improve mood and reduce fatigue.

    1. Dark chocolate.

    Dark chocolate helps the body produce serotonin, making you feel much better. In addition, cocoa beans invigorate no less than coffee. This way, you can replace your morning drink with a piece of dark chocolate. In the cold season, when there is little sunlight, pieces of dark chocolate will especially help to improve your mood. Choose chocolate with a good composition and without sugar.

    1. Cauliflower.

    Actively helps to get rid of fatigue and irritability, encourages and gives strength and energy. Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora needed for a healthy body. To get all the useful properties, it is better to steam cauliflower or bake.

    1. Sprouted wheat grains.

    They help avoid sudden changes in blood sugar and are a source of energy. Sprouted grains increase the production of lecithin, which nourishes the nervous system.

    They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating them helps to improve performance and endurance and helps fight infections.

    In addition, to protect yourself from chronic fatigue, it is necessary to go to bed on time and eat healthy foods. It will also be helpful to do exercises to invigorate your body. Try to avoid nervous tension and stressful situations. If symptoms of fatigue persist for too long, it is best to see a doctor.

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    13 recommendations for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia Wed, 20 Jan 2021 07:07:04 +0000 Learn the second (third, fourth) language. Learning foreign languages helps to activate the processes of thinking. Studies show that polyglots are less likely to suffer from dementia. Drink fruit and vegetable juices. These unique vitamin …

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  • Learn the second (third, fourth) language.

  • Learning foreign languages helps to activate the processes of thinking. Studies show that polyglots are less likely to suffer from dementia.

    1. Drink fruit and vegetable juices.

    These unique vitamin and mineral cocktails have a beneficial effect on all functions of our body.

    1. Eat more foods with vitamin K.

    Vitamin K plays an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and premature aging. It is found in green leafy vegetables (such as spinach or cabbage).

    1. Control your stress.

    Psycho-emotional stress increases the risk of dementia. Stress is especially dangerous for those who have other risk factors.

    1. Exercise regularly.

    Exercise helps maintain the hippocampus, the area of the brain that suffers most from Alzheimer’s disease. The best ways to prevent dementia are walking, swimming, cycling, running, dancing. Exercising strengthens the whole body.

    1. Laugh more.

    Scientists have proven that a positive mood and laughter are good for our thinking. Regular, long laughter has a cumulative effect on the body. If you laugh for at least thirty minutes every day, you can not only have a good time, but also prolong your life.

    1. Eat more fruits and berries.

    Many fruits and berries contain a substance such as fisetin – an anti-inflammatory agent. This substance prevents cell aging and dementia. Mangoes and strawberries are especially valuable sources of fisetin.

    1. Meditate to prevent dementia.

    Sometimes it is useful not to think about urgent matters and relax. Meditation can help reduce nervous tension. This is confirmed by tests for cortisol before and after meditation. And as we said, stress is incredibly harmful.

    1. Eat marine fish.

    Marine fish is a well-known source of omega-3 fatty acids. These important natural substances are involved in the construction of cell membranes, prevent blood clots and protect neurons. It has been scientifically proven that high levels of omega-3 in the body delay the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

    1. Do not smoke.

    Smoking has a negative effect on blood vessels, including the vessels of the brain, leading to poor blood supply and hypertension.

    1. Sleep 7-8 hours a day.

    Every adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day so that the nervous system can recover. Chronic insomnia leads to hundreds of large and small disorders in the physiology of our body. Among them is an increase in the production of the cortisol, which is directly related to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

    1. Limit sugar.

    Sugar disrupts metabolism, preventing the proper absorption of carbohydrates. Excess sugar in the body makes you feel false hunger, which leads to overeating and obesity.

    Increased sugar consumption provokes the development of type 2 diabetes. And diabetes is a factor that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

    1. Get regular medical checkups.

    Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is the key to effective treatment.

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