Nootropics Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Mon, 11 Oct 2021 06:09:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 foods that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease Mon, 11 Oct 2021 00:09:49 +0000 Sugar. Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells stop responding to the hormone insulin. The presence of sugar-containing foods in the daily diet contributes to …

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  • Sugar.

  • Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells stop responding to the hormone insulin. The presence of sugar-containing foods in the daily diet contributes to the gradual death of brain cells and its degeneration. Thus, the consumption of such foods is one of the main causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

    It is necessary to prefer complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and help maintain the required level of glucose in the blood. Prefer vegetables, dates, fruits, cereals, healthy sweets with high fiber content.

    1. Processed cheese.

    Any processed cheese contains proteins that gradually accumulate in the body, causing Alzheimer’s disease. Replace this cheese with almonds. Nuts are the best food for the brain. People who have nuts in their diet often live longer and healthier.

    1. Meat products.

    Sausages, ham and bacon are common foods for almost every family. But keep in mind that smoked products contain dangerous carcinogenic nitrosamines, which increase the shelf life of the product. These substances provoke brain degeneration. Replace these foods with other healthy sources of protein, such as fish and legumes.

    1. Beer.

    Even everyone’s favorite craft beer can have side effects. As with meat products, the cause is nitrates or nitrosamines used in beer production. Manufacturers often forget to report the presence of these substances in beverages. At the same time, there is no need to completely give up alcohol. Nutrition for brain health allows a small amount of red wine.

    1. White food.

    This category includes white bread, white rice, pasta and other foods that cause a rapid rise in blood insulin. This provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the body, which is one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. For a healthy alternative to a sandwich, try cooking and eating a salad of greens and vegetables. Add fresh berries to get natural sweetness or healthy proteins such as salmon or beans.

    1. Carbohydrates.

    Even whole grain bread causes a rapid rise in insulin, let alone buns, baguettes or donuts. If you want to keep your mind clear until old age, you need to significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake. Snacks from beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils are the best foods for health. It is also recommended to eat spinach, nuts, berries, fish, olive oil and sometimes drink red wine.

    1. Products treated with pesticides.

    Scientists have proven that fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides reduce human IQ. Therefore, do not eat foods that contain preservatives and all the harmful chemicals that cause the destruction of brain cells. Also, when buying fruits and vegetables, choose those that are grown in an environmentally friendly way.

    If you notice any signs of Alzheimer’s disease in yourself or your loved ones, see a doctor as soon as possible. Timely effective treatment (such as Admenta and Donecept) will help stop the disease!




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    Food and brain Tue, 23 Mar 2021 10:17:26 +0000 The brain is the main organ of man. It uses a lot of energy to function effectively, so nutrition directly affects its efficiency. Bad eating habits Lack of water Water is an important element of …

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    The brain is the main organ of man. It uses a lot of energy to function effectively, so nutrition directly affects its efficiency.

    Bad eating habits

    1. Lack of water

    Water is an important element of body cells and biochemical processes. The human brain is 80% water, so it is necessary to maintain this balance and drink enough water during the day (up to 2-2.5 liters per day).

    1. Overeating and fast food

    It is harmful both to the body as a whole and to the brain. Due to the consumption of such food, adipose tissue accumulates, and brain receptors change and trigger an inhibitory signal that disrupts metabolism. In addition, overeating leads to feelings of anxiety and depression.

    1. Skipping breakfast

    A healthy and nutritious breakfast will add energy to the body and brain. In the morning, the brain needs carbohydrates to work efficiently and have a good memory.

    1. Sugar

    Sugar is addictive, causing an increased desire to eat more. This affects the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory. Sweets can also reduce the number of neurons responsible for controlling behavior.

    1. Alcoholic beverages

    Regular alcohol consumption reduces cognitive function, memory and reaction time. In addition, it affects the structure of connections in brain cells.

    1. Strict diet

    A balanced diet is very important. All categories of food should be present in the diet: carbohydrates (up to 60%), proteins (up to 35%) and fats (25-35%). The exclusion of any food category will negatively affect the functioning of the brain.

    Healthy food for efficient brain function

    The brain needs: water; vitamins (B12, B9, etc.); minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron); proteins; complex carbohydrates; fatty acids.

    They are in the following foods:

    1. Avocado

    This most valuable fruit is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. It perfectly complements salads and toasts. It can also be used to make very tasty sauces.

    1. Salmon

    This is a fish, the main valuable component of which is Omega-3, which is necessary for the brain.

    1. Broccoli

    It contains vitamin K and folic acid, which have a positive effect on the processes of perception and attention. Broccoli is great for vegetable dishes as a side dish and can be the basis of delicious pancakes.

    1. Walnut

    It has long been known as a stimulant of mental activity. It contains zinc, magnesium, fatty acids and protein, which is the main food for the brain.

    1. Dark chocolate

    Dark chocolate contains many antioxidant flavonoids that can improve cognitive function. It also reduces fatigue and improves mood. The main thing is to eat it in moderation.

    1. Coconut oil

    It is a source of healthy fats that stimulate the brain. Unrefined coconut oil can be added to salads or desserts.

    1. Eggs

    They are rich in protein and high in choline, a substance that increases blood flow and affects the quality of memory.

    Following these tips will improve the functioning of your brain, and if you want to get a more pronounced effect, take nootropics, such as Arcalion or Cerecetam. It is extremely important to choose quality drugs and add healthy and tasty foods to your diet!

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    Eight products to prevent chronic fatigue Wed, 03 Feb 2021 03:58:36 +0000 Avocado. This fruit helps to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and fills the body with energy. All thanks to an amazing combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the brain works …

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  • Avocado.

  • This fruit helps to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and fills the body with energy. All thanks to an amazing combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the brain works more actively.

    1. Pineapples.

    Pineapple has an energetic effect on the body. In addition, it contains a huge amount of vitamins, which helps speed up metabolic processes in your body. This means that all the organs will start working more efficiently and you will not feel tired and helpless.

    1. Fresh herbs.

    Greens are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties. It perfectly cleanses the body, giving a healing effect to the body as a whole at once. This means that the body is less sensitive to various harmful stimuli.

    Greens calm the nervous system and improve mood. When nervousness and the first symptoms of fatigue disappear, the world begins to seem more pleasant. So, add greens not only to salads and meat dishes, but also to your morning sandwich or omelet.

    1. Bananas.

    Bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for a normal life. It participates in metabolic processes and affects the emotional and physical state of a person. Thus, a common cause of chronic fatigue can be a deficiency of certain trace elements, including potassium.

    1. Beets.

    Beetroot has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and removes dangerous toxins. When you start eating beets regularly, you will feel much better. Beets improve mood and reduce fatigue.

    1. Dark chocolate.

    Dark chocolate helps the body produce serotonin, making you feel much better. In addition, cocoa beans invigorate no less than coffee. This way, you can replace your morning drink with a piece of dark chocolate. In the cold season, when there is little sunlight, pieces of dark chocolate will especially help to improve your mood. Choose chocolate with a good composition and without sugar.

    1. Cauliflower.

    Actively helps to get rid of fatigue and irritability, encourages and gives strength and energy. Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora needed for a healthy body. To get all the useful properties, it is better to steam cauliflower or bake.

    1. Sprouted wheat grains.

    They help avoid sudden changes in blood sugar and are a source of energy. Sprouted grains increase the production of lecithin, which nourishes the nervous system.

    They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating them helps to improve performance and endurance and helps fight infections.

    In addition, to protect yourself from chronic fatigue, it is necessary to go to bed on time and eat healthy foods. It will also be helpful to do exercises to invigorate your body. Try to avoid nervous tension and stressful situations. If symptoms of fatigue persist for too long, it is best to see a doctor.

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    5 Tips To Help You Feel Healthy Thu, 10 Oct 2019 13:04:26 +0000 We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. …

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    We live a busy, active life, with constant stimulants in the form of psychological, physical stress, etc. Periodically, people begin to feel strange, and it begins to seem to them that they are not healthy. Sometimes this really means that a medical condition has arisen, but quite often it means that you and your body are tired and upset. Here are some tips to keep you alert, cheerful, and healthy every day.

    1. Sleep as much as you need.

    Not everyone needs to sleep 8 hours. 7 hours will suffice for someone, and 6 hours for someone other to feel awake. The main thing is that all sleep cycles are observed, and you do not interrupt the process of night recovery. Proper sleep (when you are resting and not tormented by nightmares or restless awakenings) is important for health. It expels circles under the eyes, affects the heart, weight and even the mind.

    2. Proper nutrition is a sign of self-love.

    Make an effort and eat right, avoiding heavily processed foods. The better you eat, the better you sleep, and the better you feel.

    3. Find a way to maintain your health through physical activity.

    Find time for yoga, jogging, or at least morning and evening exercises. Exercise will help you maintain a normal level of energy and the body will be in good condition. Exercise also helps the muscles, ligaments, and joints to work better.

    4. Do not be hard on yourself.

    Many people constantly scolding themselves for gained kilograms, for work not done, for unwillingness to play sports, etc. You need to find a way to love yourself. Regardless of whether you had an average day, a great day or a bad day, reward yourself with a smile and praise for anything. Keep in mind that despite the fact that abuse of sweets does lead to obesity, if you scolding yourself and making you feel guilty, you can provoke yourself to even more overeating. Thus, if you eat something harmful from time to time, just walk an extra kilometer through the park on foot to spend a few calories and breathe in fresh air to relax, rather than scolding yourself for giving in to temptation.

    5. Sometimes you just need to do nothing.

    It seems too many people that they are sometimes very lazy, and do nothing, so this point is precisely fulfilled. However, note that even when you are not working, you are doing something, for example, studying something on the phone, thinking about problems or a plan for tomorrow, listening to music, etc. And you just have to sit down and do absolutely nothing for several minutes – to meditate in silence and think exclusively about it (about what is happening here and now, without being distracted by anything else).

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    Encephalopathy Fri, 26 Apr 2019 07:13:05 +0000 According to scientific definition, encephalopathy is a neurological condition of the brain in which diffuse and degenerative changes develop in brain tissue, leading to the death of nerve cells, a decrease in the volume of …

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    According to scientific definition, encephalopathy is a neurological condition of the brain in which diffuse and degenerative changes develop in brain tissue, leading to the death of nerve cells, a decrease in the volume of the nervous tissue, and a disruption of the brain function.

    At the heart of encephalopathy is ischemia, as a consequence of the deterioration of blood supply to the brain, venous stasis, edema, and the effects on the brain of toxins. This disease is caused by atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular insufficiency, brain trauma, chronic alcoholism, intoxication with chemicals, heavy metals. Acceptance of some medications, narcotic addiction, pathology of pregnancy, severe childbirth, liver and kidney damage, radiation disease, metabolic pathology as diabetes can lead to the development of encephalopathy.


    The symptoms of encephalopathy are quite diverse and, above all, it depends on the pathological process, which leads to brain damage. People with encephalopathy quickly get tired and become irritable, inattentive, they have sleeplessness. Also, verbiage, the viscosity of thought, a decrease of curiosity, drowsiness, apathy are observed, some words are difficult to pronounce.

    Early symptoms of encephalopathy include memory impairment, reduced mental performance, sleep problems, weakness, malaise, and noise in the ears.


    During the physical examination determined reducing visual acuity, nystagmus, hearing impairment, increasing muscle tone and tendon reflexes, and coordination impairment, autonomic disorders are detected. In addition, for diagnosing used complete blood count, biochemical blood tests, and urine tests. It is can be necessary to study cerebrospinal fluid.


    There are two main types of encephalopathy – congenital and acquired encephalopathy.

    Congenital encephalopathy involves the presence of a genetic defect, an abnormality of brain development, a negative influence of factors during pregnancy or birth trauma.

    Acquired encephalopathy has many types that are classified according to the cause for the disruption of brain activity – these are post-traumatic encephalopathy, toxic encephalopathy, radiation encephalopathy, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, metabolic encephalopathy.


    Only after a full range of examinations and found the cause of brain function impairment, it is possible to adequately assess the condition of the patient. It is worth changing your lifestyle, eliminating toxic effects, adhering to a healthy diet and doing physical activity.


    Treatment of encephalopathy should be comprehensive.

    First, we identify the cause of encephalopathy and correct it.

    Next step is prescribing drugs that improve the metabolism of the brain: nootropics (Cerecetam, Nootropil, Pyracezine), amino acids (glutamic acid), lipotropic compounds, vitamins A, E, B, ascorbic and folic acid.

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