Thyroid Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Mon, 27 Feb 2023 20:17:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to restore beauty in 30 days Mon, 27 Feb 2023 14:17:51 +0000 In today’s world, it is very important to take care of your appearance and health. Indeed, in many ways, the beauty of people depends precisely on the state of the body and on how healthy …

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In today’s world, it is very important to take care of your appearance and health. Indeed, in many ways, the beauty of people depends precisely on the state of the body and on how healthy the human body is.

So let’s consider tips that will help you become healthier and more beautiful in just 30 days!

  1. Every morning half an hour before breakfast, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, chewing thoroughly and drink a glass of water, preferably warm. Result: cleansing the body, smoothing skin texture and improving skin color, strengthening nails and hair, small but healthy weight loss. Contraindications: flaxseeds should not be consumed if there are gallstones or kidney stones.
  2. Eat a beet salad for breakfast or dinner every day. Result: cleansing the body, stimulating the work of internal organs, improving the condition of the skin. Contraindications: you cannot eat beets on an empty stomach if you have an ulcer or hyperacid gastritis.
  3. Every evening, about an hour before going to bed, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face – just add vitamin E to 30 g of glycerin. Beforehand, the skin of the face should be well cleaned, and it is advisable to do a light massage so that the face becomes a little red – so the cells are maximally will absorb useful substances. The only drawback of this procedure is that the skin will be a little sticky for a short time after the glycerin is washed off. To neutralize unpleasant sensations, you can spray your face with a refreshing tonic. The result: a more beautiful complexion, a reduction in the number of wrinkles, especially around the eyes.
  4. Eat at least fifty grams of any nuts you like every day. Result: strengthening hair and nails. Contraindications: allergy to nuts.
  5. It is advisable to apply a hair mask once every three days. You can make it yourself, for example, mix mustard powder with oil (burdock or wheat germ) to the consistency of creamed butter, which is easily applied to wet hair. After 20, a maximum of 30 minutes, wash off such a mask. Result: strengthening of hair, activation of hair growth, increase in their volume.
  6. After a shower (before going to bed), it is useful to apply a mixture of butter and a few drops of peppermint oil to the feet, and then put on socks made of natural fibers (cotton or wool). Result: the skin of the legs becomes smooth and soft.
  7. Check your health. Sometimes the causes of hair loss, coarse hair and skin, or dry skin are diseases. For example, a person with hypothyroidism may have all of the above symptoms. But already a month after starting to take synthetic thyroid hormones (for example, Eltroxin or Thyronorm), they will disappear or significantly decrease. Therefore, do not neglect your health; it is important both for your well-being and for your beauty.
  8. To get rid of unwanted hair on different parts of the body, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. If you have dark hair, then already after the first or second procedure, you will notice that the hair grows more slowly, and in some places it does not grow at all.

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Lifestyle and beauty Mon, 08 Aug 2022 04:04:45 +0000 Countless factors affect our appearance every day, and most of them are directly related to lifestyle. Our figure, body weight, elasticity and freshness of the skin, shining eyes – all this is not only genetically …

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Countless factors affect our appearance every day, and most of them are directly related to lifestyle. Our figure, body weight, elasticity and freshness of the skin, shining eyes – all this is not only genetically inherited, but also depends on what we do every day. Depending on whether we eat healthy or unhealthy food, whether we drink enough water or not, whether we regularly do sports, or are nervous about minor failures – all this affects our appearance, whether we want it or not. The wrong way of life is like a ticking time bomb, which for years can mislead you that beauty does not disappear as a result of eating Big Macs and drinking liters of Coca-Cola.

What should our lifestyle consist of to stay healthy and beautiful?

  1. Habits.

They can be both useful and harmful. Habits have one insidious feature – they are so firmly and imperceptibly included in our lives that we do not pay attention to them at all. And our whole life consists of these small skills. If the habit is useful, then it will accumulate its positive effect for years, and if it is bad, then vice versa. Typical harmful lifestyle habits include: overeating at night, having pizza for dinner, reading a book while eating, going to bed after midnight, snacking often, touching your face and hair with dirty hands, buying cheap cosmetics, sunbathing for hours in the sun without applying sunscreen to your skin. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Observe yourself for a few days, analyze all your actions, ask family and friends to comment on this topic (harmful habits may be more visible to other people), then make a complete list and opposite each item write a good habit that can replace a bad one. Psychologists believe that it is enough to follow the new rules for only 3 weeks, after which they will be in your life constantly.

  1. Nutrition.

Everyone knows the phrase: “We are what we eat.” But, unfortunately, not every person considers this a guide to action. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure drinking water every day, eat more fruits and vegetables, limit the consumption of fats, but never eliminate them completely. Nutrition should be balanced in terms of all macro- and microelements, vitamins and amino acids. Nothing should be excluded from the diet. In today’s world, there is a lot of information about healthy eating (not to be confused with diets for losing weight or gaining weight!), in addition, you can read about the effect of food on the brain in this article.

  1. Physical activity.

You don’t have to climb mountains, work out in the gym or do aerobics to the point of dizziness. The human body’s need for physical activity can be successfully met by ordinary walking for 40-60 minutes every day.

  1. Take care of your health.

If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. Diseases significantly affect a person’s appearance. So, for example, with hypothyroidism, hair loss appears, the condition of nails and skin deteriorates. But timely and regular intake of such drugs as Eltroxin and Tiromel will help restore your beauty and get rid of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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Hypothyroidism: 7 simple tips to help improve your health Mon, 25 Oct 2021 09:36:47 +0000 Green cocktails. Green smoothies help you to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. They are easy to cook and they are delicious even for those who do not like vegetables and fruits. Depending on …

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  • Green cocktails.

  • Green smoothies help you to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. They are easy to cook and they are delicious even for those who do not like vegetables and fruits. Depending on the season, you can add a variety of fresh ingredients to smoothies. They contain many nutrients, improve the functioning of organs and systems of the human body and promote the excretion of toxins.

    These benefits of fruits and vegetables can help reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Green smoothies can help you have a healthy weight, get rid of constipation, add energy and even improve your mood.

    1. Stimulating spices.

    Some spices used in cooking have healing properties that help fight various diseases. Although we usually use them to give dishes a special taste, do not forget about the beneficial properties of spices.

    Patients with hypothyroidism should include in their diet spices such as cayenne pepper, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon.

    They can be used both for preparation of the main dishes, and for preparation of desserts, cocktails, juices.

    1. Exercise.

    Exercise is good for everyone’s health and figure. With hypothyroidism, exercise can also significantly improve your well-being. Physical activity stimulates metabolism, preventing excess weight. Accelerating metabolism not only allows you to burn more calories, but also helps fight hypersensitivity to cold and fills the body with vigor.

    1. Coconut oil.

    Despite the fat content, this vegetable oil stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. It is recommended to add coconut oil during cooking, frying, baking. Start with a small amount, gradually increasing the dose. Always watch your body’s reaction.

    1. Thyroid massage.

    Try to take a couple of minutes every day to gently massage the neck area. Remember that massage should never be accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations. Massage should be pleasant and healthy.

    The main thing to remember is that if there is a tumor in the thyroid gland, a greater influx of blood will provoke its growth. Thus, in pathologies of the thyroid gland before massage it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    1. Fatty acids.

    One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is dry skin. To prevent this, it is necessary to provide the skin with all the necessary nutrients. This care will not only get rid of dry skin, but also prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

    To achieve this, it is recommended to include the following foods in your daily diet:

    – flax seeds

    – chia seeds

    – krill oil

    – Avocado oil

    – heating oil

    – oily fish

    1. Singing.

    Singing causes vibrations in the throat that spread to the area where the thyroid gland is located. As a result, blood flow to the ligaments and muscles of the neck improves. In addition, singing improves mood and well-being. A good voice is an indicator of inner comfort and self-confidence, it is the main tool of our self-expression. After singing, anxiety is relieved, communication skills are improved.

    These tips and treatments with effective drugs (such as Tiromel and Arcalion) will help to significantly improve your condition!

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    Basic rules of rest for people with hypothyroidism Tue, 31 Aug 2021 03:37:30 +0000 People with hypothyroidism need to be careful when organizing their rest. If you choose the right place and follow a few simple rules, you can not only improve the overall condition of the body, but …

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    People with hypothyroidism need to be careful when organizing their rest. If you choose the right place and follow a few simple rules, you can not only improve the overall condition of the body, but also get a beautiful tan. For a comfortable and safe summer vacation with hypothyroidism, follow these recommendations.

    1. Particular attention is paid to climate choice.

    The climate should be dry and mild, without significant temperature changes. Dry warm air in pathologies of the thyroid gland is much more useful than moist, so it is better to abandon travel to the tropics.

    1. Pay attention to the water temperature.

    Bathing water should be warm enough. This is due to the fact that during a sharp immersion in cool water, the body experiences stress. These effects can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    1. Drink plenty of fluids.

    During the heat, do not forget to consume enough fluids. Doctors recommend that you prefer water that does not contain gases. This will help you avoid dehydration, which negatively affects the whole body, not just the thyroid gland.

    1. Choose the right time to sunbathe.

    We must not forget about the time when it is not recommended to be on the street. The time from 12 to 15-16 hours is more suitable for relaxing in the room, sleeping, reading a book or other activities in the room. The sun at the zenith is especially dangerous for the thyroid gland, because during this period its rays are particularly aggressive and quickly overload your body.

    1. Check your diet.

    During rest, try to eat a balanced diet for good thyroid function. Eat foods that contain certain nutrients that can help maintain proper thyroid function. These include minerals such as iodine, selenium and zinc.

    With hypothyroidism, you should avoid processed foods that are high in calories and low in essential micronutrients.

    It is also not recommended to abuse ice cream. It is better to replace it with sweet seasonal fruits and berries, from which we get the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    1. Take medication.

    Do not take a break from medication (Eltroxin, Tiromel) during the holiday period, as this may adversely affect the thyroid gland and the whole body.

    If you follow these simple rules while on vacation and do not try to sunbathe for 24 hours a day, staying in the sun with hypothyroidism will be helpful. In some cases, hypothyroidism even disappeared for a while after the patient went on vacation. This reaction of the body is due to the fact that a person at rest has decreased stress levels, to which the thyroid gland is very sensitive.

    Also, with hypothyroidism there are no strict restrictions on swimming in natural bodies of water. Any decision should be made on the basis of individual characteristics, and always in conjunction with the endocrinologist. Regarding tanning, according to experts, an individual approach is also useful. It is necessary to consider what pathological process leads to problems with a thyroid gland.

    If you have any doubts about the possibility of rest, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist and get his advice. It is better to make sure once again that nothing bad will happen.


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    10 causes of chronic fatigue Mon, 14 Jun 2021 04:44:15 +0000 Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If …

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    Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and you often have depression, be sure to read this article to the end.

    For you to be relaxed and motivated, your body needs to function properly. Sleep deprivation does not always interfere with this function. Sometimes, despite a long rest, you still lack energy. In this case, you should look for disorders and still undiagnosed diseases that cause this condition.

    1. Type II diabetes

    Lack of energy can be caused by low or high blood glucose, which can be caused by diabetes. Fatigue and lethargy can be manifestations of type II diabetes.

    1. Heart disease

    Rapid fatigue, felt even after the slightest exercise, can be a sign of heart disease. Serious heart disease can be the result of untreated or previous flu or Covid-19. Chronic fatigue and shortness of breath during short walks cannot be ignored.

    1. Thyroid gland

    Fatigue, lethargy and mood swings can be caused by low levels of T3 and T4 hormones. Hypothyroidism disrupts not only the functioning of the nervous system, but also the circulatory, muscular and skeletal systems, and even body temperature. This disease must be treated with drugs such as Eltroxin or Tiromel.

    1. Hepatitis C virus

    Chronic fatigue and frequent infections may indicate hepatitis C infection. Often patients have virtually no symptoms, and persistent lethargy is one of the few.

    1. Food allergies

    Feeling unwell, lack of strength, fatigue and lethargy can be caused by food intolerance. This is not always manifested by nausea, diarrhea or rash. Sometimes the signals your body gives you are less obvious, then we are talking about a hidden food intolerance.

    1. Urinary tract infections

    Constant fatigue can be one of the symptoms of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. An infection associated with a constant need to urinate, bladder pain, and a burning sensation in the intimate area.

    1. Anemia

    Fatigue can be a symptom of anemia. With anemia, there is a deficiency of hemoglobin, which is necessary in the process of delivering oxygen throughout the body. Anemia is caused by heavy menstruation, internal bleeding, iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, poor diet or kidney disease.

    1. Lung diseases

    Feelings of heaviness and prolonged fatigue may accompany you if you have problems with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which leads to narrowing of the bronchi and difficulty breathing, which causes hypoxia. This disease is often caused by active and passive smoking.

    1. Sleep apnea

    Constant or just morning fatigue can be a symptom of apnea, the presence of which you do not even know. People with sleep apnea often wake up tired in the morning because they wake up several times a night. Sometimes you don’t even know that the sleep phase is interrupted.

    1. Stress

    Constant fatigue can be caused by stress, even if you do not suspect it. Stressful situations can be so trivial that you don’t even pay attention to them. However, your body responds to this and secretes cortisol, as a result of which you feel exhausted.

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    7 useful habits to prevent high blood pressure Mon, 14 Jun 2021 02:38:58 +0000 Get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep disrupts the autonomic nervous system. In addition, with prolonged sleep deprivation can develop hypertension. Good sleep ensures proper and efficient brain function. The efficiency of your brain becomes much better …

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  • Get enough sleep.

  • Insufficient sleep disrupts the autonomic nervous system. In addition, with prolonged sleep deprivation can develop hypertension. Good sleep ensures proper and efficient brain function. The efficiency of your brain becomes much better if you sleep well.

    1. Eat a balanced diet.

    Proper and healthy nutrition provides the body with all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Normalization of nutrition helps to improve digestion and cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Limiting salt intake has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and excretory systems. Excessive consumption of animal fats leads to obesity and atherosclerosis. Our health, disease prevention and life expectancy are largely dependent on proper nutrition. The harm of an unhealthy diet is manifested gradually. Therefore, many people often treat food with insufficient attention and seriousness.

    1. Create new social connections.

    Communicate with other people, find like-minded people, join an interest group. According to research, this activity is useful for lowering blood pressure. Lack of live communication always leads to internal tension, even if you feel quite comfortable being alone. Psychologists call this “social stress.”

    1. Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

    Don’t allow yourself to pay attention to things and events that bring negative emotions. Do not create family problems, learn to discuss and solve them. Use your negotiation skills at work and at home. Learn relaxation techniques.

    Hormonal changes due to stress can lead to high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and narrowing of blood vessels. When the stress is over, blood pressure returns to normal. But frequent temporary jumps in blood pressure can lead to the development of hypertension.

    1. Take care of yourself.

    Do fitness, other exercises, attend massage sessions. Learn to have fun in your daily life. For example, make it a habit to eat slowly, focusing on the taste of food and how you feel. Take a walk in the fresh air, listen to your favorite music.

    Also remember that sometimes it is normal to feel fear, anger and sadness. Living with our feelings, we help ourselves to restore psychological well-being. Allow yourself to experience emotions (including positive ones) as much as possible.

    1. Ask for help.

    Feel free to ask for help from your loved ones, relatives, friends, neighbors, if you need it. Asking for help can make us very happy. When you ask another person to help you, your relationship becomes closer. You lose the unpleasant feeling that you are alone and have to deal with everything yourself. As a result, all problems will be solved faster and easier.

    1. See a doctor in time.

    Many diseases that cause hypertension are either asymptomatic or with very nonspecific symptoms. Therefore, visit your doctor regularly so that he can detect such diseases in time (eg, atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism) and prescribe the necessary treatment (eg, Methimez or Atorlip).

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    10 foods for the prevention of hypothyroidism Mon, 15 Mar 2021 10:15:17 +0000 The thyroid gland produces hormones necessary for normal metabolism, cardiovascular health and cell growth. For the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, it is necessary that iodine, zinc, fatty acids enter the body. Let’s consider …

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    The thyroid gland produces hormones necessary for normal metabolism, cardiovascular health and cell growth. For the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, it is necessary that iodine, zinc, fatty acids enter the body. Let’s consider at the best thyroid health foods.

    1. Apples.

    Apples are recommended to eat with the peel, because it has the highest content of vitamin B17. The seeds contain up to 15% iodine. But apples should not be abused, as there is a high probability of poisoning.

    1. Persimmon.

    This fruit has a rich composition: iodine, magnesium, sodium, iron, as well as vitamins A, C, P. Persimmon is even superior to apples in iron content. In addition to protecting the thyroid gland, the fruit also cleanses the blood vessels.

    1. Bananas and apricots.

    Normal hormone production is directly dependent on the presence of tyrosine. Bananas and apricots contain a lot of this amino acid. It is also found in avocados, kiwis and figs. A salad of these fruits and 30 g of pumpkin seeds will provide the thyroid gland with the required amount of tyrosine.

    1. Prunes.

    Dried plums do not lose their useful properties and are a rich source of calcium, potassium, boron, magnesium and zinc. Regular consumption of prunes will strengthen the immune system and normalize the thyroid gland. People who are prone to being overweight should be careful with prunes, as dried fruits are quite high in calories. Also do not forget about the laxative effect of dried plums. Prunes should not be eaten by people with diabetes – they have a lot of glucose.

    1. Nuts.

    Nuts help in the formation of hormones. They contain amino acids, iodine, selenium, vitamins B, C, E and plant antibiotics – phytoncides. Walnuts, Brazil nuts and nutmeg are good for the thyroid gland.

    1. Cranberry.

    This berry contains the necessary antioxidants and iodine. For better absorption of these elements, cranberries should not be filled with boiling water.

    1. Algae.

    Algae increase blood clotting and lower cholesterol. To cover the required daily intake of iodine, you should consume 60 g of algae daily.

    1. Spinach.

    Spinach leaves contain many nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, beta-carotene, saturated and unsaturated fatty and organic acids, fiber, trace elements. When cooking, the vitamins in spinach are almost not lost, so it can be eaten raw or as part of various dishes.

    1. Red fish.

    Red fish contains many useful omega-3 acids. This food should be consumed in small amounts daily and preferably in the evening. If you do not want or do not can eat this fish every day, it will be enough to arrange a “fish day” once or twice a week, which will benefit not only the thyroid gland, but also the whole body.

    1. Crab meat.

    Crab meat (both fresh and canned) contains zinc and vitamin B12. These substances stimulate the body’s immunity and support the thyroid gland.

    All these foods will help the thyroid gland to function properly. Combined with effective treatment with drugs (such as Leventa or Soloxine), your condition will improve quickly!





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    The six most famous pathologies of the thyroid gland Thu, 09 May 2019 04:17:59 +0000 The thyroid gland is a very important organ, it controls the entire body. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the conditions that disrupt its functioning. 1. Hypothyroidism. It is a pathological condition that …

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    The thyroid gland is a very important organ, it controls the entire body. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the conditions that disrupt its functioning.

    1. Hypothyroidism.
    It is a pathological condition that occurs when there is a lack of thyroid hormones.

    Hypothyroidism can occur due to problems in the thyroid gland itself, for example, in the inflammatory process – thyroiditis; or as a consequence of problems with the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal glands.

    Most often hypothyroidism occurs in women (especially after 60 years) in 19 women out of 1000, while among men, this indicator is only 1 out of 1000. It is difficult to diagnose it yourself. The first symptom is chronic fatigue.
    Synthetic thyroid hormone analogs (Eltroxin, Thyronorm) are used to treat hypothyroidism.

    2. Hyperthyroidism
    It is manifested by excessive activity of thyroid hormones. With hyperfunction, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, nutrients break down faster to metabolites, and person losing weight.

    Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism: menstrual disorders, aggression, nervousness, bulging eyes, hair loss, sleep disturbance, anxiety, tearfulness, fatigue.

    3. Basedow’s disease (diffuse toxic goiter)
    The reason for this lies in the improper functioning of the human immune system: it begins to produce specific antibodies directed against the patient’s own thyroid gland.

    Antibodies do not destroy the thyroid, but rather make it work very actively. Thus, the patient has hyperthyroidism and associated symptoms: fever, sweating, heart palpitations, irritability, weight loss, etc.

    A specific sign indicating a diffuse toxic goiter is a characteristic eye enlargement.

    4. Goiter
    This is a pathological condition that is manifested by the proliferation of tissue and, accordingly, an increase of the size thyroid gland. Most often occurs with iodine deficiency in the diet.

    Most often, patients do not complain about anything. If the goiter increases in size, the patient is worried about the feeling of squeezing of the respiratory tract and esophagus, his breathing and swallowing function may be disturbed, there is hoarseness, pain in the thyroid gland, etc.

    5. Thyroid cancer
    The feature of the tumors of the thyroid gland is their insensitivity to chemotherapy. But some new developments inspire hope. For example, kinase inhibitors (Soranib, Sorafenat) help block the enzyme present in the cells of the formations. They also prevent the growth of new blood vessels. Tumors often survive because they germinate with blood vessels that feed them.

    6. Plummer’s disease (toxic adenoma)
    It is a formation that in no way affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of a sufficient amount of hormones.

    Because of this, the adenoma is difficult to diagnose and is found already in the late stages of the disease.

    It is manifested by abdominal pain, abnormal liver function, frequent bouts of nausea, and frequent diarrhea. In a number of patients, weight is dramatically reduced, even with a good appetite.

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    Violations of the functions thyroid gland Tue, 07 May 2019 00:31:50 +0000 The thyroid gland is a small organ near the base of the neck, which in shape resembles the letter H or butterfly. Despite its modest size, it performs a gigantic amount of work. The thyroid …

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    The thyroid gland is a small organ near the base of the neck, which in shape resembles the letter H or butterfly. Despite its modest size, it performs a gigantic amount of work. The thyroid hormones regulate metabolic processes in tissues and organs and help maintain body temperature in the normal range. They are also involved in the neutralization of free radicals.

    Violations of the functions thyroid gland

    In general, there are two violations: in the first case, it produces insufficient thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), in the second one – too much (hyperthyroidism).

    In hypothyroidism, organs and systems function very slowly, resulting in reduced energy and heat formation. With hyperthyroidism, the metabolism is accelerated, the organs begin to work in an acute mode, and resources are spent unduly: weight is reduced due to accelerated metabolism, the heart rate even at rest resembles the pulse of the sprinter.

    How to understand that the thyroid gland is working incorrectly

    Sometimes the problem can be noticed with the naked eye: the gland increases in volume and resembles a tumor on the neck. But such visible changes do not always happen.

    Often, there are no specific signs that would indicate a thyroid gland failure. In most cases, this is a violation of the work of other organs. Therefore, this problem is often missed.

    Signs of Hypothyroidism:

    – You have a bad mood or even apathy, depression.

    – You have become more tired at work, noticed a deterioration of memory and concentration of attention.

    – You eat a little, but at the same time gain weight. And all attempts to throw off extra pounds do not lead to anything.

    – Swell hands, feet and face.

    – Constipation.

    – Muscle and joints pain without causing.

    – The skin became dry, hair and nails – dim and brittle.

    – You have a broken menstrual cycle (or menstruations have disappeared).

    – You cannot get pregnant.

    Signs of hyperthyroidism:

    – You often and very quickly change the mood: after an irresistible laugh, you can easily get angry.

    – You eat a lot, but at the same time, you do not gain weight or even lose weight.

    – Constantly sweating.

    – In a calm condition, you can have increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

    – You have trembling hands.

    – Your eyes become dry – there is discomfort or even a cut in the eyes.

    – Hair falls out, but at the same time nails grow well and quickly.

    How to check the thyroid gland?

    Diagnosis of thyroid diseases is done by the endocrinologist. The first thing that doctor will ask to do is pass the blood test to a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), hormone thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) hormone and antibodies to thyroidoxidease (ATPO).


    With the decreased activity of thyroid gland, doctors prescribed thyroid hormones such as Eltroxin-100, Eltroxin-50, Thyronorm. With excessive production of hormones, it can use drugs that block the activity of the thyroid gland. Remember, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to undergo therapy and to cope with the problem.

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