Skin Archives - United Pharmacies Blog United Pharmacies Blog Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:13:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Common First Aid Mistakes Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:13:19 +0000 No one is immune from various accidents, so it is very important to know how to properly provide first aid. Unfortunately, not many people know about this, and those who think that they “know everything” …

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No one is immune from various accidents, so it is very important to know how to properly provide first aid. Unfortunately, not many people know about this, and those who think that they “know everything” are usually unaware of the irreparable harm they can cause to another person.

In this article, let’s consider 8 of the most common mistakes to remember in order to avoid harm to the patient.

So, what should you never do when you provide first aid?

An open wound should never be treated with brilliant green or iodine. These alcohol-containing substances can cause a chemical burn, as a result of which the wound heals for a very long time. Also, these substances increase the risk of scarring. These solutions are used only for small scratches. To treat a large open wound, it is best to first use plain water, and then apply a gauze bandage to the damaged area. After that, it is recommended to apply an antibiotic cream, for example, Soframycin Cream.

Do not apply oil to burns. The oil has the ability to “envelop” the wound with a film, as a result of which oxygen does not enter the burned area of the skin. Therefore, the pain will intensify, and the wound will not heal for a long time. If a person is burned, it is best to cool the burn under cold running water, and if the burn is large, after cooling, a sterile bandage should be applied to the wound and seek help from a medical facility. Later, it is necessary to apply creams that promote healing of the burn site and may have antimicrobial properties, for example, Providine-AM Ointment.

In no case should the frostbitten area be rubbed, as many people do after a long stay in the cold. Due to severe hypothermia, the vessels tend to constrict, and blood circulation slows down, as a result, the vessels become too “fragile”. If you are cold, it will be good to warm up in a warm room and drink hot herbal tea with sugar. Also remember that it is best to avoid drinking alcohol.

Don’t wear a lot of clothes when you have a fever. When a person has a fever, the perception of temperature is disturbed. Therefore, many people feel that they are cold. This feeling arises as a consequence of the difference in temperature in the room and body temperature. Therefore, the body seems to freeze. If a person dresses warmly, then the heated body is unable to cool properly, and as a result, the temperature does not normalize. What to do in this case? It is necessary to open a window if it is not very cold outside and apply a damp cool towel to your forehead. You may also need to take certain antipyretic medications, such as Panadol, as directed by your doctor.

If your nose is stuffed up, don’t warm it up. Many people remember how their grandmothers advised to apply heat to the bridge of the nose. But, in fact, this heating is dangerous! After all, with the development of a severe runny nose, the vessels dilate, and edema forms in the nose. Heat enhances it. Therefore, heating can provoke inflammation, and worsen the outflow of mucus. With a severe cold, the vessels must be narrowed; for this task, cold drops are used, for example, Efcorlin.

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9 tips for hand care Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:39:40 +0000 The condition of the hands is an indicator of a person’s age and general health. With the help of plastic surgery, you can “rejuvenate” the skin on the face and get rid of excess fat. …

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The condition of the hands is an indicator of a person’s age and general health. With the help of plastic surgery, you can “rejuvenate” the skin on the face and get rid of excess fat. But even this method of rejuvenation will be useless if there is no proper hand care.

To maintain healthy and beautiful skin on your hands, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Wash your hands. Hand washing is necessary and recommended before and after sleeping, after using the toilet and before eating. Hands should be washed with warm water. Otherwise, the skin loses moisture and fats, becomes dry and rough. It is always advisable to use toilet soap or gel. They contain special moisturizing additives. After washing your hands, wipe them dry. It is strictly forbidden to go outside with wet hands. This can cause redness and peeling of the skin of the hands.
  2. Protect hands from cold. In winter, in severe frosts, it is recommended to wear gloves and mittens made of natural materials. The cold has a harmful effect on the skin, and gloves made of artificial materials do not breathe well, due to which the hands sweat and lose moisture.
  3. Protect your hands from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet rays has a negative effect on the skin of the hands, causing its dehydration and damage. When staying in the sun for a long time, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with the help of creams that contain protective filters, such as Daylong Extreme SPF 50+.
  4. Protect your hands at home. When cleaning the apartment, wear good quality gloves. Detergents contain aggressive substances that have a negative effect on the epidermis, drying it. As a result, the skin becomes rough and dry. Cotton gloves are used for prolonged cleaning. Also, nourishing creams should be applied to the skin, thus combining a skin-pleasing procedure with routine housework.
  5. Get used to applying cream on your hands. Put tubes of creams in places where you stay for a long time – at work, at home, in your car. These measures will allow you to get used to regular care of the skin of your hands and reduce the effects of stress on it.
  6. Take vitamin supplements. To maintain the skin of the hands in good condition, it is necessary to drink enough water and regularly take vitamins – retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) such as Redoxon. They have an antioxidant effect on the skin and prevent the breakdown of collagen fibers.
  7. Take care of elbows. The skin on the elbows is very. It is desirable to clean the elbows with a scrub (or pumice stone). After washing, apply an oily cream. You can add to the cream lemon juice.
  8. Healthy food. The skin on the hands constantly needs nutrients and trace elements. Their source is healthy food. Beautiful and healthy skin is the result of a varied, healthy and balanced diet. Fresh greens, milk, meat, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, bread (cereal products), vegetable dishes and fruits should be present in the diet.
  9. Hand massage. It promotes blood flow, normalizes the condition of muscles and ligaments during and after exercise. Hand exercises will also be useful.

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Sun Protection in Summer Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:11:47 +0000 How delightful it is to bask in the rays of the summer sun. However, the sun is far from harmless, and neglecting the rules of protection can have adverse effects on your health. Whether you’re …

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How delightful it is to bask in the rays of the summer sun. However, the sun is far from harmless, and neglecting the rules of protection can have adverse effects on your health. Whether you’re at the beach, in the countryside, or taking a summer stroll, it’s important to protect yourself.

The Benefits of the Sun

The sun can be beneficial for the body. It helps activate the central nervous system and strengthens blood vessels. Additionally, the sun’s ultraviolet rays assist in the production of vitamin D.

Choosing Sun Protection

Selecting the right form of protection against ultraviolet radiation depends not only on skin type but also on the geographical area of residence. SPF 10-20 products are usually sufficient, while the south regions of many countries may require protection with an SPF 50.

Degree of Protection for Different Skin Types

There are six different skin phototypes with varying reactions to ultraviolet light. It is important to choose protection products that suit a person according to his skin color.

Classic European Type

Fair-skinned blondes with blue or gray eyes fall into this category. SPF 30 products are suitable for such individuals.

Celtic Type

This phototype includes individuals with very fair skin, red hair, and blue eyes. They are strongly advised to use creams with SPF 40-50.

Mediterranean Type

People with dark skin, dark eyes, and hair belong to this phototype. Even individuals with this skin type require products with a minimum SPF 10.

Dark-skinned European Type

This phototype includes individuals with slightly dark skin and dark blond or light chestnut hair. SPF 20 products (for example, Sunkroma Lotion) are recommended for such individuals.

Asian Phototype

People with an Asian phototype can protect themselves from the sun with SPF 10.

African Phototype

Individuals with an African phototype need sunscreens with an SPF of up to 10.

What You Need to Know About Sunscreen

To ensure effective sun protection, it’s important not only to choose the right products but also to use them correctly. Consider the following points:

Sunscreen takes at least half an hour to start working after application.

There are creams that completely block ultraviolet radiation but should be used only under a doctor’s recommendation due to a higher risk of allergic reactions.

Start using a product with a high SPF (SPF 50, such as Daylong Extreme SPF 50+) for sun exposure, tand then move on to using creams that are suitable for certain skin types.

Waterproof sunscreens are ideal for beach use as they do not wash off easily.

Tanning creams contain filters that protect against UV radiation and provide a beautiful tan while preventing skin burns.

Sunscreens can be drying, so after washing off the sunscreen, moisturize the skin to restore lost moisture.

Lastly, it is crucial to remember the main rule of sun exposure: Seek shade from noon to four in the afternoon, especially for children.

Wishing you a delightful summer!

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Healthy Skin Mon, 27 Feb 2023 14:19:57 +0000 Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy skin condition. The skin as a mirror “reflects” the state of a person’s physical health and emotional mood. Adverse environmental influences, sedentary lifestyle, …

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Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy skin condition. The skin as a mirror “reflects” the state of a person’s physical health and emotional mood. Adverse environmental influences, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, bad habits, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, stress at work and in personal life lead to disorders in the body and, accordingly, negative changes in a person’s appearance.

In order for the skin to be healthy, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet. There should be many healthy foods in the diet, including fish (if you are not allergic to it). But it is advisable not to eat sweets and pastries.

To maintain elasticity, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid.

It has been proven that bad habits contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Under the influence of nicotine and tobacco smoke, small skin vessels narrow, blood supply slows down; tissues suffer from hypoxia and lack of nutrients. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. If a person wants to maintain a healthy appearance, he should give up smoking.

Also, you need to get rid of such a harmful factor as stress. Under the influence of stress, anxiety increases, insomnia and unwanted wrinkles appear. It is important for a person to distract himself from his problems and spend time with pleasure (for example, it can be an interesting book, an evening walk, needlework or something else).

Dermatologists recommend protecting the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight. It is known that as a result of tanning, under the influence of UV rays, wrinkles and age spots appear, collagen is destroyed and skin cancer can develop. Therefore, do not use sunlamps or tanning salons. Also, don’t forget to use sunscreen, for example, Actinica. If age spots have appeared on your skin, use Eukroma. This cream is a skin-bleaching agent that is used to lighten areas of darkened skin. It works by decreasing the production and increasing the breakdown of melanosomes (melanin pigment granules) in the skin’s pigment cells (melanocytes). It does this by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, the enzyme needed to make melanin. In most cases, skin lightening should be seen after 4 weeks of treatment.

Many women are unhappy with their bodies if they have warts, moles or age spots. Moles that you don’t like and warts can be removed, the main thing is that it is done by an experienced specialist, a dermatologist. In no case do not try to get rid of moles yourself!

The use of heaters in the winter season leads to drying of the air, which, in turn, leads to excessive dryness of the skin. A moisturizing cream will help to cope with this condition.

To protect the skin from the adverse effects of weather conditions, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin before going outside. And for a walk, wear a scarf or a handkerchief. If your skin is irritated and flaky, you need to use a soothing balm.

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Skin care Wed, 18 Jan 2023 09:25:15 +0000 If you want to have beautiful and healthy skin, then you should know certain stages and rules of skin care. Stage 1: cleansing the skin. Think about how exactly you wash your face? If you …

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If you want to have beautiful and healthy skin, then you should know certain stages and rules of skin care.

Stage 1: cleansing the skin.

Think about how exactly you wash your face? If you wash yourself only with water, without using cosmetics, this is not enough. Undoubtedly, your skin needs additional care, because without it, such an important function as skin breathing becomes difficult due to the accumulation of dust, dirt, bacteria, their waste products, toxins, dead epidermal cells, etc. This can cause acne, pimples, rashes; the skin becomes dull, rough, and flaky. Each disease is treated with a certain agent, for example, Aziderm is used for acne, and Keto Powder is used for fungal skin infections.

Frequent use of ordinary soap for washing the face leads to dryness, dehydration and thinning of the skin. As a result, the sebaceous glands function more intensively. Therefore, the more often a person with oily skin washes, the oilier his skin becomes. And dry skin dries out even more by washing. That is why it is better to use special care products for the washing procedure – foam, gel, or milk for washing.

Undoubtedly, in the evening, the skin should be cleaned, supplementing the care by applying a cream. And should such procedures be done in the morning? Many people think that it is not necessary, because after a night’s sleep, the face seems clean. This is a typical mistake, because at this time metabolic processes are activated, and the night cream contributes to this. Active renewal of skin cells leads to the formation of a layer of old and dead skin on the surface of the epidermis, which can be effectively removed by morning washing using foams, gels or milk. The main thing is to choose products that are suitable for your skin type and do not cause such problems as peeling, irritation, dryness and itching.

Stage 2: toner.

Be sure to apply toner. Women mistakenly believe that a branded quality cream will solve all skin care problems, but in reality it is not so. The use of toner will help to remove residual dirt, restore the natural epidermal barrier, strengthen the regenerative capacity of cells, minimize pores, and prepare the skin for applying the cream. It is also selected according to your skin type.

Stage 3: applying day or night cream.

There are day and night creams, depending on the time of application. What are the differences? Evening creams are usually fatter, they are rich in active particles to support nightly skin renewal. And daytime, of course, is applied for care and protection from external irritants (excessively dry or humid air, dust, dirt particles, UV radiation) during the day. The night cream is designed to help restore the skin after exposure to negative factors, as well as nourish and moisturize.

However, there are nuances and recommendations for skin care in the cold season. In winter, there are many factors that negatively affect the skin: sudden temperature changes, sharp cold wind cause itching, peeling, redness, etc. Special, carefully selected products and knowledge of care rules will help maintain excellent skin condition.


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First aid for domestic accidents Fri, 30 Dec 2022 13:24:03 +0000 Household accidents are most often due to careless or improper handling of everyday items: knives, electrical appliances, household chemicals. In the event of an accident, the main thing is not to panic, but competently provide …

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Household accidents are most often due to careless or improper handling of everyday items: knives, electrical appliances, household chemicals. In the event of an accident, the main thing is not to panic, but competently provide first aid.

Animal bites and scratches

First of all, bites are dangerous because of deep lacerations that hurt a lot and heal poorly. On the teeth and claws of animals there is a huge amount of disease-causing bacteria that can cause infection of the wound. In addition, if you were bitten by a stray animal, you need a course of preventive vaccinations against rabies. First aid for bites is the same as for cuts: treat with an antiseptic (for example, Benzyl Benzoate), apply a bandage, and consult a doctor.


If you have a hot burn, immerse the damaged part of the body in cold water for at least 10 minutes, then treat with any special means. Protect the burned area from additional damage: apply bandages only on the ointment layer, do not wear tight and stiff clothes. If the burn is deep or large, or if the burned area swells, becomes inflamed, or suppurates, consult a doctor. Do not lubricate burns with alcohol or fat!

In case of chemical burns, the affected skin should be washed with a large amount of water, then treated with a humectant. If the chemical substance burns the throat and esophagus, it can cause swelling of the larynx, so the patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.


Treat the cut with any antiseptic or wash it with soap and water, then apply a bandage or wound patch. In case of venous bleeding (deep wound, dark reddish-purple blood), a pressure bandage should be applied. After the bleeding stops, small cuts can be treated with special healing ointments (for example, Soframycin), and with large cuts, it is better to consult a doctor.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Such a situation can occur due to problems with the stove, and in rural houses due to wood-burning stoves and fireplaces that do not work well. Carbon monoxide has no smell and accumulates in the room imperceptibly. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are as follows: dizziness, headache, impaired coordination, loss of consciousness. In such cases, the patient should be removed from the danger zone as soon as possible: he should be taken to fresh air, and the room should be ventilated. Call an ambulance if the symptoms do not go away quickly.

Bruises and other closed injuries

You need to apply cold to the bruise, this will reduce swelling and stop internal bleeding. If after seven days the pain and swelling do not disappear, suppuration appears and the body temperature rises, you should consult a doctor. Remember that even mild-looking bruises can mask fractures or cracks in the bones, especially in the elderly.

Head injuries, even not too severe at first glance, require a mandatory examination in a hospital. Closed craniocerebral injuries are not always detected immediately; most often the consequences are manifested only after a day, when a person must not just be treated, but save his life.

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The most common makeup mistakes Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:14:25 +0000 With the help of makeup, you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes and face. But if you neglect some rules, you can nullify the effect of bright and delicate makeup. In addition, some makeup …

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With the help of makeup, you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes and face. But if you neglect some rules, you can nullify the effect of bright and delicate makeup. In addition, some makeup mistakes can cause certain skin and eye diseases. Let’s consider a list of some mistakes that women make when applying makeup.

  • Do not even out skin tone. The skin of the face is like a canvas, and it should be perfectly even. Do not neglect the use of concealer and foundation to cover dark circles, acne, post-acne or age spots. A make-up base will help to hide small wrinkles and enlarged pores.
  • Do not treat acne. Just covering acne does not solve the problem, because acne is a skin disease. Topical antibiotics and retinoids, such as Cleocin or A-Ret Gel, are used to get rid of acne. Cleocin belongs to a class of medicines called lincomycin antibiotics. It helps to inhibit and prevent the growth of the bacteria that cause acne, while also reducing inflammation. A-Ret Gel is also prescribed to treat acne. It is one of a family of drugs called Retinoids. This drug prevents pimples and heals existing pimples. It can also be used to reduce facial lines and sun spots.
  • Apply too much foundation and choose the wrong shade. Often, wanting to cover dark circles around the eyes or acne, women apply too much foundation instead of using concealer locally. Because of this, the skin ages faster and rashes appear.
  • Neglecting the use of blush. Tonal cream, evening out the tone, can make the face pale. Blush will highlight the cheekbones, and peach-pink tones will refresh the complexion and give you a healthy look.
  • Do not blend your makeup. All the products you apply – foundation, powder, eye shadow, blush – should be well blended and have no clear boundaries. Without blending, all makeup products will look like untidy spots on the face.
  • Line the eyes with black eyeliner. This technique is good if you are the lucky owner of almond-shaped eyes, in other cases, such eyeliner will make your eyes smaller.
  • Make too bright make-up. Not all beauty trends are suitable for real life, in fact, many of them look strange, for example, black lipstick, bright pink blush are suitable for studio photo shoots, but not for work in the office.
  • Excess mascara. Some women who want to have long eyelashes apply too much mascara, and because of this, the eyelashes stick together, the mascara smudges, and the eyes look tired. Use an eyelash primer and apply mascara in two layers, no more.
  • Using blush of unnatural shades. Remember the main function of blush is to give a natural blush to your face, and natural blush cannot be brown or plum colored.
  • Trying to change the shape of the lips with lip liner and lipstick. In 99 percent of cases, it will look ugly. Above the upper lip, be sure to apply lip liner as close as possible to the natural contour.
  • Applying blush under the cheekbones. Blush should be applied to the “apples” of the cheeks. To contour the face, use bronzer or powder of a darker shade.


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List of necessary food products for skin beauty Thu, 11 Aug 2022 01:27:53 +0000 All women are looking for effective skin care products and treatments. Unfortunately, genetic inheritance and the use of even the most expensive cosmetics are not enough to keep the skin beautiful and healthy. One of …

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All women are looking for effective skin care products and treatments. Unfortunately, genetic inheritance and the use of even the most expensive cosmetics are not enough to keep the skin beautiful and healthy. One of the main components of achieving smooth, clean and beautiful skin can be a healthy diet.

A well-chosen diet will help to improve the health of the whole body, including the skin – it helps to get rid of rashes on the face, bags under the eyes, to have a good complexion, and to reduce the oiliness of the skin. Let’s consider the list of food products that should be consumed by a woman who cares about the condition of her skin.

  1. Bananas. It turns out that it is the banana that helps to get rid of bags under the eyes. Banana is also considered an excellent sedative. If you regularly eat a banana before going to bed, you will have a sound sleep. Banana is a kind of natural sleep aid. And the beauty of the skin, as you know, directly depends on healthy sleep.
  2. Tomatoes. It has been proven that tomatoes contain such a wonderful antioxidant as lycopene. It reliably protects the skin from the effects of the summer sun. It is also known that eating tomatoes can help normalize blood pressure and have a beautiful complexion.
  3. Carrot. Carrots contain a large amount of such a substance as beta-carotene, which makes it possible to accelerate the regenerative processes of skin cells and get a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for the health and beauty of the skin.
  4. Lentils. This food contains a lot of zinc. Care products with zinc (such as Dandrop and Sunkroma) have long been used in cosmetology to combat acne, dandruff, oily skin and as a sunscreen. Zinc helps improve skin color and reduce sebum production.
  5. Oatmeal. It has a lot of iron, magnesium and calcium. Eating oatmeal in the morning as breakfast is a good habit that will help you have beautiful and healthy facial skin.
  6. Mint. Everyone has known for a long time that skin problems are the result of digestive problems. Herbal mint tea can solve certain digestive problems and, at the same time, help to calm down. As a result, your rash will disappear and your skin color will improve.
  7. Nettles. Tea brewed from nettle is an excellent remedy against inflammatory processes. Such tea improves the health of the skin of the face and helps in the fight against acne.
  8. Beetroot. This root vegetable is recommended by nutritionists for consumption all over the world. Beets contain many useful elements for the whole body, including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, etc. The combination of these trace elements has a positive effect on the skin.
  9. Red grapes. Scientists have found that it is able to slow down the aging process of cells. This opinion is confirmed by numerous studies. Therefore, eat red grapes to make your skin look smooth and young.
  10. Artichoke. Eating it regularly ensures attractiveness and freshness of the skin. The antioxidants present in it are used in the development and production of various cosmetic products for skin care.

So, eat healthy foods, be active in everyday life, be positive and smile and you will always be beautiful!

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How to restore the body after a vacation at sea? Mon, 08 Aug 2022 04:16:04 +0000 When the vacation at the sea is already in the past, the tan is replaced by the usual pallor of a city dweller, the beauty of eyebrows, eyelashes and hair has disappeared under the influence …

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When the vacation at the sea is already in the past, the tan is replaced by the usual pallor of a city dweller, the beauty of eyebrows, eyelashes and hair has disappeared under the influence of sea water, gastrointestinal disorders have appeared, the question arises: how to restore the body after the summer vacation?

In the summer, promotions and discounts in beauty salons are not rare, they are designed to restore the beauty of the face and hair after the summer vacation. But first it is necessary to nourish the body from the inside. Various vitamin complexes, omega-3 acids are perfect for this, they are designed for people who care about the health of their hair, skin and nails. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such vitamins will have a positive effect on the whole body.


Cosmetologists advise to apply special sunscreen sprays, shampoos and balms to your hair during sea vacations. If you neglect this advice, it is better to trim the dry ends of your hair after your vacation. An interesting novelty in hairdressing is a haircut with hot scissors. Such a procedure will allow you to forget about split ends for a long time.

In addition to haircuts, it is advisable to regularly use nourishing and moisturizing hair masks. In the first month after vacation, it is not recommended to dye your hair, highlight or perm. In addition, you should limit the use of hair dryers and styling products.


After a long stay in the sun, the skin of the face becomes dry, wrinkles appear around the eyes. It is necessary to use moisturizing agents, thermal water and cooling gels for the skin around the eyes. A gel mask for the contour of the eyes can also have a beneficial effect on the eyelids.

To get rid of freckles or age spots, you need to use special creams (such as Eukroma) or home remedies – cucumber or chamomile. Then you can go through the whitening procedure in beauty salons.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

After vacation, you should contact the salon about their correction and coloring. 3 weeks after the vacation, do not use an eyebrow pencil, and apply a smaller amount of mascara on the eyelashes.


After the vacation, it is best to nourish the nails with special oils, for example, castor oil or olive, and baths with special products.

Gastrointestinal tract

In addition to appearance, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract can worsen during vacation at sea. People often abuse junk food, alcohol and sweets. This negatively affects the state of the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and microbiota. As a result, bloating, belching, heartburn, abdominal pain appear, and the ulcer worsens. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, visit a doctor after your vacation, take medications (such as Lanzol) that will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and eat healthy foods.

All these actions will help you recover after an active vacation at sea and be energetic while waiting for your next vacation.

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6 possible causes of exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis in winter Mon, 06 Dec 2021 08:12:53 +0000 Lack of sunlight. This factor primarily contributes to changes in the amount of vitamin D, because it is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Recent studies have linked this type of …

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  • Lack of sunlight.

  • This factor primarily contributes to changes in the amount of vitamin D, because it is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Recent studies have linked this type of vitamin deficiency to many diseases, including exacerbation of skin diseases, arthritis, and neurosis. It plays a significant role in the development of epidermal lesions. Lack of sunlight provokes vitamin D deficiency, exacerbation of psoriasis and other diseases.

    Do not use sunscreen in winter, otherwise you will not get vitamin D. It is synthesized by UVB rays. If you have a severe vitamin D deficiency, your doctor may recommend special supplements in the form of tablets or drops (for example, Alpha D3).

    1. Hypothermia.

    Exposure to low temperatures is a significant test for the skin. Cold damages the epidermis, leads to capillary spasm, promotes microcracks and irritation. Under such conditions, dermatological diseases develop much faster on the damaged areas.

    1. Dry air.

    In winter, the air is dry, so the skin becomes less elastic. As a result, the skin is easier to damage, because in this case, the natural protective layer almost disappears, and wounds and cracks become a place of infection. Often in these conditions even insignificant damages are inflamed. Dry air is dangerous, especially in rooms with central heating. In such rooms, humidity can be 20% (should be 50-70%). But the cold also dries the air, so the skin suffers from the cold outside.

    As the humidity decreases, cytokines appear in the skin, which “order” the cells to strengthen their defenses against dehydration. Dehydration can usually be prevented, but sometimes due to dysregulation, peeling and inflammation occur. To help the skin cope with dryness, it needs to be moisturized. It is best to do this in the evening after a shower (for example, using Desowen), when the skin contains a lot of moisture.

    1. Clothing.

    Natural materials such as wool and fur, as well as various synthetic fabrics are allergens and cause irritation in direct contact. Also, if a person dresses too warmly, he sweats, which contributes to skin damage. As a result, such damage can provoke an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis.

    1. General decrease in immunity.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases directly related to the body’s immune defenses. Immunity weakens with changing weather conditions and other factors. Decreased immunity can also provoke an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis.

    1. Other diseases.

    Sometimes skin problems are just the result of other ailments. For example, various rashes can occur with viral and bacterial infections. In particular, when the immune system is weakened, boils caused by Staphylococcus aureus appear on the skin. Peeling and inflammation can also occur with gastrointestinal problems. Small, poorly healing wounds may indicate uncompensated diabetes. All these diseases can also be one of the causes of exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis in winter.

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