Womens Archives - United Pharmacies Blog https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/cat/womens/ United Pharmacies Blog Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:09:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 False claims about healthy eating https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/false-claims-about-healthy-eating/ Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:09:55 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1565 In the modern world, the topic of healthy eating is one of the most popular. And for people who want to lose weight, the topic of harm and benefits of products is especially important. Let’s …

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In the modern world, the topic of healthy eating is one of the most popular. And for people who want to lose weight, the topic of harm and benefits of products is especially important. Let’s consider what common myths about healthy eating can prevent you from becoming healthier and more beautiful. And let’s start with the most popular.

Do not eat after 6 p.m.

Everyone who has lost weight at least once knows this recommendation. But is it necessary to follow it? The human body begins to feel stressed if it does not receive food for more than 4 hours during the day. In addition, it is psychologically difficult to be hungry before going to bed. Therefore, because of this, many people overeat later, often wake up, and sometimes eat at night. You must eat in the evening! Eat few fats and enough proteins.

Pineapple helps to lose weight

Pineapple is a very popular product among people who want to lose weight. Almost everyone has heard about its useful component – bromelain. The truth is that a few pieces of pineapple after dinner will not help you. The process of breaking down fats starts only after eating at least two kilograms of this fruit. But taking into account the calories received, the result will not be what you expect. So eat pineapple for pleasure, not for weight loss.

Soy products are slimmers

Soy and products containing it are becoming more and more popular among people who follow a healthy diet. Cheese, cottage cheese, milk, minced meat are made from soybeans. These products are successfully sold in modern supermarkets. In fact, only unprocessed soy has beneficial properties. And you need to consume it a little. Otherwise, excess weight is guaranteed for you, as well as problems with memory and digestive systems.

Green tea is the key to weight loss

Catechin is a special component of green tea, which, according to research, really helps to lose weight. But it begins to work only at a very high concentration. In other words, you need to drink liters of tea to lose weight. And this will have a very negative effect on the functioning of the heart, kidneys and nervous system. Green tea is a great alternative to plain water. Brew tea and drink half an hour before meals. This will help you not to overeat. You can also take supplements with green tea extract, such as Green Tea Extract and Femi Protect. These drugs will be useful for those who want to lose weight and for women who take birth control pills.

Weight loss drugs are dangerous

Indeed, most drugs, especially thanks to which a person loses weight very quickly, are dangerous. They can cause dehydration, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nervous system problems, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. However, there are safe slimmers, for example, Orligal. It works by preventing the absorption of dietary fat into the body. Orlistat is not an appetite suppressant. Orlistat works best when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

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How to avoid vitamin deficiency https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-avoid-vitamin-deficiency/ Fri, 23 Dec 2022 05:15:27 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1469 We have known about the importance of vitamins since childhood. However, in the modern world, every third adult suffers from vitamin deficiency to one degree or another. As a rule, people do not know that …

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We have known about the importance of vitamins since childhood. However, in the modern world, every third adult suffers from vitamin deficiency to one degree or another. As a rule, people do not know that they have vitamin deficiency, but such symptoms as fatigue, poor memory, insomnia, drowsiness, hair loss are very common. If you notice any of the above, start eating healthy.

There are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The first are found in products of animal origin: fish, meat, eggs, liver, milk and dairy products, as well as in vegetable oils and nuts. These are such vitamins as A, D, E. Water-soluble vitamins are found in vegetables, fruits, greens and cereals. This is vitamin C, as well as vitamins K, PP, group B and others. Of course, some fat-soluble vitamins can be found in other foods, and there are some water-soluble vitamins in meat and milk, but this is the general classification.

During cooking and long-term storage of food, vitamins are quickly destroyed. For example, when potatoes are boiled in water, vitamin C is almost completely lost. Therefore, the longer you store products, the less vitamins they contain. Now it becomes clear why store semi-finished products, even specially enriched with vitamins, cannot really be considered normal food. Buy fresh food and cook immediately. If possible, it is better to buy meat and liver chilled, which have not been previously frozen. Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw as much as possible, giving preference to salads rather than vegetable casseroles.

In the summer season, fresh fruit and vegetable juices will be an excellent source of vitamins. Do not be lazy, drink them every morning and offer them to children, and after a very short time you will notice an improvement in well-being, cheerfulness and energy.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to “stock up” with vitamins, the body needs them every day. What to do if there is no opportunity to buy quality fresh fruit all long winter and spring? Then, of course, buy seasonal fruits. You can also buy honey, various frozen vegetables, fruits and berries. High-quality vitamin complexes (for example, Femi Protect for women and Menevit for men) can also help. Before buying vitamins for children, it is necessary to consult with your family doctor, because there are nuances due to which some vitamins cannot be taken. The doctor will advise which vitamins are best for your child and how much to take to maintain health. Most of them should be taken during or immediately after a meal, since our body is used to absorbing vitamins from food, and taken on an empty stomach, they will be excreted from the body.

Vitamins are needed by the body for the normal functioning of almost all organs and systems: eyes, immune system, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, heart, brain, skin, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, etc. It is better to prevent than to treat a disease that requires long and expensive treatment.

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How to normalize the weight after childbirth https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-normalize-the-weight-after-childbirth/ Fri, 23 Dec 2022 05:01:15 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1464 There are very few women in the world who are satisfied with their weight after giving birth. Some women are concerned about significant weight gain, others suffer from excessive weight loss. How to normalize weight …

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There are very few women in the world who are satisfied with their weight after giving birth. Some women are concerned about significant weight gain, others suffer from excessive weight loss. How to normalize weight and get in good shape again?

Normalization of weight

Most women gain weight during pregnancy. Not everyone loses weight quickly after giving birth. This is especially true for women who had difficult childbirths. In addition, weight may increase during breastfeeding. The problem is complicated by the fact that strict diets are inappropriate during lactation.

Such diets not only weaken the body of a nursing woman, but also deprive the child of useful nutrients.

A healthy diet is the best solution to the problem. Eat small portions at least 5-6 times a day. Food will be absorbed completely, and at the same time you will not overeat, as you will not feel very hungry.

Be sure to have breakfast. Eat porridge for breakfast, as cereals promote good digestion, contain fiber, many vitamins and minerals. If you feel hungry between meals, eat dried fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Prefer lean meat, steamed or boiled. Eat less sweet, flour and fatty foods.

Drink more water. Water is necessary both for the mother’s body and for the production of milk, since the water content in human breast milk is 87%. In addition to water, you can drink natural juices, compotes and non-carbonated mineral water. It is important not to drink sugary drinks, because this will give you extra calories, which will lead to weight gain.

Normalization of metabolism

A good metabolism is of great importance both for a beautiful figure and for health. It is affected by the amount of water consumed and the duration of sleep. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to rest. If it was not possible to sleep at night, try to sleep with the child during the day. Physical activity is also important. Try to walk with the baby outdoors as much as possible. It’s time to take care of yourself and have a beautiful figure.

Taking slimmers

If you are not breastfeeding, losing weight will be even easier. You can buy drugs designed for weight loss. In this case, you can take such drugs as Orligal or Cetislim. These drugs are safe slimmers used in combination with a low calorie diet. They work by blocking a substantial amount of fat from being digested and absorbed into the body. Orligal and Cetislim are classified as lipase inhibitors and affect only the digestive system where they block the action of a lipolytic enzyme called lipase. These lipases are what the body uses to digest fat.

However, when Orligal and Cetislim are administered alongside a meal, they bind to the lipases, thereby inhibiting them from breaking down the fat. Fats which are not hydrolyzed are instead excreted in the feces, resulting in increased fecal fat excretion and reduced fat absorption. When drugs are used together with a reduced calorie diet, they can help improve weight loss and make it easier for overweight patients to get back in shape, thereby boosting the chances of successful weight loss.

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How to maintain beauty and health for many years https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-maintain-beauty-and-health-for-many-years/ Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:34:49 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1460 When we wake up in the morning, we often feel sleepy and tired. Sometimes a person has no energy during the whole day. Of course, you can find a lot of reasons why this happens. …

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When we wake up in the morning, we often feel sleepy and tired. Sometimes a person has no energy during the whole day. Of course, you can find a lot of reasons why this happens.

But actually the answer is very simple. Very often, people don’t have enough time to pay attention to their health and exercise in the morning, or the exercises they try to do at home increase their back pain, and they don’t have the money to go to the gym. But it is a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, stress and untimely visits to the doctor that worsen our health and make us less attractive. Let’s consider several reasons that prevent us from maintaining beauty and health.

The first, and most people think that this is the most important reason, is the lack of time. For example, many people do not want to warm up in the morning. And in vain, because it takes little time and has a significant positive effect on health. You should not do it for an hour or more, start doing it for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercises. The most important thing is not to set such goals that you will not be able to achieve later, this will lead to disappointment and ultimately to the unwillingness to do exercises. In addition, motivation is necessary to do something regularly. For example, what is the benefit of morning warm-up for a person? Firstly, it helps to wake up, be cheerful, concentrated and energetic. In addition, if a person does warm-up every day, the pain in the back that appears as a result of a sedentary lifestyle is reduced.

The second reason is that we are distracted at home. To avoid such a problem, try to charge at a convenient time. But the best thing is to accustom your relatives or roommates to a healthy lifestyle and allot time together for morning exercise. Choose for yourself a set of physical exercises that will help you maintain the beauty of your body and health. When we find the strength and time to deal with such issues, we become healthier, more beautiful and more attractive.

In addition to physical activity, healthy nutrition is important for a person’s beauty and health. Like morning exercises, it will help us to be a concentrated, productive, energetic and able-bodied person all day long. Knowing the rules of healthy eating, each of us can independently choose the right products for ourselves and make a menu taking into account financial possibilities.

Eat a variety of foods. Meals should consist of various food products: fruits, berries, mushrooms, vegetables, legumes and cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, oils and greens. Try to eat regularly, but in small portions, three or four times a day. Try to limit salt. Also, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar and sweets. These food products accelerate the aging of the skin, negatively affect the endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Eat raw fruits and vegetables instead. They normalize the level of glucose, blood pressure, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you get heartburn after eating vegetables or fruits, you may have gastritis and need to take drugs such as Nexium or Lanzol.


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The most common makeup mistakes https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/the-most-common-makeup-mistakes/ Wed, 14 Dec 2022 03:14:25 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1454 With the help of makeup, you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes and face. But if you neglect some rules, you can nullify the effect of bright and delicate makeup. In addition, some makeup …

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With the help of makeup, you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes and face. But if you neglect some rules, you can nullify the effect of bright and delicate makeup. In addition, some makeup mistakes can cause certain skin and eye diseases. Let’s consider a list of some mistakes that women make when applying makeup.

  • Do not even out skin tone. The skin of the face is like a canvas, and it should be perfectly even. Do not neglect the use of concealer and foundation to cover dark circles, acne, post-acne or age spots. A make-up base will help to hide small wrinkles and enlarged pores.
  • Do not treat acne. Just covering acne does not solve the problem, because acne is a skin disease. Topical antibiotics and retinoids, such as Cleocin or A-Ret Gel, are used to get rid of acne. Cleocin belongs to a class of medicines called lincomycin antibiotics. It helps to inhibit and prevent the growth of the bacteria that cause acne, while also reducing inflammation. A-Ret Gel is also prescribed to treat acne. It is one of a family of drugs called Retinoids. This drug prevents pimples and heals existing pimples. It can also be used to reduce facial lines and sun spots.
  • Apply too much foundation and choose the wrong shade. Often, wanting to cover dark circles around the eyes or acne, women apply too much foundation instead of using concealer locally. Because of this, the skin ages faster and rashes appear.
  • Neglecting the use of blush. Tonal cream, evening out the tone, can make the face pale. Blush will highlight the cheekbones, and peach-pink tones will refresh the complexion and give you a healthy look.
  • Do not blend your makeup. All the products you apply – foundation, powder, eye shadow, blush – should be well blended and have no clear boundaries. Without blending, all makeup products will look like untidy spots on the face.
  • Line the eyes with black eyeliner. This technique is good if you are the lucky owner of almond-shaped eyes, in other cases, such eyeliner will make your eyes smaller.
  • Make too bright make-up. Not all beauty trends are suitable for real life, in fact, many of them look strange, for example, black lipstick, bright pink blush are suitable for studio photo shoots, but not for work in the office.
  • Excess mascara. Some women who want to have long eyelashes apply too much mascara, and because of this, the eyelashes stick together, the mascara smudges, and the eyes look tired. Use an eyelash primer and apply mascara in two layers, no more.
  • Using blush of unnatural shades. Remember the main function of blush is to give a natural blush to your face, and natural blush cannot be brown or plum colored.
  • Trying to change the shape of the lips with lip liner and lipstick. In 99 percent of cases, it will look ugly. Above the upper lip, be sure to apply lip liner as close as possible to the natural contour.
  • Applying blush under the cheekbones. Blush should be applied to the “apples” of the cheeks. To contour the face, use bronzer or powder of a darker shade.


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How to keep your hair healthy https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/how-to-keep-your-hair-healthy/ Mon, 07 Nov 2022 12:03:43 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1429 Many people dream of having beautiful and healthy hair. However, not everyone knows what to do to make his hair look like that. This article will help you to learn the basic rules, thanks to …

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Many people dream of having beautiful and healthy hair. However, not everyone knows what to do to make his hair look like that. This article will help you to learn the basic rules, thanks to which you can make your hair very beautiful.

The first rule is that any hair must be cared for correctly and according to its type. It is necessary to apply conditioner to the hair every time after washing. After each wash, you need to use a conditioner in the form of a spray that does not need to be washed off. Also, you need to apply a mask every week; this will give your hair additional nutrition.

The second rule is to rinse your hair with cold or barely warm water. Hot water is harmful to hair. Hair must be washed thoroughly; there should be no shampoo residue on it.

The third rule is to regularly apply hair masks. It is necessary to apply a moisturizing mask to the hair every week. The mask is applied with a comb along the entire length of the hair, and then the hair is washed after 5 minutes.

The fourth rule – in order for the hair to be healthy, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet, consume a variety of food rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. This will give the hair the nutrition it needs. The health of hair, skin and the whole body in general deteriorates significantly if a person follows strict diets.

The fifth rule – remember that wet hair is more vulnerable, it is very easy to damage it. Never brush wet hair. Before you start styling, you should separate and straighten your hair with your fingers or a fine-toothed comb.

The sixth rule – it is necessary to do a haircut regularly. Hair should be cut every two months. There is no need to make a short haircut, it is enough to shorten the hair by a few millimeters. When choosing a master, pay attention to where he studied, what awards he has.

The seventh rule – use sunscreen. Everyone knows that ultraviolet rays harm hair; it adversely affects their condition and structure. Hair can become dry and brittle. In the summer, you should use appropriate sunscreens and wear hats. One such product is a conditioner that is applied after washing the hair and does not require rinsing.

The eighth rule – indoor tanning is as harmful as tanning under the sun. After visiting a solarium, hair can become dry and dull, and more brittle.

The ninth rule – choose a hair brush according to your needs. In order to add volume to the hair, you should use a round brush. However, a massage brush improves blood circulation and makes it easier to comb hair.

The tenth rule is one of the most important. You should not only buy a brush, but also learn how to use it correctly. You need to comb your hair thoroughly. If it is very tangled, then first you need to comb the ends. Hair conditioners significantly simplify this task.

The eleventh rule – if you have dandruff, treat it. In addition to reducing your attractiveness, dandruff is a medical problem. Therefore, if you notice itching, scaling and flaking associated with dandruff, use special shampoos and solutions that will help get rid of this problem, such as Sebizole or Arcolane.

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Myths about Bodyflex https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/myths-about-bodyflex/ Mon, 07 Nov 2022 11:58:32 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1426 Anyone who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life knows how difficult it is to achieve this. Sometimes people exhaust themselves too much with exercises, wanting to become slimmer and have …

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Anyone who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life knows how difficult it is to achieve this. Sometimes people exhaust themselves too much with exercises, wanting to become slimmer and have the figure of their dreams. However, physical activity is really necessary for health. Bodyflex exercises, which help to lose weight without much effort, have become very famous. Because of this, many myths about these exercises have arisen. Let’s try to decide whether this is a really useful physical activity or actions that are harmful to health.

Anyone who has practiced bodyflex knows that the basis of these exercises is deep aerobic breathing, which helps saturate the body with oxygen and burn subcutaneous fat. In addition, stretching helps to lose weight faster. At first glance, it looks static and raises doubts – will such passive exercises help you lose weight? Therefore, some people believe that it is impossible to lose weight thanks to bodyflex. This is the first myth. With the correct breathing and stretching technique, you will definitely lose weight after a certain time. First of all, it will be noticeable on the face and stomach – it is the muscles of these parts of the body that are most involved in performing exercises.

Some people consider bodyflex dangerous, because in their opinion it can provoke an increase in blood pressure or a heart attack. This is not quite so. If this opinion is adhered to, then it can be considered that any physical activity is potentially dangerous for the body. Of course, if a person has problems with the heart or blood vessels, and he has never been involved in sports, as a result of intensive inhalations and breathing delays, he will feel dizzy and the pressure will rise. But such a person will feel the same during jogging or other cardio exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health and start playing sports, doing light and moderate exercises.

The third myth is that you cannot do bodyflex and take weight loss supplements. This is fundamentally wrong, because these means for losing weight are not related to each other. Moreover, when taking some drugs for weight loss (for example, XL-S Medical or Orligal), physical activity is recommended.

There is also an opinion that because of bodyflex, the skin becomes flabby and the complexion becomes dull. This is the most ridiculous statement, because these exercises are aimed at stimulating blood circulation and increasing muscle tone. Moreover, bodyflex can be practiced even by those who have had injuries or undergone joint surgery.

The fifth myth about bodyflex – in order to lose weight, you need to do it for a very long time and at least an hour a day. In fact, if you regularly do bodyflex, then it will be enough to spend 20-30 minutes a day. You would spend the same amount of time on a morning run or regular exercise, but doing bodyflex you will get much more benefits.

Even breastfeeding women can do bodyflex. You can not do these exercises after cesarean section, pregnant women and people with low vision.


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Health care during pregnancy https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/health-care-during-pregnancy/ Tue, 04 Oct 2022 04:16:28 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1411 Health care is important for everyone, but it should be a priority for pregnant women, because the proper development of the child depends on the mother’s health. So how should you take care of your …

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Health care is important for everyone, but it should be a priority for pregnant women, because the proper development of the child depends on the mother’s health. So how should you take care of your health during pregnancy?

Getting enough sleep is a very important factor. Pregnant women should sleep at least seven to eight hours, and if there are problems with sleeping at night, allow yourself a little nap after dinner.

In order for the body to effectively resist bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, consume enough of the necessary micro- and macroelements that strengthen the immune system. Therefore, take special supplements for pregnant women containing zinc, vitamins PP, C, E, D3, B vitamins (folic acid is especially important), and carotene. One of these drugs is Elevit. Elevit is designed specifically to meet this need, helping you to produce an all-round healthier baby.

If a pregnant woman has an iron deficiency, it is necessary to take supplements containing it, for example, Chela-Ferr Forte (contains Iron Bis-Glycinate, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, B6, B12). Iron is an essential mineral that is contained in red blood cells. It is also found in the myoglobin (a type of protein) that occurs in the muscle tissue. Low levels of iron are considered to be one of the most common nutritional disorders, affecting a substantial amount of people. The most noticeable symptom is exhaustion, however it can also have a negative effect on the immune system and the functioning of the brain. This occurs due to a lack of hemoglobin (a substance that carries oxygen throughout the body). Chela-Ferr Forte is used to boost iron and vitamin levels. Also, a normal level of folic acid is very important during pregnancy. It participates in the metabolism of purine and pyrimidine bases and ensures the formation of erythrocytes in the bone marrow of the fetus. Deficiency of this substance in a woman’s body can cause serious congenital defects of the neural tube, such as malformations of the nervous system and spina bifida. Folic acid is also contained in this supplement. Other vitamins are also included to maximize the benefits of the supplement.

Pregnant women should pay close attention to the food they eat. Food should be regular, rich in vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products, lean meat and grain products. It is also necessary to remove from the diet coffee and strong tea, sweets and processed products that contain a large amount of preservatives.

An important element of health during pregnancy is proper intimate hygiene. Due to hormonal changes, the pH of the vagina changes, which contributes to the development of infections, which, in turn, negatively affect the development of the fetus. To avoid this, use appropriate hygiene products that contain lactic acid and have a pH of 5.5, and wear the right underwear, preferably made of cotton.

In addition, regular moderate physical activity is recommended, which has a positive effect on both the expectant mother and the child.

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Top 8 health rules that are not easy to follow https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/top-8-health-rules-that-are-not-easy-to-follow/ Tue, 04 Oct 2022 04:10:18 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1408 The World Medical Association highlights eight tips that can help you improve your health very quickly. The only problem is that these tips are not very easy to follow. But if you make your health …

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The World Medical Association highlights eight tips that can help you improve your health very quickly. The only problem is that these tips are not very easy to follow. But if you make your health a priority, realize its importance, you will be able to follow these rules constantly.

  1. Lose the weight if it is excessive.

It is most difficult to follow this rule during the first 4-6 weeks. But remember that excess weight negatively affects the whole body – the health of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and endocrine systems deteriorates. We wrote more about this here. In order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy food and be active. Also, to speed up this process and not lose motivation, take Orligal (Orlistat). It is a weight loss drug used to help people lose weight and prevent weight gain.

  1. Communicate more often with family and friends.

Experts say that the lack of friendly contacts can worsen your health much more than smoking, alcohol or overeating.

  1. Quit smoking.

Smoking can cause hypertension, chronic bronchitis, erectile dysfunction and other ailments, so it is imperative to get rid of this bad habit. Bupron SR will help you with this. It is used as a smoking cessation aid. However, it does not contain nicotine, and is a different form of treatment than nicotine replacement therapy. The primary ingredient in this medication is believed to work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help reduce the craving for cigarettes, and this may make it easier for people to quit smoking.

  1. Use funds sparingly.

This recommendation will help you save both your money and your health. For example, instead of buying gym memberships and bus/metro tickets, you can walk or bike to work and thus save money and improve your well-being.

  1. Reduce stress in your life.

It’s easy to say, but hard to do. However, do not stay at work after the end of the working day, go for walks more often, make your diet more varied, visit massage sessions several times a week, meet with friends more often.

  1. Help others.

By helping other people, you will not only do something good for someone else, but also improve your own well-being.

  1. Learn something new.

Choose exactly what you like, for example, you can learn to sew, embroider, draw, dance, sing, meditate or even master a new profession. It’s never too late to learn something new.

  1. Do not drink alcohol.

Alcohol harms not only the liver, but also many other organs – the nervous system, genitourinary system, etc. If you have an alcohol addiction, consult your doctor and take Acamprol. It is used to help reduce alcohol dependence in alcoholic patients who have decided to quit their addiction. Alcoholism can affect the chemicals in your brain by unbalancing them, and this drug does its job by restoring these chemicals to their former state. It is usually used in combination with counseling or behavioral modification techniques so the patient has the support needed to maximize the benefits of this medication.

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Why vitamins are so important for humans https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/why-vitamins-are-so-important-for-humans/ Thu, 11 Aug 2022 01:32:07 +0000 https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/blog/?p=1387 Vitamins are an important component of vegetables and fruits. The science that studies these substances is quite new: the first studies were conducted at the end of the century before last, and it developed rapidly …

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Vitamins are an important component of vegetables and fruits. The science that studies these substances is quite new: the first studies were conducted at the end of the century before last, and it developed rapidly in the middle of the last century.

The founder of the science of vitamins was the doctor and naturalist M. Lunin, who in 1880-1881 conducted detailed experiments on two groups of mice. He fed the first group of mice with milk, and the second with an artificial mixture containing salts, carbohydrates, fats and proteins and water in the same ratio as in natural milk. The second group of mice died soon after. On the basis of these experiments, the scientist concluded that there is another substance in the food, unknown at the time, but irreplaceable and necessary for the maintenance of life.

Further development of the science of vitamins is associated with studies of the health effects of different types of rice, a staple food in Southeast Asia. It has been proven many times that eating only polished rice is dangerous for people, animals and birds. This confirmed the conclusions of M. Lunin. And finally, in 1911, the Polish doctor and chemist K. Funk isolated from the bran of the same rice a substance that was used to treat paralysis of birds that were fed with polished rice. In the composition of the isolated substance, the scientist found an amino group through chemical analysis. K. Funk called the new substance a vitamin. Thus, it was proved: unpolished (brown) rice is more useful than white (polished) rice. Bread made from rye and coarsely ground wheat flour (containing bran) is also useful and nutritious.

Subsequent studies have established that vitamins are chemical substances that, even in small concentrations, have a high physiological activity in the body of some groups of animals. They promote the normal course of biological processes in the living organism. In their biological action, vitamins are similar to enzymes. But enzymes are formed in the cells and tissues of the body, and vitamins enter the body mainly with food.

Initially, vitamins originate in plants: vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. Humans and animals get vitamins directly from plant foods or from animal products. Entering the body through the walls of the stomach and intestines, vitamins form numerous compounds that, as a rule, combine with specific proteins and form various enzymes that participate in metabolism. Many vitamins are involved in the process of breaking down food and releasing energy from it. They are also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, fatty acids and other important compounds; in the metabolism of proteins, fats, etc. At the same time, both the complete composition of all necessary vitamins in general and the amount of each used vitamin in particular are important for the body.

Deficiency of certain vitamins leads to a number of pathologies – anemia, neurological disorders, vision disorders, impaired immunity, fragility of blood vessels, hair loss, etc. Therefore, with a lack of vitamins, it is necessary to increase their level in the body. So, for example, with a deficiency of vitamin C, you should take Redoxon, and with a deficiency of vitamin B9, you should take Apo-folic.

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