Baby cosmetics: what to choose for a newborn

“Baby skin” is not so much a compliment. It is smooth and gentle to the touch, but at the same time very delicate and sensitive, and any friction causes irritation and itching. In addition, because of the poor performance of the sebaceous glands, the baby’s skin is dry and very vulnerable. But it’s not so scary. Choosing quality cosmetics for delicate cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the sensitive skin of your baby, you can protect it from any troubles.

Baby soap

Hard soap, even labeled “baby” on the packaging, is better not to use for bathing newborns. It contains alkali, which aggressively affects the baby’s skin and can cause dryness and irritation. It is best to choose liquid soap, cream soap or foam soap.

Proper baby soap should contain ceramides that protect the skin from moisture loss, making it resistant to adverse environmental factors. Washable components help to moisturize the skin. Use products with convenient dispensers: this will make it easy to foam the soap with one hand so that the other can hold the baby in the bath.

Foams and bath gels

Special means for children gently cleanse the skin, do not over-dry it and maintain water-fat balance. Check the composition for the presence of natural components, neutral pH and the absence of preservatives, colorants, and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction. A profitable purchase will be “2 in 1” tools, which can be used as a shampoo and as a body gel.

Tray with lots of aromatic foam can entertain and please your baby. Make sure that all foam components have a natural composition and are edible when you organizing spa entertainments.

But children with dry skin prone to atopy, it is best to take a bath with natural vegetable oils of chamomile or celandine. They carefully cleanse the skin, nourish and soothe it, leaving a protective film on the surface.

And keep in mind that whatever you choose, dermatologists recommend using the bath no more than once or twice a week.


Baby hair is thinner and weaker than an adult’s hair, and the upper epithelial layer of the scalp is still very delicate, vulnerable and easily irritable. Therefore, the use of special baby shampoos is recommended by dermatologists not more than twice a week and only after the baby is two weeks old.

Baby shampoos do not dry the skin and do not stay on the hair, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, have a neutral pH level. A good shampoo with organic oils cleanses the scalp perfectly and also maintains its natural water-lipid balance.

Baby cream

Protecting, preventing irritation, eliminating inflammation, moisturizing, nourishing are the main tasks that a baby cream should perform. One cream cannot cope with all of the above, so baby creams in the mother’s arsenal should be at least two – moisturizing and drying.

Moisturizing cream can be used repeatedly during the day, and then the baby’s skin will be soft and smooth.

Drying cream with chamomile extract, zinc oxide, and panthenol should be applied under the diaper and in places of redness and irritation.

Baby creams also have additional properties: anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, healing, nourishing, protective (creams from weathering and ultraviolet radiation).

It is difficult to predict in advance what kind of problems may arise. Therefore, buy a universal cream with vitamins, essential oils, and extracts of medicinal plants.

Baby oil

Baby oil is a versatile tool that can be useful in several situations at once. It can be applied to the baby’s skin after bathing or while changing the diaper, to massage or clean the baby’s nose and ears.