Carefully, diarrhea! First aid in case of diarrhea

In a day, you can do a lot of nasty actions (such as touch dirty surfaces and do not wash hands after that, forgot to wash an apple, ate chops, which stood without a refrigerator for two days) that can ultimately settle for a few hours in the closet. Or we can call it on a medical language – lead to diarrhea. Frequent liquid feces appear as a result of inappropriate intestinal motility. The non-assimilated water comes out along with the fecal masses.

Beware of diarrhea!

The first thing to remember is that diarrhea is a symptom that can be caused not only by a food intolerance but also by serious illness. If diarrhea attacks have an unexpected nature, then this is most likely due to the following reasons:

  • Use of low-quality or unusual water composition (traveler’s syndrome)
  • Food intolerance (e.g. lactose)
  • A food allergy or taking medications that cause an allergic reaction
  • Stress and emotional disorders (“bearish disease”)
  • Viral, bacterial or parasitic infection of the intestine (for example, gastric flu)

The causes of chronic diarrhea with the normal general condition may be:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Cancer of the rectum

In this case, you must urgently contact the gastroenterologist.

If during diarrhea the temperature rises, nausea, and vomiting become painful, abdominal pain is more than 2 hours, and there is an admixture of blood in the stool, then do not waste time finding out the causes – urgently seek medical attention! Remember that diarrhea is not a reason for jokes, but a very serious problem.

In other cases, firstly you need to identify the cause of the syndrome. Usually, it is easily installed and depends on the nature of the fecal masses and the clarification of the circumstances of your life that can cause diarrhea. If you are sure that your condition is the result of, for example, yesterday’s eaten overdue sour cream, then usually diarrhea in such cases lasts a couple of days, but you need to be able to provide first aid.

If diarrhea is not accompanied by other symptoms, then it will be enough to stick to the diet. Exclude foods that increase intestinal peristalsis: fruits and vegetables, herbs, carbonated beverages, and coffee. Faster to handle the unpleasant problem help the dried bread, low-fat meat, and fish, rice, soup, baked apples, fresh cheese, strong tea.

But if you experience other unpleasant symptoms in a company with diarrhea, then it is a sign of the onset of intoxication caused by the infection that has fallen inside. Microorganisms that got along with food began to multiply, secreting toxins (poison). The body tries to get rid of them and allocates a large amount of water in the intestine, trying to “wash” them. And then you need to help him do it as soon as possible. For example, taking absorbent drugs will help take away.

With “bearish disease” (when diarrhea begins due to nervous upheaval) is more appropriate to take sedatives.

Drugs, such as Imodium, have an anti-peristaltic property and can help if a fast, “fixative” effect is needed.

Antimicrobials are prescribing by a physician.